Middle Grades Makers: Invent to Learn | MiddleWeb - 0 views
Amazing new tools, materials, and skills turn us all into makers. Using technology to make, repair, or customize the things we need brings engineering, design, and computer science to the masses. Hundreds of thousands of adults and children are frequenting Maker Faires, hackerspaces, and DIY (Do-It-Yourself) websites. A growing library of literature inspires learners of all ages and experiences to seize control of their world.
This is a 360 degree viewpoint of The Maker Movement inspiring a reemergence and metamorphosis of art and STEM in the classroom. The focus of learning can be on inventiveness and creativity rather than being so heavily on standardized testing that is devoid of engagement. Mobile learning is a part of this movement. This is of high interest to me because I think it will give our culture a positive new energy that will uplift our economy and increase production. This will be production not focused on consumerism but production grounded in meaning. The future needs people that can create solutions to world problems.