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Jill Giacomini

Teaching Writing and Learning With Graphic Organizers | Emerging Education Technology - 0 views

    "Incorporating graphic organizers into the writing and learning process is a great way to get students to think outside the box and engage more willingly in the process."
Jill Giacomini

Regis Writing Style Guide - 0 views

    University Brand Marketing is pleased to announce the release of the official Regis University Visual Style Guide and Writing Style Guide. Please reference these style guides to learn about Regis University brand criterion including, but not limited to: University logo and seal usage, typography, colors, imagery and writing standards. The Visual Style Guide and Writing Style Guide can be found on the One Regis | Branding Together blog at
Jill Giacomini

Kidblog | Safe and simple blogs for your students. - 0 views

    With Kid Blog you have a great tool for kids to practice their writing skills and talk to the group.
Jill Giacomini

Welcome to NoRedInk! - 0 views

    A site created by a teacher for teachers that provides a fun way for students to learn grammar and writing skills. The site allows for students preferences in the content that keeps them interested and motivated.
Jill Giacomini

Regis University Visual Style Guide - 0 views

    University Brand Marketing is pleased to announce the release of the official Regis University Visual Style Guide and Writing Style Guide. Please reference these style guides to learn about Regis University brand criterion including, but not limited to: University logo and seal usage, typography, colors, imagery and writing standards. The Visual Style Guide and Writing Style Guide can be found on the One Regis | Branding Together blog at
Jill Giacomini

Storify · Find the best of social media - 0 views

    Storify offers educators several easy to use features for designing multimedia assignments, since it allows both technology novices and professionals to create auditorily and visually rich news articles or "stories" without web design skills. Storify can be used for students to gather resources from the web, evaluate these resources, and write enticing synthesis essays based on research.
Jill Giacomini

Rubrics for Teachers - Assessment - 0 views

    From Greg
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