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Tom Daccord

LANGUAGES AND LEARNING - THE PATH I HAVE FOLLOWED - The Educators' Royal Treatment - 0 views

    LANGUAGES AND LEARNING - THE PATH I HAVE FOLLOWED "with my "Languages and Learning" blog at I also joined Twitter, although I found it a lonely and pointless activity initially. I now find it to be one of my main sources of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) and also a place where people are generous with their praise and genuine in their concern. A visit to the Isle of Wight for a languages and ICT conference, organised by the amazing Joe Dale (, added to my enthusiasm, and as I approach the end of this academic year, I have created a wiki for my pupils ( and also dabbled with Audacity, Goanimate, Voki, ToonDoo, Animoto and Voice Thread, amongst others.Today I ran workshops on all of these as well as an overview of blogging, Twitter and Diigo."
    LANGUAGES AND LEARNING - THE PATH I HAVE FOLLOWED with my "Languages and Learning" blog at I also joined Twitter, although I found it a lonely and pointless activity initially. I now find it to be one of my main sources of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) and also a place where people are generous with their praise and genuine in their concern. A visit to the Isle of Wight for a languages and ICT conference, organised by the amazing Joe Dale (, added to my enthusiasm, and as I approach the end of this academic year, I have created a wiki for my pupils ( and also dabbled with Audacity, Goanimate, Voki, ToonDoo, Animoto and Voice Thread, amongst others.Today I ran workshops on all of these as well as an overview of blogging, Twitter and Diigo.
Beth Worthy

Why Automated Translators Can Never Replace Humans - 0 views


started by Beth Worthy on 30 Sep 15 no follow-up yet
Alyssa Ruesch

Top 10 Language Learning Blogs 2009 - & Lexiophiles - 0 views

    Top 100 Language Learning blogs - nice resources for developing your PLN.
Tom Daccord

Teaching Blogs « Classroom201X - 6 views

    List of "Teaching Blogs" re ESOL, EFL, ELT, MFL, PLNs, and more.

How to Connect Your WordPress Blog to Medium : Social Media Examiner - 0 views

    In this article, you'll discover how to automatically publish your WordPress blog posts on Medium.
Beth Worthy

Why Automated Translators Can Never Replace Humans - 1 views


started by Beth Worthy on 10 Sep 15 no follow-up yet
Beth Worthy

Celebrating International Translation Day - 0 views


started by Beth Worthy on 30 Sep 15 no follow-up yet
Teresa Pombo

Cure Writer's Block: Skribit - 3 views

    "Skribit helps you get suggestions for blog posts from your readers and the Skribit community. "
Nik Peachey

Development - ELT and the Crisis in Education | Delta Publishing - English Language Tea... - 0 views

    "In this first blog posting I'd like us to look at some of the major issues that are affecting education at this time and try to examine them in relation to English language teaching and how they may affect it."
    In this first blog posting I'd like us to look at some of the major issues that are affecting education at this time and try to examine them in relation to English language teaching and how they may affect it.
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