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Joanne S

Topic 3 Supplementary "Reading" How it All Works YouTube Videos - 0 views

    The Internet of Things. (2010).  Retrieved from How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes. (2009). Retrieved from How Bittorrent works. (2007). Retrieved from
Joanne S

safer internet group - 5 Point Plan - 0 views

  • The Safer Internet Group brings together a diverse group of stakeholders who all share the goal of developing the Internet as a platform for education, communication and economic activity.
  • Australia needs to take effective action to ensure that Internet users, and particularly children, have a safe experience online, while ensuring that the benefits of the open Internet are available to all Australians.
  • We believe our way is comprehensive and practical. More importantly, we know it works. It delivers:
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • . More Effective Education
  • Comprehensive Policing of Illegal material on the Internet
  • User Tools that work
  • A new dialogue about Internet safety
  • Targeted Research of Internet Risks and Opportunities for Young People
    Safer Internet Group (2009) 5 Point Plan. Retrieved from (The Australian Library and Information Association is one of the members of the Safer Internet Group)
Joanne S

Hobbes' Internet Timeline - the definitive ARPAnet & Internet history - 0 views

    Zakon, R. (2010). Hobbes' Internet Timeline - the definitive ARPAnet & Internet history. Retrieved from
Joanne S

Abbate, J. (1999). Introduction. In Inventing the Internet. (E-Reserve) - 0 views

    Abbate, J. (1999). Introduction. In Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. pp. 1-6. Retrieved from
Joanne S

Mobile Strategy | National Library of Australia - 0 views

  • must move towards a model with comprehensive mobile access to online services
  • mobile’ has come to encompass an ever-expanding field of devices, platforms and content
  • Smart (internet enabled) or dumb/cellular
  • ...98 more annotations...
  • Supplied (on-site device distribution) or privately owned
  • Native apps
  • Mobile websites
  • In terms of content this includes:
  • Applications (software designed for specific tasks
  • Podcasts (audio and video content
  • Other downloadable content (e.g. PDFs and ebook
  • the Library may look to harness the potential of these technologies to break away from the traditional broadcast-only website presence and move towards two-way conversations between the Library and its users, or conversations between the users themselves
  • the key objectives stated in the Information Technology Strategic Plan 2012-2015 include Online Presence and supporting “the needs of our users for easy discovery of, access to, and engagement with our services, collections and other information resources in the digital environment”
  • ensure equal access to our resources and services for all Australians.
  • facilitate equal access to Library resources for everyone.
  • Putting Library resources into the hands of users in their lounge rooms reflects a deeper understanding of the need to move beyond the desire to follow our users and instead reach out to them to “take them some place new
  • mobile will only continue to grow and overtake desktop internet usage within 2-3 years
  • building both infrastructure and a culture of engagement will pave the way to more efficiently and effectively meeting that need in the future
  • 4         Strategic goals
  • Improve access to our collection and services for audiences, wherever they are, whether on-site or anywhere else in the world.
  • Equip staff to champion and drive the development of mobile services to improve access and productivity.
  • Adopt an evidence-based approach to service development and delivery
  • Modernise the Library brand to reflect relevance, accessibility and innovation.
  • Create opportunities for learning
  • Facilitate connections, conversation and overall engagement with national collection material.
  • Establish and expand the infrastructure and back-end systems required to support mobile initiatives, products and services.
  • Build, consolidate and share expertise
  • Adopt standards and best practices for interoperable mobile content and cross-platform data management.
  • A focus on strategic, audience-driven activity with a utility function.
  • Seek out and engage new technologies to achieve marketing and communications goals.
  • 6         Recommended activities
  • activities provide a means to implement and ground the strategy with specific and measurable tasks
  • 6.1      Governance and infrastructure
  • The Library’s IT Strategy Group will determine priorities
  • formalising the Web Committee’s role as an advisory body
  • Include requisite support for mobile content collection, preservation and access in the Digital Library Infrastructure Replacement Project (DLIR
  • Information Technology Division to examine ongoing resourcing of development work, administrative models, and potential for partial cost-recovery
  • Adopt emerging Commonwealth requirements and advice pertaining to managing devices and content
  • Develop and review policy in support of the use of both enterprise devices and use of personal devices for work-related purposes. Identify
  • Investigate infrastructure and resourcing requirements for digital recording and distribution
  • Collections Management Division to keep a watching brief on any developments pertaining to the extension of Legal Deposit to include digital (and mobile) content
  • developing a statement of collecting intentions for the various categories of ebook titles within the context of revising the collecting policy for Australian electronic publications in general
  • Applications
  • Podcasts (audio and video content
  • Other downloadable content (e.g. PDFs and ebooks
  • 3         Our mobile vision
  • Improve access to our collection and services for audiences, wherever they are, whether on-site or anywhere else in the world.
  • 4         Strategic goals
  • 3         Our mobile vision
  • 4         Strategic goals
  • 3         Our mobile vision
  • Improve access to our collection and services for audiences, wherever they are, whether on-site or anywhere else in the world.
  • 4         Strategic goals
  • Adopt an evidence-based approach to service development and delivery
  • Equip staff to champion and drive the development of mobile services to improve access and productivity.
  • Modernise the Library brand to reflect relevance, accessibility and innovation.
  • Adopt an evidence-based approach to service development and delivery
  • Equip staff to champion and drive the development of mobile services to improve access and productivity.
  • Create opportunities for learning
  • Facilitate connections, conversation and overall engagement with national collection material.
  • Establish and expand the infrastructure and back-end systems required to support mobile initiatives, products and services.
  • Tactics
  • Equip staff to champion and drive the development of mobile services to improve access and productivity.
  • Adopt an evidence-based approach to service development and delivery
  • Modernise the Library brand to reflect relevance, accessibility and innovation.
  • Create opportunities for learning
  • Facilitate connections, conversation and overall engagement with national collection material.
  • Tactics
  • Tactics
  • Establish and expand the infrastructure and back-end systems required to support mobile initiatives, products and services.
  • Build, consolidate and share expertise
  • Tactics
  • Establish and expand the infrastructure and back-end systems required to support mobile initiatives, products and services.
  • Build, consolidate and share expertise
  • Adopt standards and best practices for interoperable mobile content and cross-platform data management.
  • Build, consolidate and share expertise
  • Adopt standards and best practices for interoperable mobile content and cross-platform data management.
  • A focus on strategic, audience-driven activity with a utility function.
  • Adopt standards and best practices for interoperable mobile content and cross-platform data management.
  • A focus on strategic, audience-driven activity with a utility function.
  • Seek out and engage new technologies to achieve marketing and communications goals.
  • Seek out and engage new technologies to achieve marketing and communications goals.
  • Recommended
  • 6.1      Governance and infrastructure
  • Library’s IT Strategy Group will determine priorities
  • formalising the Web Committee
  • Information Technology Division to examine ongoing resourcing
  • formalising the Web Committee
  • Include requisite support for mobile content collection, preservation and access in the Digital Library Infrastructure Replacement Project (DLIR
  • Include requisite support for mobile content collection, preservation and access in the Digital Library Infrastructure Replacement Project (DLIR
  • formalising the Web Committee
  • Develop and review policy in support of the use of both enterprise devices and use of personal devices for work-related purposes
  • Investigate infrastructure and resourcing requirements for digital recording and distribution to ensure the long-term sustainability of online broadcast activity
  • Adopt emerging Commonwealth requirements and advice pertaining to managing devices and content
  • formalising the Web Committee
  • Information Technology Division to examine ongoing resourcing
  • Include requisite support for mobile content collection, preservation and access in the Digital Library Infrastructure Replacement Project (DLIR
  • Adopt emerging Commonwealth requirements and advice pertaining to managing devices and content
  • Collections Management Division to keep a watching brief on any developments pertaining to the extension of Legal Deposit to include digital (and mobile) conten
  • developing a statement of collecting intentions for the various categories of ebook titles within the context of revising the collecting policy for Australian electronic publications
  • Adopt emerging Commonwealth requirements and advice pertaining to managing devices and content
  • Develop and review policy in support of the use of both enterprise devices and use of personal devices for work-related purposes
Joanne S

Page 6. Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality: Scientif... - 0 views

  • Linking to the Future As long as the web’s basic principles are upheld, its ongoing evolution is not in the hands of any one person or organization—neither mine nor anyone else’s. If we can preserve the principles, the Web promises some fantastic future capabilities.
  • Locked within all these data is knowledge about how to cure diseases, foster business value and govern our world more effectively.
  • We should examine legal, cultural and technical options that will preserve privacy without stifling beneficial data-sharing capabilities.
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  • The goal of the Web is to serve humanity. We build it now so that those who come to it later will be able to create things that we cannot ourselves imagine.
Joanne S

Page 5. Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality: Scientif... - 0 views

  • Debate has risen again in the past year about whether government legislation is needed to protect net neutrality.
  • Accessing the information within an Internet packet is equivalent to wiretapping a phone or opening postal mail.
  • Totalitarian governments aren’t the only ones violating the network rights of their citizens.
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  • “No person or organization shall be deprived of the ability to connect to others without due process of law and the presumption of innocence.”
Joanne S

Page 4. Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality: Scientif... - 0 views

  • The Web is an application that runs on the Internet
  • Although internet and web designs are separate, a Web user is also an Internet user and therefore relies on an Internet that is free from interference.
  • Technology for interference has become more powerful
Joanne S

Page 3. Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality: Scientif... - 0 views

  • Web Consortium’s royalty-free patent policy says that the companies, universities and individuals who contribute to the development of a standard must agree they will not charge royalties to anyone who may use the standard.
  • Apple’s iTunes system, for example, identifies songs and videos using URIs that are open. But instead of “http:” the addresses begin with “itunes:,” which is proprietary. You can access an “itunes:”
  • martphone “apps” rather than Web apps is disturbing, because that material is off the Web.
Joanne S

Page 2. Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality: Scientif... - 0 views

  • Several threats to the Web’s universality have arisen recently. Cable television companies that sell Internet connectivity are considering whether to limit their Internet users to downloading only the company’s mix of entertainment.
  • Social-networking sites present a different kind of problem. Facebook, LinkedIn, Friendster and others typically provide value by capturing information as you enter it
  • The sites assemble these bits of data into brilliant databases and reuse the information to provide value-added service—but only within their sites.
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  • The basic Web technologies that individuals and companies need to develop powerful services must be available for free, with no royalties.
Joanne S

Page 1. Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality: Scientif... - 0 views

  • profound concept: that any person could share information with anyone else, anywhere.
  • Web evolved into a powerful, ubiquitous tool because it was built on egalitarian principles and because thousands of individuals, universities and companies have worked, both independently and together as part of the World Wide Web Consortium
  • Large social-networking sites are walling off information posted by their users from the rest of the Web.
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  • Wireless Internet providers are being tempted to slow traffic to sites with which they have not made deals.
  • Governments—totalitarian and democratic alike—are monitoring people’s online habits, endangering important human rights.
  • eb is now more critical to free speech than any other medium
    6 pages long. see other links
Joanne S

20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web - 0 views

    Chan, M. L., Holznagel, F., & Krantz, M. (n.d.). 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web. Retrieved from Some material will be covered in later weeks. Please read: * Start with Thing 20 19 Things Later pp.60-61 * Thing 1 What is the internet? pp.4-6 * Thing 4 HTML, Javascript, CSS and more pp.12-14 * Thing 8 Plug-ins pp.24-25 * Thing 9 Browser Extentions pp.26-28 * Thing 12 Browsers and Privacy pp.33-36 * Thing 15 Using web addresses to stay safe pp. 43-47 * Thing 16 IP addresses and DNS pp.48-50
Joanne S

Scot Colford, "Explaining free and Open Source software," - 0 views

  • Ten criteria must be met in order for a software distribution to be considered open source:
  • Free redistribution
  • the source code freely available to developers.
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  • The license must permit modifications
  • Integrity of the author's source code
  • No discrimination against persons or groups
  • No discrimination against fields of endeavor
  • same license must be passed on to others when the program is redistributed.
  • License must not be specific to a product
  • License must not restrict other software
  • License must be technology-neutral
  • list of the nine most widely used licenses is
  • Apache Software License 2.0 ( New BSD License ( GNU General Public License (GPL) ( GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) ( MIT License ( Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) ( Common Development and Distribution License ( Common Public License 1.0 (  Eclipse Public License ( [5].
  • common misconception, alluded to above, is that since the source code is freely distributed without royalty or licensing fee, open source applications are free of cost.
  • Free and open source software application users, on the other hand, must rely on development communities for support.
  • The pervasiveness of the World Wide Web guarantees that nearly every information organization is using free or open source software to perform some function.
Joanne S

K. G Schneider, "The Thick of the Fray: Open Source Software in Libraries in the First ... - 0 views

  • the vast majority of libraries continue to rely on legacy proprietary systems
  • libraries using open source integrated library systems indicates that the vast majority of libraries continue to rely on legacy proprietary systems
  • there are at least a dozen active OSS projects based in or with their genesis in library organizations
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  • xCatalog
  • LibraryFind
  • Blackligh
  • iVia,
  • What makes OSS different from proprietary software is that it is free in every sense of the word: free as in “no cost,” free as in “unencumbered” and free as in “not locked up.”
  • questioned whether OSS is overall less expensive than its proprietary counterparts and has called for libraries to look hard at cost factors
  • OSS projects are thriving communities with leaders, followers, contributors, audiences and reputation systems.
  • Like so many things librarians hold dear – information, books and library buildings themselves – OSS is open, available and visible for all to see
  • OSS presents important opportunities for libraries
  • This is the world we want to be in again. It will not always be easy, and there will be a few spectacular failures. But there will also be spectacular successes – and this time, they will happen in the open.
Joanne S

Curtin Uni moves to Microsoft Cloud - cloud computing, Curtin University, Microsoft Off... - 0 views

  • Curtin University has moved its email and collaboration apps to Microsoft’s Cloud
  • students can access Curtin anywhere, anytime and that was the rationale behind it
  • Earlier this year, the university announced plans to migrate to a managed version of Blackboard, as well as firing up its new Vblock infrastructure from EMC, VMware and Cisco.
Joanne S

Recordkeeping In Brief 62 - FAQs about cloud computing - State Records NSW - 0 views

  • Cloud computing is internet-based computing whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand.
  • Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet.
  • There are a range of applications that can be delivered to users via cloud computing models, from email or content management to specialist applications for activities such as project management or human resources management to data storage.
    • Joanne S
      Models include: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
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  • A cloud can be private or public:
  • As with any business related activity there are both risks and opportunities associated with using cloud computing services.
  • potentially a number of business and information risks associated with using cloud computing services.
  • noted that even if the cloud computing environment is managed wholly within NSW an appropriate risk assessment of the service and the provider should occur.
  • level of risk that an organisation attributes to a proposed cloud computing arrangement will vary according to the content or subject matter of their records
  • The content of the contract in these types of service arrangements is very important.
  • What are others saying? Australia Australasian Digital Recordkeeping Initiative (ADRI), Advice on managing the recordkeeping risks associated with cloud computing, July 2010, available at Defence Signals Directorate (Commonwealth), Cloud computing security considerations, April 2011, available at Department of Finance and Deregulation (Commonwealth), Cloud computing strategic direction paper: opportunities and applicability for use by the Australian Government, April 2011, available at
  • International Archives and Records Association UK and Ireland, Cloud computing toolkit: guidance for outsourcing information storage to the cloud, August 2010, available at – this guidance contains a comprehensive overview of the range of cloud computing services available and the recordkeeping considerations that apply to each CIO Council and Chief Acquisition Officers Council (USA), Creating effective cloud computing contracts for the Federal Government: best practices for acquiring IT as a service, February 2012, available at – this is a comprehensive and useful document for those seeking to procure cloud computing services
Joanne S

What is Cloud Computing and How will it Affect Libraries? | TechSoup for Libraries - 0 views

  • If you’ve used any of the popular Web 2.0 services over the past few years (e.g. Gmail, Wikipedia, Flickr or Twitter), you already have some experience with cloud computing
  • Like water and electricity, a computing cloud is a communally-shared resource that you lease on a metered basis, paying for as little or as much as you need, when you need it
    • Joanne S
      Benefits-  Cost Savings, Flexibility and Innovation.
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  • As individuals and members of organizations, we’re already choosing between desktop applications and cloud applications when it comes to e-mail, RSS, file storage, word processing and other simple applications. Sooner or later we’ll have to make this choice for mission-critical enterprise applications too
  • Libraries may soon be building and managing their own data centers.
  • For more practical, technical explanations of cloud computing, check out the Wikipedia article the Anatomy of Cloud Computing the MIT Technology Review Briefing on Cloud Computing.
  • For a discussion of problems and concerns about the digital cloud, read: How Secure is Cloud Computing? Security in the Ether Industry Challenges: The Standards Question
Joanne S

Metz, R. (2011). Understanding the Cloud: an Introduction to the Cloud. Getting Started... - 0 views

    Metz, R. (2011). Understanding the Cloud: an Introduction to the Cloud. Getting Started with Cloud Computing: a LITA Guide (pp. 13-28). London, England: Library and Information Technology Association. Retrieved from [5]
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