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Weblogg-ed » The Larger Lessons - 0 views

  • There’s much more here, obviously, in terms of even bigger questions about the roles of schools and teachers and classrooms in a networked learning world. But I agree that here is where we have to start. What is it we most want our kids to know about what it means to be a person of this world, and how do we best convey it in ways that make sense for the times we live in? Everything else flows from that. What do you think?
    • anonymous
      Maybe she's had enough of the term "21st Century" this or that, but I think it's an important concept to hold onto for a while, yet. We may be tired of it, but there are FAR too many others who haven't heard it or who don't truly understand what it looks like. So, let's not rush into the idea of abandoning it just yet. I DO think it's important that leaders answer the question, "What do we want our kids to know about what it means to be a person of this world?" Without a CLEAR statement about that you can't begin to set your goals and curriculum.
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