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Jason Finley

Collective Action Toolkit - 0 views

    Really interesting set of linked protocols for organizational planning. "The Collective Action Toolkit isn't a rigid template for problem solving. It's designed to be flexible and accessible, with an action map and activities arranged into six categories, from building a group, to imagining new ideas, to planning change. The toolkit challenges groups to move beyond discussion to action, continually clarifying their shared goals based on what they learn through the problem-solving process."
Brian Nichols

If Your Actions Inspire People to Dream More, Learn More, Do More and Become More, Then... - 0 views

    If Your Actions Inspire People to Dream More, Learn More, Do More and Become More, Then You Are A Leader
David Ellena

ASCD EDge - Making Time to Lead and to Learn: Action Steps for Today's Busy Principals - 0 views

    Principals can take action steps to ensure their school is an innovative & exciting learning environment #satchat - Bill Sterrett (@billsterrett) September 6, 2014
Leader in u

Business Skills Training Program| Action Based Learning program - 0 views

    Our action based business skills training program gives solution to all kinds of business issues and helps managers and women leaders meet business objectives.
David Ellena

On Leadership, CEO's and Practicing What You Preach | Linked 2 Leadership - 0 views

    How do you communicate through your actions?
David Ellena

Guest Post by Greg Richardson - Leadership and Ambiguity | elumn8 - 0 views

  • We like our leaders to be confident, clear, in control. We take comfort from leaders who have a vision, who are insightful, who know where they are going.
  • We are not nearly as comfortable with ambiguity. Ambiguity is uncertain. We do not know what is going to happen with ambiguity.
  • We are not reassured when leaders are ambiguous. We trust them less.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The difficulty for leaders, and for us, is that many significant challenges are ambiguous.
  • Leadership is turning ambiguity into measurable action steps, translating what we fear into what we can do.
  • Leadership is turning ambiguity into measurable action steps, translating what we fear into what we can do.
    Some great advice on handling ambiguity 
David Ellena

How to Set Productive Collaboration into Action - 0 views

    Though this is business oriented, there are some good ideas for educators as well
David Ellena

Let Your Leadership Speak For Itself - Lolly Daskal | Leadership and Personal Developme... - 0 views

    Your leadership and your actions speak for who you are
David Ellena

Doing the Leadership Tango - Promising Practices - Management - - 0 views

  • Effective leadership is akin to a tango. Everyone knows who is the formal leader before the dance begins. But once the action starts effective leadership reflects a flexible dynamic moving partnership, quality of a relationship. Knowing your ABCs—“awareness” of your “behavior” and its “consequences”—is a key leadership building block.
  • The behaviors reflect a simple relationship model comprising eight styles and two energy modes. "Describe," "prescribe," "appreciate" and "inspire" reflect push energy—being understood by you and getting my points across to you. "Attend," "ask," "understand" and "empathize" reflect pull energy—striving to understand the points you are trying to get across to me.
  • Leaders must be aware of their follower’s style, needs and preferences.
    Knowing your people is a key skill in successful leadership
David Ellena

The 21st Century Principal: Leadership Principle: Deal with Anger by Removing Your Butt... - 0 views

  • What if, though, we could find a way to do what Buddhist teacher Thubten Chodron describes as a process of "Removing Our Buttons?" She writes:
  • "Rather than acting according to our habitual pattern of blaming others for our anger, we can note that our buttons are being pushed depends on two factors: other's actions and our having buttons. If we remove our buttons, there won't be anything for others to push."
  • According to Thubten Chodron, our removal of these buttons is simply removing our "automatic and habitual responses that so often get us tangled in cycles of anger and conflict with others."
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • We acknowledge and accept that anger when it appears.
  • Then we simply recognize that the anger is temporary.
    As we return to school here is some good advice for school leaders
David Ellena

7 Hats Principals Must Be Prepared to Wear | Connected Principals - 0 views

  • 1. Coach
  • Someone has to make the final call, and as the principal, that will often be you.
  • Coaches also set the tone, cast the vision, or help motivate their teams to action.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • 2. Manager
  • School leadership is much more than management, but it is still an important part of it.
  • 3. Counselor
  • But I have learned the importance of giving my attention to someone in need, providing them feedback, and helping them find solutions.
  • 4. On Duty
  • 5. Chief Communicator
  • Here are a few ways I try to keep communication clear: a. Be present and visible. b. Follow up meetings with email summaries. c. Email parents and teachers in group emails with school updates. d. When someone is upset, call or see in person if possible. e. Send photos and updates to your local media outlets. f. Create a school newsletter so great events are published to a wider audience.
  • 6. Servant-Leader
  • 7. Team Player
  • principal must remember he is not working alone. You are surrounded by teachers, students, or staff members who are talented, intelligent and creative.
    What would you add to tho list?
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