Yemen Seizes Ship Carrying Weapons - AP - 0 views
Jihad at Sea - Al Qaeda's Maritime Front in Yemen - Center for International Maritime S... - 0 views
Yemen's state weakness due to fragmentation and ongoing conflicts allowed Al Qaeda and affiliates to take and hold territory, possibly enabling them to seize the Port of Aden. If Al Qaeda establishes safe havens in the southern Abyan province, supported by local Yemeni inhabitants, attacks at sea or in near by ports similar to the "USS COLE bombing" in 2000 could become a threat, increasing the danger to Red Sea shipping. Yet Al Qaeda is of secondary concern for the Yemeni government, with secessionist insurgencies in the north and the south threatening the state's unity. Only a stable Yemen can effectively deny Al Qaeda a stable base in the long run.
Somali Pirates Now Protect Illegal Fishing Vessels, UN Reports - - 0 views
49 Somalis drown off Yemen coast - AFP - 0 views
Somali pirates seize Greek tanker - AFP - 0 views
USNS Richard E. BYRD Rescues Nine Individuals in the Gulf of Oman - CUSNC - 0 views
USNS Richard E. Byrd (T-AKE-4), a LEWIS and CLARK-class dry cargo ship, rescued nine crew members from a Yemeni-flagged cargo vessel that had lost power, was taking on water and was adrift in the Gulf of Oman July 28. Richard E. Byrd is currently on a scheduled deployment to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts.