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Mental Math - 0 views

    Easy mental math tricks that improve our mental math speed. Usually kids love to learn these tricks. It makes them more motivated to learn maths.
Martin Burrett

Gymnasium for Brain - 0 views

    A maths and thinking skills site with hundreds of word puzzles to ponder over. Perfect for lesson warm ups and improving mental maths.

Join John Mason Wednesday, February 22, 2pm ET at Math Future online - 2 views

    LOG IN February 22, 2012 at 2pm Eastern US time: During the event, John Mason will lead a conversation about multiplication as scaling, and answer questions about his books, projects and communities. All events in the Math Future weekly series: The recording will be at: Your time zone: Event challenge! What good multiplication tasks about scaling do you know? Share links and thoughts! John writes about elastic multiplication: "It is often said that 'multiplication is repeated addition' when what is meant is that 'repeated addition is an instance of multiplication'. I have been developing some tasks which present 'scaling as multiplication' based around familiarity with elastic bands. Participants would benefit from having an elastic (rubber) band to hand which they have cut so as to make a strip; wider is better than thinner if you have a choice." About John Mason John Mason has been teaching mathematics ever since he was asked to tutor a fellow student when he was fifteen. In college he was at first unofficial tutor, then later an official tutor for mathematics students in the years behind him, while tutoring school students as well. After a BSc at Trinity College, Toronto in Mathematics, and an MSc at Massey College, Toronto, he went to Madison Wisconsin where he encountered Polya's film 'Let Us Teach Guessing', and completed a PhD in Combinatorial Geometry. The film released a style of teaching he had experienced at high school from his mathematics teacher Geoff Steel, and his teaching changed overnight. His first appointment was at the Open University, which involved among other things the design and implementation of the first mathematics summer school (5000 students over 11 weeks on three sites in parallel). He called upon his experience of being taught, to institute active-problem-solving sessions, w

Abacus Maths - 0 views

    Providing abacus mental calculation classes in India.
Ustudy Hall

Learn 6th Grade Math Adding Numbers - Ustudyhall - 0 views

    Addition is the mathematical operation, symbolized by +, of calculating the sum of two numbers or quantities. Best method of addition is the left to right mental addition method. The idea is simplify, simplify and simplify the problem by breaking the lower digits and added it to the upper digits. This method can also be used for sums where you have to carry a number forward.

Unlock Your Potential: Advanced Brain Training Techniques - 0 views

    Unlock your potential with Brain Training. The ultimate solution for advanced cognitive enhancement. Designed by CogniFit, this innovative program utilizes cutting-edge techniques to sharpen your memory, improve focus, and boost overall brain performance. With personalized training programs tailored to your unique needs, you'll experience noticeable improvements in just a few weeks. Take control of your mental fitness and unleash your full cognitive potential with Brain Training.
Sawaal com

Learning maths will help to improve in aptitude and reasoning area. - 0 views

    Largest database of question and answers on Aptitude and Reasoning covering Non Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning Logical Deduction, Verbal Reasoning Mental Ability, Quantitative Aptitude Arithmetic Ability, Quantitative Aptitude Data Interpretation.
Garrett Eastman

Introducing QAMA Calculator - 3 views

    "The revolutionary calculator that shows the answer only when you also enter a suitable mental estimate." (I have no connection with this company or product.)

Mindcipher: Challenge Yourself... - 18 views

    "The social repository of the world's greatest brain teasers, logical puzzles and mental challenges. Join us to add, rate, and comment on puzzles! "
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