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Duane Sharrock

Push for Open Access to Publicly Financed Research Swells Abroad - Technology - The Chr... - 0 views

    Not directly an article for Leadership for 21st Century Schools until considering the issues of open access. Publicly funded research was not readily accessible; access is opening to some degree.
David Ellena

The 21st Century Principal: Leadership Principle: Deal with Anger by Removing Your Butt... - 0 views

  • What if, though, we could find a way to do what Buddhist teacher Thubten Chodron describes as a process of "Removing Our Buttons?" She writes:
  • "Rather than acting according to our habitual pattern of blaming others for our anger, we can note that our buttons are being pushed depends on two factors: other's actions and our having buttons. If we remove our buttons, there won't be anything for others to push."
  • According to Thubten Chodron, our removal of these buttons is simply removing our "automatic and habitual responses that so often get us tangled in cycles of anger and conflict with others."
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • We acknowledge and accept that anger when it appears.
  • Then we simply recognize that the anger is temporary.
    As we return to school here is some good advice for school leaders
David Ellena

Is it about what you have learned or that you are learning? | The Principal of Change - 0 views

  •  I started to realize that it was not about what people had learned, but that they were learning.
  •  If they were trying to move forward,  they were successful that day, and making sure they knew that would push them that much further.
  • As much as we talk about the importance of collaboration, learning is an extremely personal experience.
    Are you placing enough emphasis on WHAT you are learning?
Martin Leicht

Ilene Gordon of Ingredion, on the Importance of Mentors - - 0 views

  • “You ought to run some of these businesses and see how good your analysis was.
  • somebody has talent and good people skills and drive, I think you can stretch them and put them in a job that they’re not quite ready for, so they grow into it.
  • t’s really about opportunity. I’m taking these lessons in how people treated me as a young professional and use those l
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • essons today to excite our people.
  • I said it’s about tenacity. It’s never giving up
  • I look for young people who have a lot of energy, and who treat other people well, because we’re not looking for bullies. Some people push their way through things and they’re not collaborative.
  • elevator speech.
David Ellena

Doing the Leadership Tango - Promising Practices - Management - - 0 views

  • Effective leadership is akin to a tango. Everyone knows who is the formal leader before the dance begins. But once the action starts effective leadership reflects a flexible dynamic moving partnership, quality of a relationship. Knowing your ABCs—“awareness” of your “behavior” and its “consequences”—is a key leadership building block.
  • The behaviors reflect a simple relationship model comprising eight styles and two energy modes. "Describe," "prescribe," "appreciate" and "inspire" reflect push energy—being understood by you and getting my points across to you. "Attend," "ask," "understand" and "empathize" reflect pull energy—striving to understand the points you are trying to get across to me.
  • Leaders must be aware of their follower’s style, needs and preferences.
    Knowing your people is a key skill in successful leadership
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