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Structure and randomness in the prime numbers « What's new - 0 views

  • 2 July, 2008 at 6:28 pm Terence Tao It unfortunately seems that the decomposition claimed in equation (6.9) on page 20 of that paper is, in fact, impossible; it would endow the function h (which is holding the arithmetical information about the primes) with an extremely strong dilation symmetry which it does not actually obey. It seems that the author was relying on this symmetry to make the adelic Fourier transform far more powerful than it really ought to be for this problem.
  • 3 July, 2008 at 3:41 am Gergely Harcos I also have some (perhaps milder) troubles with the proof. It seems to me as if Li had treated the Dirac delta on L^2(A) as a function. For example, the first 5 lines of page 28 make little sense to me. Am I missing something here?
  • 4 July, 2008 at 5:15 am Lior Silberman The function defined on page 20 does have a strong dilation symmetry: it is invariant by multiplication by ideles of norm one (since it is merely a function of the norm of ). In particular, it is invariant under multiplication by elements of . I’m probably missing something here. Probably the subtlety is in passing from integration over the nice space of idele classes to the singular space . The topologies on the spaces of adeles and ideles are quite different. There is a formal error in Theorem 3.1 which doesn’t affect the paper: the distribution discussed is not unique. A distribution supported at a point is a sum of derivatives of the delta distribution. Clearly there exist many such with a given special value of the Fourier transform. There is also something odd about this paper: nowhere is it pointed out what is the new contribution of the paper. Specifically, what is the new insight about number theory?
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  • 4 July, 2008 at 6:09 am Emmanuel Kowalski A remark concerning Lior’s remark: the function h(u) in the current (v4) version of the paper is _not_ the same as the one that was defined when T. Tao pointed out a problem with it. This earlier one (still visible on arXiv, v1) was defined in different ways depending on whether the idele had at most one or more than one non-unit component, and was therefore not invariant under multiplication by . (It is another problem with looking at such a paper if corrections as drastic as that are made without any indication of when and why).
  • 4 July, 2008 at 8:15 am Terence Tao Dear Lior, Emmanuel is correct. The old definition of h was in fact problematic for a large number of reasons (the author was routinely integrating h on the idele class group C, which is only well-defined if h was -invariant). Changing the definition does indeed fix the problem I pointed out (and a number of other issues too). But Connes has pointed out a much more serious issue, in the proof of the trace formula in Theorem 7.3 (which is the heart of the matter, and is what should be focused on in any future revision): the author is trying to use adelic integration to control a function (namely, h) supported on the ideles, which cannot work as the ideles have measure zero in the adeles. (The first concrete error here arises in the equation after (7.13): the author has made a change of variables on the idele class group C that only makes sense when u is an idele, but u is being integrated over the adeles instead. All subsequent manipulations involving the adelic Fourier transform Hh of h are also highly suspect, since h is zero almost everywhere on the adeles.)
  • More generally, there is a philosophical objection as to why a purely multiplicative adelic approach such as this one cannot work. The argument only uses the multiplicative structure of , but not the additive structure of k. (For instance, the fact that k is a cocompact discrete additive subgroup of A is not used.) Because of this, the arguments would still hold if we simply deleted a finite number of finite places v from the adeles (and from ). If the arguments worked, this would mean that the Weil-Bombieri positivity criterion (Theorem 3.2 in the paper) would continue to hold even after deleting an arbitrary number of places. But I am pretty sure one can cook up a function g which (assuming RH) fails this massively stronger positivity property (basically, one needs to take g to be a well chosen slowly varying function with broad support, so that the Mellin transforms at Riemann zeroes, as well as the pole at 1 and the place at infinity, are negligible but which gives a bad contribution to a single large prime (and many good contributions to other primes which we delete).)
  • Emmanuel Kowalski That’s an interesting point indeed, if one considers that the RH doesn’t work over function fields once we take out a point of a (smooth projective) curve — there arise zeros of the zeta function which are not on the critical line.
  • 6 July, 2008 at 5:28 pm Chip Neville Terence, I have a question about your comment: “Because of this, the arguments would still hold if we simply deleted a finite number of finite places v from the adeles (and from k^*). … (basically, one needs to take g to be a well chosen slowly varying function with broad support, so that the Mellin transforms at Riemann zeroes, as well as the pole at 1 and the place at infinity, are negligible but which gives a bad contribution to a single large prime (and many good contributions to other primes which we delete).)” Does this mean that you would be considering the “reduced” (for lack of a better name) zeta function \prod 1/(1-1/p^{-s}), where the product is taken over the set of primes not in a finite subset S? If so, this “reduced” zeta function has the same zeroes as the standard Riemann zeta function, since the finite product \prod_S 1/(1-1/p^{-s}) is an entire function with no zeroes in the complex plane. Thus the classical situation in the complex plane seems to be very different in this regard from the situation with function fields over smooth projective curves alluded to by Emmanuel above. Does anyone have an example of an infinite set S and corresponding reduced zeta function with zeroes in the half plane Re z > 1/2? A set S of primes p so that \sum_S 1/p^{1/2} converges will not do, since \prod_S 1/(1-1/p^{-s}) is holomorphic in the half plane Re z > 1/2 with no zeroes there. Perhaps a set S of primes P thick enough so that \sum_S 1/p^{1/2} diverges, but thin enough so that \sum_S 1/p converges, might do. This seems to me to be a delicate and difficult matter. I hope these questions do not sound too foolish.
  • 6 July, 2008 at 7:44 pm Terence Tao Dear Chip, Actually, the product has a number of poles on the line , when s is a multiple of . Li’s approach to the RH was not to tackle it directly, but instead to establish the Weil-Bombieri positivity condition which is known to be equivalent to RH. However, the proof of that equivalence implicitly uses the functional equation for the zeta function (via the explicit formula). If one starts deleting places (i.e. primes) from the problem, the RH stays intact (at least on the half-plane ), but the positivity condition does not, because the functional equation has been distorted.
  • The functional equation, incidentally, is perhaps the one non-trivial way we do know how to exploit the additive structure of k inside the adeles, indeed I believe this equation can be obtained from the Poisson summation formula for the adeles relative to k. But it seems that the functional equation alone is not enough to yield the RH; some other way of exploiting additive structure is also needed, but I have no idea what it should be. [Revised, July 7:] Looking back at Li’s paper, I see now that Poisson summation was indeed used quite a few times, and in actually a rather essential way, so my previous philosophical objection does not actually apply here. My revised opinion is now that, beyond the issues with the trace formula that caused the paper to be withdrawn, there is another fundamental problem with the paper, which is that the author is in fact implicitly assuming the Riemann hypothesis in order to justify some facts about the operator E (which one can think of as a sort of Mellin transform multiplier with symbol equal to the zeta function, related to the operator on ). More precisely, on page 18, the author establishes that and asserts that this implies that , but this requires certain invertibility properties of E which fail if there is a zero off of the critical line. (A related problem is that the decomposition used immediately afterwards is not justified, because is merely dense in rather than equal to it.)
  • 7 July, 2008 at 9:59 am javier Dear Terence, I am not sure I understand your “philosophical” complain on using only the multiplicative structure and not the additive one. This is essentially the philosophy while working over the (so over-hyped lately) field with one element, which apparently comes into the game in the description of the Connes-Bost system on the latest Connes-Consani-Marcolli paper (Fun with F_un). From an algebraic point of view, you can often recover the additive structure of a ring from the multiplicative one provided that you fix the zero. There is an explanation of this fact (using the language of monads) in the (also famous lately) work by Nikolai Durov “A new approach to Arakelov geometry (Section 4.8, on additivity on algebraic monads). By the way, I wanted to tell you that I think you are doing an impressive work with this blog and that I really enjoy learning from it, even if this is the very first time I’ve got something sensible to say :-)
  • 7 July, 2008 at 11:01 am Terence Tao Dear Javier, I must confess I do not understand the field with one element much at all (beyond the formal device of setting q to 1 in any formula derived using and seeing what one gets), and don’t have anything intelligent to say on that topic. Regarding my philosophical objection, the point was that if one deleted some places from the adele ring A and the multiplicative group (e.g. if k was the rationals, one could delete the place 2 by replacing with the group of non-zero rationals with odd numerator and denominator) then one would still get a perfectly good “adele” ring in place of A, and a perfectly good multiplicative group in place of (which would be the invertible elements in the ring of rationals with odd denominator), but somehow the arithmetic aspects of the adeles have been distorted in the process (in particular, Poisson summation and the functional equation get affected). The Riemann hypothesis doesn’t seem to extend to this general setting, so that suggests that if one wants to use adeles to prove RH, one has to somehow exploit the fact that one has all places present, and not just a subset of such places. Now, Poisson summation does exploit this very fact, and so technically this means that my objection does not apply to Li’s paper, but I feel that Poisson summation is not sufficient by itself for this task (just as the functional equation is insufficient to resolve RH), and some further exploitation of additive (or field-theoretic) structure of k should be needed. I don’t have a precise formalisation of this feeling, though.
  • 7 July, 2008 at 1:22 pm Gergely Harcos Dear Terry, you are absolutely right that Poisson summation over k inside A is the (now) standard way to obtain the functional equation for Hecke L-functions. This proof is due to Tate (his thesis from 1950), you can also find it in Weil’s Basic Number Theory, Chapter 7, Section 5.
  • Babak Hi Terrance, A few months ago I stumbled upon an interesting differential equation while using probability heuristics to explore the distribution of primes. It’s probably nothing, but on the off-chance that it might mean something to a better trained mind, I decided to blog about it: -Babak
  • 15 July, 2008 at 7:57 am michele I think that the paper of Prof. Xian-Jin Li will be very useful for a future and definitive proof of the Riemann hypothesis. Furthermore, many mathematics contents of this paper can be applied for further progress in varios sectors of theoretical physics (p-adic and adelic strings, zeta strings).
arithwsun arithwsun

Hardy's uncertainty principle « What's new - 0 views

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Google 阅读器 - 0 views

  • Conference update, part II
    上午4:41(12 小时前) 我的网站被黑掉了-- 怎么办? 从 Google 黑板报 -- Google 中国的博客网志 作者:joydandan 转载自谷歌中文网站管理员博客 发表者:Nathan Johns,搜索质量组 原文:My site's been hacked - now what? 发表于: 2008年4月7日,星期一,11:37AM 许多网站管理员都有过这样的遭遇:尽管您绞尽脑汁防止此类事情发生,您的网站还是被黑掉了。一些防患于未然的措施包括确保您的网站及时更新最新的软件和补丁,在谷歌网站管理员工具里建立账号以便查看当前被收录的页面,密切注视您的日志文件,确保其中没有可疑的内容等等。(在我们去年发布的"网站安全快速检查清单"里您可以查看到更加详细的信息。) 请记住,您决不是唯一的受害者--网站被黑的情况变得越来越常见。网站被黑会导致您的站点感染有害软件(更具体地说就是恶意软件,这是有害软件的一种类型)。您可以阅读一下StopBadware最近发布的2007年有害软件趋势报告,这篇报告全面分析和总结了近几年来不良软件的发展趋势及其危害。您还可以看看这篇发表在谷歌在线安全博客上的文章,它指出,越来越多的搜索结果中包含着被标为对用户计算机有害的URL。如果您希望阅读有关基于Web的恶意软件的深度分析报告,请您通过下载阅读《浏览器里的幽灵》(pdf) 和这篇技术报告 (pdf) 。读完这些报告后,您会对这些问题的影响范围有更好的理解。这些报告还包括了一些不同类型恶意软件的真实案例。 在任何情况下,你应该采取的第一步措施都是联系您的主机托管供应商--如果您有的话。多数情况下他们都会为您解决很多技术上的麻烦。许多站长使用共享主机托管,但这样可能会使得下面我们提到的一些措施难以实施。在如
arithwsun arithwsun

What might an expository mathematical wiki be like? « Gowers's Weblog - 0 views

  • trick, that can be used in many mathematical situations. With such tricks, it is usually difficult, and in any case not desirable, to formalize them as lemmas: if you try to do so then almost certainly your formal lemma will not apply in all the situations where the trick does.
  • Of course, in many cases, the devil really is in the details, but nevertheless knowing the overall strategy of proof is extremely valuable when trying to read that proof.
  • Yong-Hui Says: November 3, 2008 at 5:57 pm | Reply I am in MSRI for the cofference discrete Rigity. Green will give the first lecture. I just happen to find a question for that tricki wiki: Whether is there a common-shared refference system for that tricki wiki? Similar to that of Mathscinet of ams math review It will be a basic instrument for a mathematical website.
arithwsun arithwsun

Tricki now fully live « Gowers's Weblog - 0 views

  • 4. Hence for “used in” tag and “proved by” tags, they may also be the tags of the type “Area of mathematics” “keywords” . Besides the view of Hierarchy (only for “Area of mathematics” as the folders view), and the view of “Tag clouds” (mostly for “keywords” and also for “Area of mathematics” ), there is a third view for “used in” tag and “proved by” tags, as “Road Map” view. For example, if we choose two tags, one as the “starting point” and another as the “ending point”, then the “Road Map” function will automatically give the graph structure to all related tags, give the road map from the “starting point” to the “ending point”. Of course, this task is tough for temporary, and might not be feasible. Since, we maynot determine very clearly the level of “use in”/”proved by” for every single page. For example, tag-1 is used in tag-2, and tag-2 is used in tag-3, so in tag-3 page, tag-1 might be included as the “used in” tag. If so, that might harm the structure of the automatically generating “Road Map”. But anyway, it is still possible to be solved if finer algorithm and finer page-management is considered.
  • 2. Hence, it is able to separate “Area of mathematics” “keywords” as two disjoint set. The advantage is that, we are then able to give the tags of “Area of mathematics” “keywords” as different font colors in the Tag list page and other related applications, which is friendly to our eyes and intuitions . 3. I still donot have a good understanding for the “used in” tags, what is relation of “used in” tags with “Area of mathematics” “keywords”? And beside “used in” tags, why donot apply “proved by” tags. Of course, in theory, you can deduce the “proved by” tags from “used in” tags from the information of the whole site. But for single pages, “proved by” tags are still different from the “used in” tags. I have said that, give different font colors to “Area of mathematics” tags and “keywords” tags. So is that possible give some picture-property to the “proved by” tags and “used in” tags? 3. Tricki still donot support “Tags Clouds”. This is another view of how to organize tags besides hierarchical structure. For example, in the tag list, give the “Area of mathematics” tags and “keywords” tags the subscripts and superscript. The subscripts shows the number how many other tags are “used in” this tag. And the superscripts shows the number how many other tags are “proved by” this tag. When the user click the subscript/superscript, then they are lead to that corresponding tag list.
  • Tricki is still new to me. I would like suggest that, in “Post new comment”, under “Subject”, it is better to add another blank as “Tags”, which already have the existed tags for this page, and the authors for comment can add new tags when they “Post new comment”. Tags seems to have three type in Tricki, as “Area of mathematics” “Keywords” “Used in” For that, I suggest, 1. “Area of mathematics” can only be added and edited by the super members, and a) is supported by a hierarchical structure (like multi-level recursive nested folders) . Now the sub-tags is just listed in alphabet sequence. b) when “keywords” concide with “Area of mathematics”, then it is automatically regarded as “Area of mathematics”。 c) For building the hierarchical structure of “Area of mathematics”, it will be convenient, if automatically take the large names as the sub-tags of small name. For example, take “Prime Number Theorem” as the sub-tag of “Prime numbers” automatically, and regard “Fourier inversion formula” as the sub-tag of “Fourier analysis’ automatically, if they are both the type of “Area of mathematics”. Of course, keywords can be contributed by any members.
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