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Paul Beaufait

Educational Leadership:Reading Comprehension:Making Sense of Online Text - 11 views

  • The following strategy lesson invites students to stop, think, and anticipate where important information about a Web site's content might be found
  • To move students beyond simply cutting and pasting their notes directly into their final projects, teachers can provide students with a word-processing document (see fig. 3) that serves as a template to help them organize their research
    Coiro, Julie. (2005). Making sense of online text. Educational Leadership 62(2), 30-35. Retrieved September 21, 2011, from "Four challenges face students as they use Internet technologies to search for, navigate, critically evaluate, and synthesize information. Here ... [Coiro] pose[s] each challenge as a question and suggest a corresponding activity that models effective strategies to help students meet that challenge" (A New Kind of Literacy, ¶3).
darren mccarty

Bubbabrain 10 Million Game Challenge - 14 views

K-12 Challenge for students. Go to - click on the word challenges- select your challenge- select your state-pick a game- hit play.

education tools learningwithcomputers web2.0

started by darren mccarty on 19 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
Kathleen N

Our "Challenges" Projects - 0 views

    Share with the world your challenges through your eyes.
Illya Arnet

The Bamboo Project Blog: Coment Challenge Winners! - 0 views

    Carla Arena won a prize in the comment challenge!
    Congratulations, Carla!
Kris Abel

Far Out: Studios Imagine Smart Cars for a World Transformed by Robots - New York Times - 0 views

    FIFTY years ago, tail fins were at their most extreme: cars seemed to want to be rockets. But 50 years from now, cars will want to be robots, at least according to the design challenge at the Los Angeles auto show this year.Read More....
Walco Solutions

plc training programs - 0 views

shared by Walco Solutions on 15 Jun 15 - No Cached
    A joint venture of Walrus Marine Engineering Co.Pvt.Ltd.(An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company) and Solutions Institute of Engineering and Technology (a 10+ year old training centre in the field of engineering). The Walco Solutions Automation training division was conceived with the vision to train professionals to meet the challenges in the field of automation with the aid of apt training modules specifically programmed to deliver a broad perspective of the Engineering disciplines and tap the opportunities in the field. / +91 8129981111
Walco Solutions

automation training - 0 views

shared by Walco Solutions on 10 Jun 15 - No Cached
    Walco solutions was designed and conceived with the vision to mold professionals and students to meet the challenges in the real world industry with the aid of excellent training.
Walco Solutions

career - 0 views

shared by Walco Solutions on 11 Jun 15 - No Cached
    Walco solutions was designed and conceived with the vision to mold professionals and students to meet the challenges in the real world industry with the aid of excellent training. NOTE: 10% DISCOUNT FOR GROUP ADMISSION
Zaid Mark

Windows 8 Shortcuts to Bypass the Elongated Routes - 0 views

    Windows 8, according to some perspectives, is considered to be challenging in use. Many functions have been relocated and many new features are not visible and recognized. A new user logged into Windows 8 is similar to child caught in a maze. To avoid such confusions, this article is concentrated on the Shortcut keys, through which one can easily bypass the standard route to access a function or application.

International Spice Conference 2016 - Decoding Spices - 0 views

    The dynamic 4-day International Spice Conference will discuss about the challenges faced by the industry and its solutions for decoding the spices in the 21st century.
Paul Beaufait

How keep track of new comments on other bloggers' posts | The Edublogger - 0 views

    illustrated tutorial for getting started using coComment, a web application for comment tracking, notification, and community building, used for the 31 Day Comment Challenge (May 2008):
andrew bendelow

2010 Horizon Report: The K12 Edition - 0 views

    New Media Consortium's 2010 predictions on the immense k-12 learning changes and challenges from technology
Maryanne Burgos

Introduction to Creative Thinking - 0 views

    • Maryanne Burgos
      This is the viewpoint of the authors of Disrupting Class who believe that "innovation does not take root through a direct attach on the existing system.  Instead it must go around and underneath the system.  This is how disruption drives affordability, accessibility, capability and responsiveness." (p. 225)
  • Reapplication.
  • general purpose spray cleaners can be used to kill ants.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Changing Direction
  • the goal is to solve the problem, not to implement a particular solution.
  • Motivation--a willingness to expend the effort--is more important than laboratory apparatus. And remember that you can always do something. Even if you cannot totally eradicate the problem from the face of the earth, you can always do something to make the situation better.
  • Mistakes aren't fun, but they sure are educational.
  • Positive Attitudes for Creativity
  • Curiosity. Creative people want to know things--all kinds of things-- just to know them. Knowledge does not require a reason. The question, "Why do you want to know that?" seems strange to the creative person, who is likely to respond, "Because I don't know the answer." Knowledge is enjoyable and often useful in strange and unexpected ways
  • halleng
  • Challenge. Curious people like to identify and challenge the assumptions behind ideas, proposals, problems, beliefs, and statements. Many assumptions, of course, turn out to be quite necessary and solid, but many others have been assumed unnecessarily, and in breaking out of those assumptions often comes a new idea, a new path, a new solution.
  • Constructive discontent. This is not a whining, griping kind of discontent, but the ability to see a need for improvement and to propose a method of making that improvement. Constructive discontent is a positive, enthusiastic discontent, reflecting the thought, "Hey, I know a way to make that better."
  • 4. A belief that most problems can be solved.
  • 5. The ability to suspend judgment and criticism.
  • Remember then that (1) an idea may begin to look good only after it becomes a bit more familiar or is seen in a slightly different context or clothing or circumstance
  • 6. Seeing the good in the bad. Creative thinkers, when faced with poor solutions, don't cast them away. Instead, they ask, "What's good about it?" because there may be something useful even in the worst ideas. And however little that good may be, it might be turned to good effect or made greater.
  • 7. Problems lead to improvements.
  • 8. A problem can also be a solution
  • 9. Problems are interesting and emotionally acceptable.
  • Miscellaneous Good Attitudes
  • 1. Perseverance.
  • 2. A flexible imagination
  • 3. A belief that mistakes are welcome. Modern society has for some reason conceived the idea that the only unforgivable thing is to fail or make a mistake. Actually failure is an opportunity; mistakes show that something is being done. So creative people have come to realize and accept emotionally that making mistakes is no negative biggie. One chief executive of a big American corporation warns all his newly hired managers, "Make sure you make a reasonable number of mistakes." Mistakes are educational and can lead to success--because they mean you are doing something.
  • Robert Harris Version Date: July 1, 1998
    • Maryanne Burgos
      Biographical info on Robert A. Harris
andrew bendelow

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - Global Education Challenge - Idea Display - 3 views

  • our educational system practices have a tendency to foster dependence, passivity and a "tell me what to do" attitude. Effective learning is that students are in charge of their own learning and progress.  A growing body of research indicates that when students are working on goals they themselves have set, they are more motivated and efficient, and they achieve more than they do when working on goals that have been set by the teacher.  
    H Mifflin - Globl Ed Chllge - Dorit' Eilon's goal-setting program = perfect for individ, networked learning #edtech
Gareth Jones

Learnalot - game based learning for maths - 0 views

    Learnalot uses high-quality game-based learning resources to engage and challenge its students in maths.

International Spice Conference 2016 - Decoding Spices - 0 views

    The dynamic 4-day International Spice Conference will discuss about the challenges faced by the industry and its solutions for decoding the spices in the 21st century. Decoding Spices.

Things To Do In Self Isolation | Mobile Bar Hire Company - 1 views

Things To Do In Self-Isolation Covid-19 Times Things to do in self isolating ? With the current climate as it stands, we ask ourselves- As a Mobile Bar Hire company read what things can you do t...

Mobile bar hire bartender Bar Hire a bartender Hire a bartender London Cocktail Bar hire Cocktail Bar hire London cocktail maker Cocktail making hen party London barman Hire barman London Mobile bar hire London

started by hirebartenderuk on 30 Mar 20 no follow-up yet
Networth and College attended

Angela Bassett's Net Worth and College Attended: A Confluence of Academia, Artistry, an... - 0 views

    Angela Evelyn Bassett, with her magnetic presence and unparalleled talent, has etched her name in the annals of Hollywood history. A beacon of excellence, her journey in the entertainment world is a testament to her unwavering determination, innate talent, and the resilience to overcome challenges.

Barclays To Host Blockchains Hackathon To Assist Contracts Processing In Derivatives Ma... - 0 views

    Barclays, the U.K. banking behemoth, is challenging Barclays To Host Blockchains Hackathon developers to assist refurbish the worldwide derivatives market next month at a hackathon. Disclosed to the media this week, DerivHack will take place at Barclays' Rise accelerator spaces at the same time in New York and London on September 20 and 21, 2018. The ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives Association), Thomson Reuters, and Deloitte are co-sponsoring the hackathon.

Why Your Startup Needs Custom Software Development Company - 0 views

    The business world is full of challenges, from accounting and sales to inventory, internal communications, and staying connected with customers and clients, to name a few. These must all be coordinated to ensure the smooth operation of any business, especially a startup. This leaves a business owner two choices: resorting tasks to specialized personnel or spreading a limited number of employees to cover different responsibilities. This is inconvenient in the first case and inefficient in the second case. But there is a third choice - outsourcing to a custom development company! As reported by Statista, this is a common practice, and the app outsourcing segment is projected to reach US$116.00bn in 2022. Custom-developed apps that are tailor-made to a company's specific needs are a great way to get around inefficiencies and obtain advantages. These apps can be extremely powerful tools in the modern business world and, when well designed, give a company the edge over the competition. Custom apps created by software development services have as many advantages as companies have needs that can be fulfilled- and that is probably too many to list in one place! 1. Creation of a competitive product This is where custom-built apps excel! They can be designed and programmed in line with the latest tech specifications by a software development team, such as a dedicated development team, like those mentioned here Dedicated teams can become your entrusted partner and uncover your business potential with technologies according to the exact specifications and individual requirements. Furthermore, every detail of the inner workings of the software will be well known to the development team. Therefore upgrading or adding functions as the business grows is greatly simplified by outsourcing the technical side to a firm that specializes in software development. 2. Efficiency and automation Custom-made apps allow the complete automation of any process that your business requires. No
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