This is an Innovative Mapping Tool released by the EPA to Improve Environmental Reviews and Planning. The web-based application draws environmental data dynamically from EPA's Geographic Information System (GIS) databases and web services and provides immediate screening of environmental assessment indicators for a user-defined area of interest.
Database with extensive links to government agencies with data sets on the themes of agriculture, environment, chemistry, climate, biodiversity, economy, society, geography, history for the UK and specifically Scotland. Data is in a variety of formats.
Basic but useful data for all countries, plus links to climate, species, elevation, and satellite data, all downloadable for free in ESRI shapefile format (also for use with their DIVA-GIS software). (Jim Proctor, October 2009)
Interactive mapping interface with links to data download from multiple sources. I found some download links to be more understandable than others. (Jim Proctor, Oct 2009)
The database has data in the areas of population, poverty, land cover, land form, base data, elevation, rainfall, biodiversity, wildlife, tourism, water, irrigation, hydropower, other data (biomass, water distribution, market centers, and charcoal sources). No account needed.
Geocommunity has free, downloadable data in the areas of administrative, political boundaries, DEMs, geologic, hydrography, land use/land cover, place name gazetteer, transportation, and utilities. This data can be found at the national level and state level. Use the LCENVS account. All data is downloaded in the E00 format.
Geocommunity has free, downloadable data in the areas of administrative, political boundaries, DEMs, geologic, hydrography, land use/land cover, place name gazetteer, transportation, and utilities. This data can be found at the national level. Use the LCENVS account. All data is downloaded in the E00 format.