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Jill Giacomini

Group video calling/Hangouts in Google Apps for Education (10 ways)- July 2014 - Google... - 1 views

    Seeing is believing: Group video calling for up to 15 people is now a core service in Google Apps for Education. See 10 ways that schools are putting this to good use.
Jill Giacomini

Google Plus adds Google Docs to Hangouts - 0 views

    "Google has announced that Google Docs are now included in Hangouts on Google Plus. When in a Hangout, you just click on the new "Docs" button and you can add an existing document, upload a new one, and switch between and collaboratively edit multiple documents at once. This is another great feature of Google+ Hangouts for education. Teachers and/or students can hold study groups, help sessions, or work on other projects using Docs in Hangouts."
Jill Giacomini

Kidblog | Safe and simple blogs for your students. - 0 views

    With Kid Blog you have a great tool for kids to practice their writing skills and talk to the group.
Maureen Hencmann

youseeU - video tool - 1 views

    I have not used this tool in about 3 years. Since then, they have added more enhancements. IF you are seeking a tool to enable video interaction, check this one out. You can set up groups and the videos are archived for later viewing.
    Thanks for marking this Mo! I went to the site to see how to sign up and it looks like youseeU is an actual platform that an organization purchases, rather than a stand-alone tool that could be used for one activity or assignment. Is that right?
Jill Giacomini

Doodle: easy scheduling - 1 views

shared by Jill Giacomini on 23 Oct 12 - Cached
    "Easy scheduling-Free of charge and without registration"
    Love this one! Use it all the time with groups that may not all utilize iCal or Outlook.
Nicole Marcisz

digitalstorytelling - 0 views

this is mostly an experiment; this is a group topic


started by Nicole Marcisz on 11 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
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