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Brian Nichols

Blogging Innovation: Focus on Your Winners - Innovation blog articles, videos, and insi... - 0 views

    Focus on Your Winners
Brian Nichols

Blogging Innovation: 56 Reasons Why Innovation Initiatives Fail - Innovation blog artic... - 0 views

    56 Reasons Why Innovation Initiatives Fail
Courtney Jablonski

Myths and Opportunities: Technology in the Classroom by Alan November - 1 views

Alan November hit the nail right on the head...there has to be a shift in paradigm and control if we want to help our students flourish and succeed in today's global society.

web 2.0 leadership paradigm shift 21st century skills

Courtney Jablonski

Electronic tablets break down educational barriers in R.I. schools | Rhode Island news ... - 0 views

  • using iPads to write essays, edit videos, practice their multiplication tables and e-mail their homework to teachers
  • revolutionizing the way a handful of Rhode Island schools provide instruction, communicate with students and parents, and evaluate teacher performance.
  • using the iPad to evaluate what teachers are doing in the classroom.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • $500 from the school’s operating budget, the iPad is cheaper than a typical laptop, more portable, and, with its touch screen technology, easy to use.
  • Of course, with greater freedom comes greater responsibility. That’s why Trinity has developed a detailed policy, signed by student and parent, which explains how the iPad can be used. For example, the use of social networking sites is prohibited. Students may only access the Internet through a specific application that filters out inappropriate material. And the iPad must never be left unattended.
  • “Technology offers flexibility in scheduling and the ability to work anytime,”
    Have any of your schools started to use the iPad? In what capacities?
Courtney Jablonski

Harvard Education Letter - 0 views

shared by Courtney Jablonski on 03 Mar 11 - No Cached
  • have their ID badges scanned to record their attendance.
  • individual study carrels in a big open space
  • students work independently at their computers, learning core subjects or electives through online curricula
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • an area with cushy couches and tables called the Fishbowl, where students gather to chat between classes or to work on group projects.
  • put on headphones or twist iPod ear buds into their ears, because the online programs are interactive and multimodal—comprised of audio, video vignettes, Flash animation, quizzes, and games. Paraprofessionals called “assistant coaches” walk through the center to make sure kids are doing their work, fix computer glitches, help with academic questions
  • The online curriculum for each course is adaptive, meaning it can gauge from the students’ answers when they have mastered something and are ready to move ahead and when they may need extra practice before moving on. A bar on the upper right corner of the screen tracks students’ progress in every course and becomes part of a report automatically e-mailed to parents at the end of every week.
  • Using this “daily achievement data” from the students’ online work, teachers at Carpe Diem meet with students individually or in small groups, called workshops, either to give extra remedial help or to facilitate enrichment projects. Grouped roughly by age, students rotate in and out of the Learning Center, workshops, gym, or science labs every 55 minutes until the end of the day.
  • combine the best of traditional, face-to-face instruction with the best of the cutting-edge online curriculum available to virtual schools. The result is something education experts are calling a hybrid school.
    Although we may not be emulating this type of school in all ways, what types of learning opportunities are you providing students with that can reflect the ideas found in this hybrid school?
Jennie Bales

Future Learning | Mini Documentary | GOOD - YouTube - 0 views

    Students are the future, but what's the future for students? To arm them with the relevant, timeless skills for our rapidly changing world, we need to revolutionize what it means to learn. Education innovators like Dr. Sugata Mitra, visiting professor at MIT; Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy; and Dr. Catherine Lucey, Vice Dean of Education at UCSF, are redefining how we engage young minds for a creatively and technologically-advanced future. Which of these educators holds the key for unlocking the learning potential inside every student?
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