SCAAC-N is a support group for professional development, problem solving, leadership, mentoring, and training in the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to develop communication in non-speaking individuals. Check out blogs regarding Boardmakershare
Baltimore City Public Schools
On this website you will find books that have been adapted using the Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) and the Mayer-Johnson program BoardMaker (c). The Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) are typically used by individuals
Cheat sheet created by the Loudoun County Public Schools' Assistive Technology Team on using the Boardmaker Plus v. 6 Symbolate tool. Type in the text, or copy and paste it from a document or the Internet, and the graphics will appear with the text. It also has a text to speech feature that reads the text aloud. Provides wonderful supports for struggling readers and English language learners!
Spectronics provides step by step instructions on using the Symbolate tool available in Boardmaker v. 6. This text with graphics tool provides wonderful visual supports for struggling readers and English language learners. It also has a text to speech feature to provide audio support.
SETBC provides step by step instructions on using the Symbolate tool available in Boardmaker v. 6. This text with graphics tool provides wonderful visual supports for struggling readers and English language learners. It also has a text to speech feature to provide audio support.
"BoardmakerShare is now Boardmaker Achieve Community! The place where more than 200,000 board makers come to share learning activities is better than ever. Choose from over 21,000 free symbol-adapted learning activities and find Common Core Aligned Instruction. Help your students with special needs to Achieve!"
This collection of tutorials provides step-by-step guides for users to create accessible books to support print disabled students. Find tutorials for PowerPoint, Clicker 5 & Clicker 6, Boardmaker Studio, the Pictello app for iPad
Visual supports for the Night Light Story ( Clementine's Big Mess about a cupid who has lost his quiver and seeks the help of his magical friends for ideas as to where to find it. Supports created by Patrick Black.
Free downloadable Boardmaker visuals have been created for more than 750 books that can be used as communication boards or story sequencing cards to talk about the story.