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Dave Krocker

How Teaching is Like Composting | Faculty Focus - 1 views

    At the end of four years, students come out of the "educational composter" looking and acting a whole lot different than they did when they first entered.
Dave Krocker

Hattie's Index Of Teaching & Learning Strategies: 39 Effect Sizes In Ascending... - 0 views

    An Index Of Teaching & Learning Strategies: 39 Effect Sizes In Ascending Order by Dana Schon, Effect Size Defined Statistically speaking, the strength of the relationship between two variables. John Hattie, Professor of Education and Director of the
Dave Krocker

The real stuff of schooling: How to teach students to apply knowledge - 1 views

    Larry Ferlazzo is a veteran teacher of English and Social Studies at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, California. He has written seven books on education - including a few on student motivation, and writes extensively on education issues, including authoring a teacher advice blog for Education Week Teacher, and maintaining a popular resource-sharing blog.
Dave Krocker

Learner-Centered Pedagogy and the Fear of Losing Control - 0 views

    In the spring of 1991, I returned to teaching after more than five years as a Benedictine monk. The monastery had been founded in China in the 1920s, and when exiled after the Chinese Revolution, the community had relocated to the Mojave Desert in California.

The Tech Classroom - 0 views

    Many great ideas for improving your teaching approach in the classroom, from pedagogy to tech use

Digital Literacy Fundamentals | MediaSmarts - 0 views

    "This section looks at the various aspects and principles relating to digital literacy and the many skills and competencies that fall under the digital literacy umbrella. The relationship between digital literacy and digital citizenship is also explored and tips are provided for teaching these skills in the classroom."
Derek Doucet

13 Great Twitter Chats Every Educator Should Check Out -- THE Journal - 0 views

  • 13 Great Twitter Chats Every Educator Should Check Out
  • Interested in giving Twitter chats a try? Here are a few tips to get you started:
  • 1. Use a tool like Tweetdeck, Tweetchat, or Twubs to follow that chat. On a mobile device, you may find an app like Hootsuite to be helpful.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • 2. It's okay to lurk (which means to follow the discussion, but not participate) at first. Lurking is learning! At the same time, don't be afraid to jump into the conversation
  • 3. When participating in a chat, don't forget to include the chat hashtag, prefaced by the # sign, or else chat participants will miss your Tweets
  • 4. Some chats move very quickly and it can be difficult to keep with all the chatter
  • . Often, a link to the archive will be shared at the end of the chat. Or, just do a Google search for the chat hashtag and the word "archives." For example, a search for "edchat archives" brings you quickly to the #edchat archive at 
  • 5. Participating in Twitter chats is a great way to build your Personal Learning Network. Twitter chats attract passionate educators who are dedicated to lifelong learning, improving their professional practice, and sharing resources with others
  • #edchat: Considerd the "grandfather" of educational chats, #edchat is one of the most popular chats and is held on Tuesdays from 12 to 1 and 7 to 8 pm Eastern Time
  • Want to learn more about Education Twitter chats? Jerry Blumengarten (@cybraryman1) has some terrific resources on his website. For specific tips, check out his "How to Chat" page and his "Twitter Chat" page.
  • #satchat: Fascinating discussions about education and leadership are held on Saturday mornings from 7:30 to 8:30 am Eastern Time.
  • If you aren't up that early on weekends, you can catch #satchatwc (Satchat West Coast) at 10:30 am ET. For a uniquely global discussion, #satchatoc attracts a lot of international participants and is held Friday nights at 8:00 pm ET
  • Learn more at the satchat website. 
  • #flipclass: Interested in flipping your classroom? Join the #flipclass chat on Monday nights from 8 to 9 pm
  • #sschat: This can't-miss chat for History/Social Studies teachers takes place Mondays from 7 to 8 pm. English teachers should check out the #engchat discussion held at the same time.
  • #digcit: This chat discusses best practices in teaching Digital Citizenship and Literacy on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month from 7 to 8 pm ET. Find out more information at  
  • #edtechchat: is dedicated to all things related to Education Technology and takes place Mondays from 8 to 9 pm Eastern Time.
    • Derek Doucet
      Thanks for sharing this Tim Rollwagen!
  • Whitepapers
    Great twitter chats to help your self-directed professional development
Derek Doucet

What Do We Really Mean When We Say 'Personalized Learning'? | MindShift | KQED News - 0 views

  • The idea of personalized learning is seductive – it implies moving away from the industrialized form of education that pumps out cookie-cutter students with the same knowledge and skills.
  • Dozens of teachers agreed that a truly personalized learning experience requires student choice, is individualized, meaningful and resource rich.
  • This kind of learning allows students to work at their own pace and level, meets the individual needs of students, and perhaps most importantly, is not a one-size fits all model.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Technology was strikingly absent from these conversations. Instead, the common view of personalization focused on giving agency for learning to the student and valuing each individual in a classroom.
  • We often say we want creativity and innovation – personalization – but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance,
  • She cautions educators who may be excited about the progressive educational implications for “personalized learning” to make sure everyone they work with is on the same page about what that phrase means.
    A clear idea of what it means to personalize education...

Growth Mindset - Counter Argument to Boaler - 1 views

  • I believe that helping our students to find their way a growth mindset is so important it must become one of the pillars of our math teaching
  • The bottom line is this: if you believe that a learner can simply let go of their fixed mindset just because you tell them to, then I have a bridge to sell you.
  • start developing a more mindful approach to helping students engage with a growth mindset.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The only successful way to work with defense mechanisms — the only way that has been shown to bring about long-term inner change, either in a therapeutic or in an inner development context, such as mindfulness — involves empowering learners to gently and non-coercively notice their own defense mechanisms when they pop up.
    The blogger describes some of the dangers in simply telling kids to adopt a growth mindset. Then offers an alternative approach - see additional posts on talking points.
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