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Wendy Danner

The Teacher's Guide To Using Badges In Your Classroom - Edudemic - 5 views

    • Wendy Danner
      wondering if you could use badges for specific objectives?  Like a tracking chart on the wall from elementary?  Thinking out loud...
    Way to incoproate badges into the classrom. What another great tool to decreased the kid's focus on the grade they got and focus on the objective.
  • ...1 more comment...
    This was a great article! Really got my mind thinking what else I could do to get the kids to focus more on understanding and acheiving a goal rather than being 'ok" with a B....
    This is a great idea to keep students focused on learning objectives and specific goal prioritization in this new era of student independence.
    OK--I know I am a little late to this rodeo...but I LOVE BADGES! I think it is the overachieving Girl Scout that is coming out in me (I had to have 2 sashes because I earned so many GS badges when I was a little girl!). Just set up badges for math and science for the first quarter to coordinate with the main learning objectives. Hopefully this will be a new encourager for the kids.
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