There’s much more here, obviously, in terms of even bigger questions about the roles of schools and teachers and classrooms in a networked learning world. But I agree that here is where we have to start. What is it we most want our kids to know about what it means to be a person of this world, and how do we best convey it in ways that make sense for the times we live in? Everything else flows from that.
What do you think?
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Routinization of Novelty: Influencing Positive Change in Practic... - 0 views
Free Technology for Teachers: FlauntR - A Good Suite of Image Editing Tools - 0 views
Official Google Blog: Google heads to grade school: New resources for K-12 teachers and... - 0 views
This is an important change! Make sure you take this to your tech person and building principal.
To help address schools' email security needs, Google Message Security (GMS) will be offered free to current and new eligible primary and secondary schools globally that opt in by July of next year. GMS filters out email messaging threats, and education IT departments can customize the filtering rules and group messaging lists to suit their schools
Weblogg-ed » The Larger Lessons - 0 views
Maybe she's had enough of the term "21st Century" this or that, but I think it's an important concept to hold onto for a while, yet. We may be tired of it, but there are FAR too many others who haven't heard it or who don't truly understand what it looks like. So, let's not rush into the idea of abandoning it just yet. I DO think it's important that leaders answer the question, "What do we want our kids to know about what it means to be a person of this world?" Without a CLEAR statement about that you can't begin to set your goals and curriculum.
Web Research Guide : Science - 0 views
Google For Educators - Web Search - 0 views
ED Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration on the Internet-- Pg 2 - 0 views
ePALS Classroom Exchange - Connects users from around the globe, providing the tools and meeting places to create a worldwide community of learners. The tools include ePALS SchoolMail™ and SafeBrowser™ as well as built-in language translation designed for schools. Whether you want project ideas for your class-to-class partnership, or discussion areas where you can contribute your views on a matter, ePALS strives to make it easy for members to make meaningful connections with each other.
Effective Internet-Using Educators - 0 views
Edmodo - Home - 0 views
Thoughts from Third - 0 views
Number 1: Step Away from the BoardMove over. Put your students on the stage. Coach them well and send them to the Board. Use your SMART Slate to get out of in front of your classroom. We all know that students learn best and remember more by doing it themselves, so let them. Play during your conference period or after school. Why should teachers have all the fun?
Netvibes (682) - 0 views
A term like web 2.0 begets the notion that there will imminently be a 3.0, 4.0, and beyond. The convention serves those within a specific group much more than it does those who need to understand the concept the most. The term serves as a layer- an immediately unnecessary layer at that. The convention allows those inside the realm of understanding to point to those outside and express how much the outsiders need the insiders in order to understand and be enlightened. I’d rather we just all moved forward together in a way that makes sense and promotes progress rather than bifurcates.
We need to call it something, don't we? Web 2.0 does imply that a 2.1 or 3.0 is coming, but perhaps we need to think of it in another way. Let's say that Web 2.0 was a typo. Maybe the coiner of the term meant Web 2,0 and didn't finish the complete term. It could really be Web 2,000 for the millenium, and now we can use it for the next 1000 years(or 991). Just a thought!!
netbooks in hand in the next few months. There seems to be a growing commitment here to put technology in the hands of kids (instead of spending huge sums on stuff that students can’t use outside of the classroom) and to thinking about
The most noticeable observation I can make is the comparison of experiences from last year’s NECC to this year’s. Last year was my first, and it was quite honestly an incredibly overwhelming experience. I felt rather detached and fatigued as I flew out of San Antonio, and I can directly attribute that to how disconnected I was to this community. I hadn’t yet started my blog, I was only faintly invested in Twitter, and I knew a total of about five people at the conference. How a year can change everything.
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Applying Bloom's Taxonomy - 0 views
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