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Long-term over-the-horizon microwave channel measurements and statistical analysis in e... - 0 views

    Maritime high-speed over-the-horizon wireless communication is realizable through evaporation ducts. Detailed measurement, analysis, and modeling of duct channels are essential for application of this communication technique. In this paper, X-band electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation systems were developed and deployed for a 133-km over-the-horizon microwave link in coastal areas of the Yellow Sea. The propagation length was 7.7 times the line-of-sight length. Measurement results including the path loss (PL) and meteorological data were obtained during a 54-day period in autumn 2021. The long-term channel results were analyzed on the basis of statistical analysis and model simulations. Results showed that our measurement system, with a maximum measurable power loss of 200 dB, had connected with a probability of 56.2% during the measurement period. Model simulation showed that evaporation duct environments are not ideal in autumn, with an average evaporation duct height (EDH) of 10.6 m. The land breeze in autumn introduced dry and cold air to the link, which could promote evaporation of seawater and reduce PL by approximately 40 dB. Annual spatiotemporal characteristics of EDH showed that evaporation ducts are most suitable for over-the-horizon communication in spring, especially May.

Via @TMMC @UCSBenioffOceant - @whalesafe_ca: Data insights to prevent whale-ship collis... - 0 views

    The Whale Safe tool displays both visual and acoustic whale detections in the Santa Barbara Channel and San Francisco region. It also includes a blue whale habitat model that predicts the likelihood of blue whale presence. The tool ranks vessels and shipping companies according to their cooperation rates with NOAA's voluntary speed restrictions in both regions.

New approach for designing an underwater free-space optical communication system - @Fro... - 0 views

    Ocean observation system that involves multiple underwater vehicles and seafloor nodes plays an important role in better learning the ocean, where underwater wireless communication is mandatory for massive data interaction. Optical communication that has wide bandwidth and comprehensive working distance is the preferred method compared to acoustic and other methods. However, the presence of directionality makes the optical method difficult to use especially when the transceiver is equipped on a motive vehicle. In this study, an underwater free-space optical communication method of transmitting information is proposed. Characteristics of underwater optical transmission, as well as the photoelectric signal processing and modulation and demodulation algorithms, are studied and modeled. New approach for realizing underwater free-space optical communication is proposed and simulated. A prototype including a free-space optical transmitter and a receiver is developed; tests in different scenarios were carried out, and the results were observed: (1) by using the minimum number of LEDs, the effect of uniform lighting in space is achieved, and the transmitter coverage reaches 160°. (2) When the power of the transmitter is 10 W and the communication rate is 1 Mbps, the maximum communication distance reaches 13 m.

The removal of atmospheric aerosols in a heavy industrial coastal city in China with fr... - 0 views

    Rapid urbanization and heavy industrialization generally result in serious aerosol pollution. Contrary to this conventional wisdom, Zhanjiang, one industrial city in the southernmost point of the Chinese mainland, is not accompanied by aerosol pollution and its air quality index always ranks high compared to other cities in China. To investigate this contradiction, 72-hour total suspended particles (TSPs) and water-soluble inorganic ions (WSIIs; including Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, Na+, NH4+, Cl-, NO3-, and SO42-) were collected in Zhanjiang, China, from November 2018 to November 2019. The relative humidity (RH) was higher than 80% throughout the whole year in Zhanjiang. However, the TSPs and WSIIs were not correlated with RH, indicating that RH can increase the particle size, but this had a minor impact on the dry deposition rate. The larger particles induced by RH were easily captured by wet precipitation, leading to a seasonal pattern with higher TSP and WSII mass concentrations during the dry and cool season and lower values during the hot and rainy season. This seasonal pattern and high aerosol acidity indicate that TSPs, WSIIs, and acidic gaseous precursors from the local sources were preferentially scavenged by the abundant rainfall and high precipitation frequency. Principal component analysis (PCA) results suggest that relatively clean marine emissions and secondary aerosols were the most important sources of TSPs and WSIIs. Our results indicate that the inconsistency between the heavy industrial activities and excellent air quality in Zhanjiang may be related to the high precipitation frequency (63%) and the marine dilution effect (27%).

New research reveals fewer critically endangered female right whales capable of reprodu... - 0 views

    A new study from researchers at Macquarie University, Ursinus College, and the New England Aquarium has uncovered even fewer North Atlantic right whales are capable of reproducing, a significant finding as the species continues to face threats from human activities including fishing gear entanglements and vessel strikes.

The supervision and multi-sectoral guarantee mechanism of the global marine sulphur lim... - 0 views

    To significantly reduce sulfur oxides emissions from fossil fuel-powered ships, reduce air pollution in ports and slow ocean acidification, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has imposed the new 0.50%m/m limit (reduced from 3.50%m/m in the past) on sulphur in ships' fuel oil. This has given rise to a host of issues regarding fuel replenishment operations, safe operation management, maritime regulation, and coordinated governance of air and climate. In response to ocean acidification and climate change, regulations on the use of low-sulfur oil or alternative fuels by ships greatly reduce sulfur oxide emissions, but have no significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, the refining process for low-sulfur fuels and the use of the gas cleaning system on ships both increase energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. To ensure the decarbonization process of shipping industry, there is an urgent need for a conceptual change in global ocean governance so as to promote the coordinated governance of air pollution and climate change. China's conception of "a maritime community with a shared future" provides a new model for global ocean governance. The Chinese government has formulated regulations at different levels to promote the coordinated management of atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. Regarding supervision of sulfur oxide emissions from ships, this study proposes to build a multi-department collaborative supervision mechanism from marine fuel life cycle to enhance sulfur oxide monitoring and risk control capabilities. Specific measures of the proposed supervision mechanism include: the joint supervision of compliant fuel supply, the compliant fuel information disclosure platform, a joint law enforcement mechanism for atmospheric pollution, the ability of intelligent ship exhaust monitoring, and the construction of port power infrastructure.

Classification of inbound and outbound ships using convolutional neural networks - @Fro... - 0 views

    In general, a single scalar hydrophone cannot determine the orientation of an underwater acoustic target. However, through a study of sea trial experimental data, the authors found that the sound field interference structures of inbound and outbound ships differ owing to changes in the topography of the shallow continental shelf. Based on this difference, four different convolutional neural networks (CNNs), AlexNet, visual geometry group, residual network (ResNet), and dense convolutional network (DenseNet), are trained to classify inbound and outbound ships using only a single scalar hydrophone. Two datasets, a simulation and a sea trial, are used in the CNNs. Each dataset is divided into a training set and a test set according to the proportion of 40% to 60%. The simulation dataset is generated using underwater acoustic propagation software, with surface ships of different parameters (tonnage, speed, draft) modeled as various acoustic sources. The experimental dataset is obtained using submersible buoys placed near Qingdao Port, including 321 target ships. The ships in the dataset are labeled inbound or outbound using ship automatic identification system data. The results showed that the accuracy of the four CNNs based on the sea trial dataset in judging vessels' inbound and outbound situations is above 90%, among which the accuracy of DenseNet is as high as 99.2%. This study also explains the physical principle of classifying inbound and outbound ships by analyzing the low-frequency analysis and recording diagram of the broadband noise radiated by the ships. This method can monitor ships entering and leaving ports illegally and with abnormal courses in specific sea areas.

Compound Effects of Flood Drivers, Sea Level Rise, and Dredging Protocols on Vessel Nav... - 0 views

    Maritime transportation is crucial to national economic development as it offers a low-cost, safe, and efficient alternative for movement of freight compared to its land or air counterparts. River and channel dredging protocols are often adopted in many ports and harbors of the world to meet the increasing demand for freight and ensure safe passage of larger vessels. However, such protocols may have unintended adverse consequences on flood risks and functioning of coastal ecosystems and thereby compromising the valuable services they provide to society and the environment. This study analyzes the compound effects of dredging protocols under a range of terrestrial and coastal flood drivers, including the effects of sea level rise (SLR) on compound flood risk, vessel navigability, and coastal wetland inundation dynamics in Mobile Bay (MB), Alabama. We develop a set of hydrodynamic simulation scenarios for a range of river flow and coastal water level regimes, SLR projections, and dredging protocols designed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. We show that channel dredging helps increase bottom ('underkeel') clearances by a factor of 3.33 under current mean sea level and from 4.20 to 4.60 under SLR projections. We find that both low and high water surface elevations (WSEs) could be detrimental, with low WSE (< -1.22 m) hindering safe navigation whereas high WSE (> 0.87 m) triggering minor to major flooding in the surrounding urban and wetland areas. Likewise, we identify complex inundation patterns emerging from nonlinear interactions of SLR, flood drivers, and dredging protocols, and additionally estimate probability density functions (PDFs) of wetland inundation. We show that changes in mean sea level due to SLR diminish any effects of channel dredging on wetland inundation dynamics and shift the PDFs beyond pre-established thresholds for moderate and major flooding. In light of our results, we recommend the need for integrated analyses that account for compound

Via @WhySharksMatter - Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index: An ... - 0 views

    For decades, the shipping sector has been incorporated into the global decarbonization process. At present, global shipping - as a whole - aims to reduce its emission levels by 40 % by 2030 in relation to the 2008 level. In reducing greenhouse gas emissions, regulations such as the MARPOL 73/78 Convention and Energy Efficiency Design Index as well as other monitoring and managing schemes already in operation (e.g., Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan and Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator) play a crucial role in measuring fuel consumption and ship engine emission output. Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) is another measure, projected to be ratified in 2023, in-line with decarbonization targets in which the International Maritime Organization has planned a 70 % reduction in emissions level by 2050 using the same 2008 baseline. For this to happen, ship speed may need to be reduced, a decrease of fleet capacity may also need to be considered, and new ships may need to replace older ones already in service. The costs of implementing these types of reforms are obviously significant to the sector. Such change will augment the overall shipping overhead, effecting subsequent transportation and consumer costs. This paper aims to specify the scale of the expected costs of implementing EEXI globally. The current maritime fleet has been analyzed in terms of energy demand, deadweight tonnage, and expected CO2 emission reduction marginal abatement costs (MAC). Two pathways to achieve the desired EEXI values are presented, including the most common and available technologies to reduce demand. These technologies are subjected to MAC valuation and presented quantitatively for the world fleet. The research also investigates alternative fuel options in regard to lessening the CO2 impact, developing wind support systems, and avoiding conventional advancements to ships (e.g., upgrading the propeller or the propulsion system). At length, the target of the work is t

Study on international carbon emission quota allocation of shipping industry-based on f... - 0 views

    In 2024, the EU intends to include the global shipping industry in the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Shipping companies will have to pay for the carbon emissions of ships over 5,000 GT on routes between EU and non-EU ports. This paper selects typical shipping companies in the world. Based on the principle of fairness, historical method, baseline method and mixed method are adopted to explore their carbon emission quota allocation. The ZSG-DEA efficiency model is used to evaluate the distribution results and verify the optimal efficiency. The research results show that the mixed method has a high efficiency of allocation. The method predicts that the carbon quota of typical shipping companies in the world will reach the Pareto optimal allocation in 2024 and Maersk has the highest carbon emission quota among the eight typical shipping companies, reaching 32,431,800 tons, followed by MSC and EMC, reaching 8,542,400 tons and 6,809,500 tons, respectively. Based on the results, we can obtain a reasonable allocation of carbon allowances in the EU carbon market according to the proportion of business of shipping companies involved in EU routes. The research is still applicable to the allocation of carbon emmissions in future years. Therefore, this paper provides suggestions for the orderly allocation of carbon quota and carbon trading in the global shipping market.

Anchor boxes adaptive optimization algorithm for maritime object detection in video sur... - 0 views

    With the development of the marine economy, video surveillance has become an important technical guarantee in the fields of marine engineering, marine public safety, marine supervision, and maritime traffic safety. In video surveillance, maritime object detection (MOD) is one of the most important core technologies. Affected by the size of maritime objects, distance, day and night weather, and changes in sea conditions, MOD faces challenges such as false detection, missed detection, slow detection speed, and low accuracy. However, the existing object detection algorithms usually adopt predefined anchor boxes to search and locate for objects of interest, making it difficult to adapt to maritime objects' complex features, including the varying scale and large aspect ratio difference. Therefore, this paper proposes a maritime object detection algorithm based on the improved convolutional neural network (CNN). Firstly, a differential-evolutionary-based K-means (DK-means) anchor box clustering algorithm is proposed to obtain adaptive anchor boxes to satisfy the maritime object characteristics. Secondly, an adaptive spatial feature fusion (ASFF) module is added in the neck network to enhance multi-scale feature fusion. Finally, focal loss and efficient intersection over union (IoU) loss are adopted to replace the original loss function to improve the network convergence speed. The experimental results on the Singapore maritime dataset show that our proposed algorithm improves the average precision by 7.1%, achieving 72.7%, with a detection speed of 113 frames per second, compared with You Only Look Once v5 small (YOLOv5s). Moreover, compared to other counterparts, it can achieve a better speed-accuracy balance, which is superior and feasible for the complex maritime environment.

Verification and Modeling of the Maritime Channel for Maritime Communications and Navig... - 0 views

    This paper presents a geometric stochastic channel model designed for analyzing maritime communication and navigation services between moving ships using the C-band or sub-6 GHz spectrum, which aligns with the focus of emerging 5G networks on land. The channel model is validated through channel measurements conducted both on the sea and land. A software tool has been developed to integrate and analyze these measurements, which is included with this publication. The main challenge in developing the channel model for maritime services lies in the dynamic nature of the sea surface, leading to constantly changing reflection conditions due to varying reflectors and scatterers on the water. Additionally, the motion conditions of the transmitter and receiver on ships change in all three dimensions, depending on the sea state. To address these complexities, data from several measurement campaigns in diverse areas were collected. The analysis involved examining the propagation conditions over the sea with variations in sea surface roughness, antenna heights, and used bandwidths. Moreover, additional propagation conditions over nearby land were also taken into account. The study demonstrates that the changing antenna height on the ship, influenced by sea conditions, significantly affects the reflection and scattering conditions. The research aims to develop reliable, high-data rate, and broadband marine communication systems. Therefore, a measurement bandwidth of 120MHz was employed to derive the propagation model. This model not only offers absolute timing information but can also be used for time-based ranging or positioning systems. The proposed geometric stochastic channel model provides valuable insights into the complex maritime communication and navigation environment. By accounting for the continuously evolving sea surface and its impact on antenna height, the model offers a robust framework for studying and optimizing marine communication systems. The availability of

Exposure to closed-loop scrubber washwater alters biodiversity, reproduction, and grazi... - 0 views

    Shipping is a large industry responsible for atmospheric emissions of hazardous substances including SOX, NOX, and particulate matter. Many ships have installed exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) to remove primarily SOX from the exhaust, but the hazardous substances are instead transferred to the water used in the scrubbing process. Ships with closed-loop scrubbers recirculate the water but can still discharge around 126-150 m3 directly to the surrounding marine environment every day. The discharged water contains metals and organic substances, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, that are known to be toxic to marine zooplankton. Here we show that closed-loop scrubber washwater is toxic to communities of marine mesozooplankton at our lowest tested dilution, 1.5% (v/v), and affects survival, reproduction, diversity, and ability to predate on microzooplankton. The cumulative toxic unit of the undiluted closed-loop scrubber washwater was estimated to 17, which indicates that the water could be toxic at levels below what was tested in this study. Among all detected substances, vanadium, copper, benzo[ghi]perylene, nickel, and zinc were identified as toxicity-driving substances in the order listed. Closed-loop scrubber washwater has been shown to affect development and survival in single species of copepods, but here we find evidence of toxicity at the community level, irrespective of seasonal community structure, and that the exposure has potential to disrupt the interactions between trophic levels in the pelagic food web. We show that the closed-loop scrubber washwater cause both lethal and sublethal effects in marine zooplankton, due to contaminants, some of which are persistent in the marine environment.

The Designated Shipping Avoidance Area Around St. Lawrence Island, Northern BERING Sea,... - 0 views

    One direct consequence of Arctic warming is the expansion of navigable portions of the Arctic Ocean. As a result, vessel traffic and the accompanying threats of spills, strikes and disturbance is intensifying throughout the Arctic. In the BERING Sea, these threats to the environment, wildlife and to the people who rely on marine resources for food and cultural continuity, are acute. We examined the spatial relevance of an Area To Be Avoided (ATBA), a shipping-risk mitigation measure, established around St. Lawrence Island with respect to seabirds, as sentinel species, habitat use. We studied four seabird species (common murre Uria aalge, thick-billed murre U. lomvia, crested auklet Aethia cristatella, black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla) breeding at St. Lawrence Island in the northern BERING Sea. GPS tracking data from 47 at-sea foraging trips showed that both murre species and crested auklets distributed outside the ATBA, during at least one stage of the breeding season. A larger dataset based on the birds' red blood cell isotopic signatures confirmed that for murres, the tracked individuals covered the broad niche exploited by these species. Habitat modelling further showed that the birds' most suitable marine habitats were associated with seasonal surface chlorophyll blooms, and largely extended beyond the ATBA on the shelf north of the island. Data on the murres' diet and diving behavior emphasized the importance of the shelf as a foraging habitat for these birds. We suggest that extending the ATBA to the north by only 35 km, would include areas of maximal habitat suitability. This extension would better protect seabirds, their foraging habitats and the cultural continuity of St. Lawrence Islanders, against growing threats stemming from Arctic warming.

#coronavirus - SAR Satellite Imagery Reveals the Impact of the #Covid19 Crisis on Ship ... - 0 views

    The Covid-19 pandemic is the latest example in a growing number of health, social, economic, and environmental crises humanity is facing. The multiple consequences of this pandemic crisis required strong responses from governments, including strict lockdowns. Yet, the impact of lockdowns on coastal ecosystems and maritime activities is still challenging to quantify over large spatial scales in comparison to the pre-Covid period. In this study, we used an object detection algorithm on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired by the two Sentinel-1 satellites to assess the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the presence of boats before, during and after lockdown periods in the French Mediterranean Exclusive Economic Zone. During the French most severe lockdown period (March - May 2020), we observed that ship frequentation remained at the same level from March to July 2020, instead of rising towards the summer peak like in previous years. Then, ship frequentation increased rapidly to a normal level in August 2020 when restrictions were lifted. By comparing morning and evening (7:00 am and 7:00 pm) ship frequentation during this period to pre-Covid years, we observed contrasting patterns. On the one hand, morning detections were particularly high, while on the other hand evening detections were significantly lower and less concentrated in coastal touristic waters than in previous years. Overall, we found a 9% decrease in ship frequentation between the year 2020 and the 2017-2019 period, with a maximum of 43% drop in June 2020 due to the lockdown. So, the Covid -19 crisis induced only a very short-term reduction in maritime activities but did not markedly reduce the annual ship frequentation in the French Mediterranean waters. The satellite imagery approach is an alternative method that improves our understanding of the pandemic impacts at an unprecedented spatiotemporal scale and resolution.

Impact of the Construction of New Port Facilities on Primary Production of Plankton in ... - 0 views

    A significant increase in the human population on marine coast and steady growth of maritime water transport causes the construction of port infrastructure and the creation of new lands, which affects the ecosystems of coastal waters. Despite the widespread occurrence of such large-scale engineering projects in coastal areas, their impact on various components of aquatic ecosystems, including phytoplankton, is still poorly understood. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of the construction of ports and the alluvium of new lands in the Neva Estuary in 2000s on the productivity of phytoplankton. Digging and dredging of bottom sediments results in one order of magnitude elevation of suspended particulate matter (SM), which mostly consisted of sand and clayed deposits and in significant decrease water transparency, as compared to the average long-term values. Concentrations of total phosphorus in the estuarine waters during the works significantly positively correlated with the concentrations of SM. However, the multiple increase in nutrients was less important for phytoplankton development than expected. Analysis of variance and stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that the main predictor of the primary production of plankton in the periods of construction was water transparency. Gross primary production decreased significantly. In contrast to short-term effects caused by wind-induced events, which often stimulated phytoplankton development, long-term construction works of new port facilities negatively influenced phytoplankton productivity. Apart from pristine conditions when the phosphorus concentration was the main factor limiting the primary production in the estuary, the main limiting factor during long-term engineering projects became water transparency. Taking into account plans for further development of ports in coastal areas around the world, the influence of the large-scale engineering projects on the conditions for the development of phyto
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