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Edgar Anderson

Successful Weight Loss Programme - 1 views

    Since I gained weight after I gave birth to my second baby, I started following some weight loss programmes and I even went to different gyms. But none of these really helped me. Good thing that I have learned about Menu Concepts. I then went to see one of their expert dieticians for a consultation and guidance in weight loss. And yes! The programme they gave me worked wonders. Now, I am enjoying my ideal weight. Thank you so much Menu Concepts! Succeed in getting your ideal weight! Call 08 8375 7040 Or visit

Habits That Ruin Your Weight Loss Plan | Health Blog - 0 views

    Some Habits That Ruin Your Weight Loss Plan. Although we may follow a strict diet plan and hit the gym.., sometimes it becomes nearly impossible to get rid of those extra pounds... The problem lies with the seemingly harmless everyday habits that we have nurtured over the years and...
    While most of us are aware that eating cheesy sausages every day for breakfast is not really good for the waistline, there are many other subtle bad habits that keep on adding more pounds to our bodies. These habits are harmful because they have the potential to sabotage our weight loss plan.
Edgar Anderson

Successfully Losing Weight - 1 views

Losing weight used to be very difficult for me. In fact, I have already tried a lot of programmes that claimed to be effective, but nothing really worked for me. I was about to lose hope when my fr...

started by Edgar Anderson on 25 Jan 13 no follow-up yet

Health and wellness: Want to lose weight? Set the Right Time For breakfast and Dinner - 0 views

    Want to lose weight? Eat breakfast at seven.11 am and dinner at 6:14 pm
Young Leaf Wellness

Best Weight Loss Detox Tea by Young Leaf Wellness - 0 views

    Young Leaf Wellness suggest drinking "The Ultimate Inner Body Workout" detox tea. It's formulated with different ingredients to increase your metabolism and give your body that extra boost in losing weight.
Merlyn Seeley

How to lose the holiday weight naturally - 0 views

    The food is good through the holidays but after the holidays you want to lose the weight, check this article out!
dr sullivan

Dark Chocolate For Weight Loss - 0 views

When individuals commit to slim down, the last item they suppose they will relish is chocolate. However, the chocolate that folks will eat isn't the one found in candy bars, however rather chocolat...

Chocolate For Weight Loss Dark health Living

started by dr sullivan on 31 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

Popular Diet Plans: Suitable Diet Plan For Me? - Health Blog - 0 views

    Which diet plan is suitable for me? Its not anymore unanswered. Keto diet is one of the popular diet plans these days. Diet plans for healthy weight loss
Edgar Anderson

Losing Weight The Healthy Way - 1 views

I admit it was not that easy for me to lose weight. In fact, I have used a lot of products that did not work and I have spent a long period of time in the gym, yet nothing happened. I was about to ...

started by Edgar Anderson on 28 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Edgar Anderson

Losing Weight Through Professional Help - 1 views

It is not easy being an obese because you always become the subject of ridicule. It is for this reason that I really exerted enough efforts going to the gym in order to lose weight. Yet, I did not ...

started by Edgar Anderson on 25 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Merlyn Seeley

Wu-Yi tea- is it the world's most effective weight loss system? - 0 views

    If you have ever went to a Chinese restaurant and drank tea, you have probably drank oolong or Wu-Yi tea, but what about it?
Merlyn Seeley

Natural weight loss tips for kids during the holidays - 0 views

    There really isn't much educational stuff on TV these days, but where there is programming the children are still not being taught how well it is to indulge in those programs. So tip number one is......
dr sullivan

Ultimate Diet Resource Or Myth - Water and Weight Loss - 0 views

Water assists the body in such a lot of ways in which. The predominant faculty of thought has invariably been that water is associate amazing weight loss tool, one that delivers as few alternative ...

health natural merlyn examiner herbs writing Living gardening how

started by dr sullivan on 31 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Med Coolman

10 reasons why drinking water will help you lose weight - 0 views

    When you think of water, most commonly it is something you drink whenever you feel very thirsty. In fact it's the best liquid you could ever drink. Because it can be hard to drink water the whole day, you choose to drink other liquids with flavor like Soda. But it may be way better from a health standpoint to change a couple of sugary drinks with water every day. This will reduce your calorie intake and allow your body functions efficiently. So, how does drinking water help you lose weight ? And why water can be a good way to lose weight ?

Anorexia Nervosa: Types, Symptoms And Causes | Health Blog - 0 views

    There are some symptoms & causes of anorexia. Are you facing weight stress? In fact, you're underweight If you have been suffering from an eating disorder
    There are some symptoms & causes of anorexia. Are you facing weight stress? In fact, you're underweight If you have been suffering from an eating disorder
Edgar Anderson

Highly Competent Dietitian - 1 views

It is a fact that every woman loves to have a beautiful body. This leaves the overweight ones insecure and dream of getting their ideal body shape. Yes, it happened to me. I have tried several weig...

started by Edgar Anderson on 18 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
kevin Anderson


    Because of its naturally aerated structure, coco coir is almost impossible to over water. In fact, coco coir can hold up to 8x its weight in water, and rather than over-saturate, will simply reject what it can't absorb comfortably. If you provide too much moisture to peat bases, for example, you run the risk of water logging. Not so with coco coir.
kevin Anderson

Hydroponic rooftop farming - 0 views

    Hydroponics and other alternative methods can expand the possibilities of roof top gardening by reducing, for example, the need for soil or its tremendous weight.
Merlyn Seeley

Herbal Remedies: Cleansing your colon naturally - 0 views

    Wanna lose weight but don't want to diet because they don't work? Maybe you are feeling sluggish all the time, its because you are toxic..keep reading to know more.

The Real Benefits Of Having A Life Coach ~ health weight loss and fitness - 0 views

    There is a constant flow of advice from the media today prescribing often-facile solutions for complex problems. From television therapists to political figures, the underlying message is that achieving success always requires ever-harder work and more personal sacrifice.
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