Information on various topics of life Health right from Fitness,Exercises,Yoga,Sleep Disorders, Back Pain,IBS, supplements,meditation,Heartburn,Acid reflux,Arthritis., etc.
The practice of this asana helps the joints to regain elasticity. It rejuvenates the entire spine and makes the body handsome and shapely.It strenghens the calvic muscles.
As this asana stimulates Veeryanadi, it cures physical disorders like wet-dreams (spermatorrhoea), impotence and diabetes and the semen is sublimated by practicing this asana and it changes into vital energy.
This asana cures rheumatic arthritis of the lower legs and fissure and cures constipation, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, backache,arm-sprain and Joints become flexible and the bones become strong.
This asana increases sexual ability. It removes the defects of the reproductive system of women and effective in reducing the weight of the things, hips and the abdomen.
This asana helps to cure diseases like colic pain, flatulence, enteritis, chronic fever, constipation, and keeps the abdominal organs trim. It cures gas-trouble and increases the digestion-power.
If Suryabheda Pranayama or Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama is practiced for fifteen minutes before performing this (Parvatasana) asana, the lungs, the abdomen and the spine become strong and healthy