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Girja Tiwari

The determination of the DSL speed - 0 views

    The determination of the DSL speed.Those who have a DSL connection and this also with a flat-rate tariff uses extensively, which will undoubtedly raise the question, whether because really flows promised by the provider performance through the line......Read Full Text
    The determination of the DSL speed.Those who have a DSL connection and this also with a flat-rate tariff uses extensively, which will undoubtedly raise the question, whether because really flows promised by the provider performance through the line......Read Full Text
Trapper Callender

Man-Computer Symbiosis - 2 views

  • In short, it seems worthwhile to avoid argument with (other) enthusiasts for artificial intelligence by conceding dominance in the distant future of cerebration to machines alone.
  • There will nevertheless be a fairly long interim during which the main intellectual advances will be made by men and computers working together in intimate association. A multidisciplinary study group, examining future research and development problems of the Air Force, estimated that it would be 1980 before developments in artificial intelligence make it possible for machines alone to do much thinking or problem solving of military significance. That would leave, say, five years to develop man-computer symbiosis and 15 years to use it. The 15 may be 10 or 500, but those years should be intellectually the most creative and exciting in the history of mankind.
  • It is often said that programming for a computing machine forces one to think clearly, that it disciplines the thought process. If the user can think his problem through in advance, symbiotic association with a computing machine is not necessary.
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  • They would be easier to solve, and they could be solved faster, through an intuitively guided trial-and-error procedure in which the computer cooperated, turning up flaws in the reasoning or revealing unexpected turns in the solution.
  • Poincare anticipated the frustration of an important group of would-be computer users when he said, "The question is not, 'What is the answer?' The question is, 'What is the question?'" One of the main aims of man-computer symbiosis is to bring the computing machine effectively into the formulative parts of technical problems.
  • It is to bring computing machines effectively into processes of thinking that must go on in "real time," time that moves too fast to permit using computers in conventional ways.
  • To think in interaction with a computer in the same way that you think with a colleague whose competence supplements your own will require much tighter coupling between man and machine than is suggested by the example and than is possible today.
  • Throughout the period I examined, in short, my "thinking" time was devoted mainly to activities that were essentially clerical or mechanical: searching, calculating, plotting, transforming, determining the logical or dynamic consequences of a set of assumptions or hypotheses, preparing the way for a decision or an insight. Moreover, my choices of what to attempt and what not to attempt were determined to an embarrassingly great extent by considerations of clerical feasibility, not intellectual capability.
  • the operations that fill most of the time allegedly devoted to technical thinking are operations that can be performed more effectively by machines than by men.
  • If those problems can be solved in such a way as to create a symbiotic relation between a man and a fast information-retrieval and data-processing machine, however, it seems evident that the cooperative interaction would greatly improve the thinking process.
  • Computing machines can do readily, well, and rapidly many things that are difficult or impossible for man, and men can do readily and well, though not rapidly, many things that are difficult or impossible for computers. That suggests that a symbiotic cooperation, if successful in integrating the positive characteristics of men and computers, would be of great value. The differences in speed and in language, of course, pose difficulties that must be overcome.
  • Men will fill in the gaps, either in the problem solution or in the computer program, when the computer has no mode or routine that is applicable in a particular circumstance.
  • Clearly, for the sake of efficiency and economy, the computer must divide its time among many users. Timesharing systems are currently under active development. There are even arrangements to keep users from "clobbering" anything but their own personal programs.
  • It seems reasonable to envision, for a time 10 or 15 years hence, a "thinking center" that will incorporate the functions of present-day libraries together with anticipated advances in information storage and retrieval and the symbiotic functions suggested earlier in this paper. The picture readily enlarges itself into a network of such centers, connected to one another by wide-band communication lines and to individual users by leased-wire services. In such a system, the speed of the computers would be balanced, and the cost of the gigantic memories and the sophisticated programs would be divided by the number of users.
  • The first thing to face is that we shall not store all the technical and scientific papers in computer memory. We may store the parts that can be summarized most succinctly-the quantitative parts and the reference citations-but not the whole. Books are among the most beautifully engineered, and human-engineered, components in existence, and they will continue to be functionally important within the context of man-computer symbiosis. (Hopefully, the computer will expedite the finding, delivering, and returning of books.)
  • The second point is that a very important section of memory will be permanent: part indelible memory and part published memory. The computer will be able to write once into indelible memory, and then read back indefinitely, but the computer will not be able to erase indelible memory. (It may also over-write, turning all the 0's into l's, as though marking over what was written earlier.) Published memory will be "read-only" memory. It will be introduced into the computer already structured. The computer will be able to refer to it repeatedly, but not to change it.
  • The basic dissimilarity between human languages and computer languages may be the most serious obstacle to true symbiosis.
  • In short: instructions directed to computers specify courses; instructions-directed to human beings specify goals.
  • We may in due course see a serious effort to develop computer programs that can be connected together like the words and phrases of speech to do whatever computation or control is required at the moment. The consideration that holds back such an effort, apparently, is that the effort would produce nothing that would be of great value in the context of existing computers. It would be unrewarding to develop the language before there are any computing machines capable of responding meaningfully to it.
  • By and large, in generally available computers, however, there is almost no provision for any more effective, immediate man-machine communication than can be achieved with an electric typewriter.
  • Displays seem to be in a somewhat better state than controls. Many computers plot graphs on oscilloscope screens, and a few take advantage of the remarkable capabilities, graphical and symbolic, of the charactron display tube. Nowhere, to my knowledge, however, is there anything approaching the flexibility and convenience of the pencil and doodle pad or the chalk and blackboard used by men in technical discussion.
  • 2) Computer-Posted Wall Display: In some technological systems, several men share responsibility for controlling vehicles whose behaviors interact. Some information must be presented simultaneously to all the men, preferably on a common grid, to coordinate their actions. Other information is of relevance only to one or two operators. There would be only a confusion of uninterpretable clutter if all the information were presented on one display to all of them. The information must be posted by a computer, since manual plotting is too slow to keep it up to date.
  • Laboratory experiments have indicated repeatedly that informal, parallel arrangements of operators, coordinating their activities through reference to a large situation display, have important advantages over the arrangement, more widely used, that locates the operators at individual consoles and attempts to correlate their actions through the agency of a computer. This is one of several operator-team problems in need of careful study.
  • 3) Automatic Speech Production and Recognition: How desirable and how feasible is speech communication between human operators and computing machines?
  • Yet there is continuing interest in the idea of talking with computing machines.
  • In large part, the interest stems from realization that one can hardly take a military commander or a corporation president away from his work to teach him to type. If computing machines are ever to be used directly by top-level decision makers, it may be worthwhile to provide communication via the most natural means, even at considerable cost.
  • It seems reasonable, therefore, for computer specialists to be the ones who interact directly with computers in business offices.
  • Certainly, if the equipment were already developed, reliable, and available, it would be used.
    Man-computer symbiosis is an expected development in cooperative interaction between men and electronic computers. It will involve very close coupling between the human and the electronic members of the partnership. The main aims are 1) to let computers facilitate formulative thinking as they now facilitate the solution of formulated problems, and 2) to enable men and computers to cooperate in making decisions and controlling complex situations without inflexible dependence on predetermined programs. In the anticipated symbiotic partnership, men will set the goals, formulate the hypotheses, determine the criteria, and perform the evaluations. Computing machines will do the routinizable work that must be done to prepare the way for insights and decisions in technical and scientific thinking. Preliminary analyses indicate that the symbiotic partnership will perform intellectual operations much more effectively than man alone can perform them. Prerequisites for the achievement of the effective, cooperative association include developments in computer time sharing, in memory components, in memory organization, in programming languages, and in input and output equipment.
Zero Shulk

What determines the price of an option? - 1 views

    The price of an option can be determined if you consider all the factors that will be responsible for the proper and actual price.
Mike Wesch

The WELL - Join Us - 0 views

  • You know who you're talking with: As a WELL member, you use your real name. This leads to real conversations and relationships. It's the individual people here who determine the experience and create the community. This highly collaborative work in progress has been rolling since 1985.
    You know who you're talking with: As a WELL member, you use your real name. This leads to real conversations and relationships. It's the individual people here who determine the experience and create the community. This highly collaborative work in progress has been rolling since 1985.

infrared camera building inspection - 1 views

    The steel industry usually works in high temperature conditions. Traditional detection techniques are difficult to handle, and the application of thermal imagers uses non-contact temperature measurement to detect problems in a timely manner, allowing steel production to proceed in an orderly manner. Reasons to Use Thermal Imaging Products The failure of specialized metallurgical equipment such as metallurgical furnaces and other critical equipment can not only cause huge economic losses but also easily cause injuries to the staff. The use of infrared imaging technology for equipment inspection, understanding and mastering the state of the equipment in use, early detection of problems to identify the causes, ensuring safe production operations, to extend the service life of equipment have important significance. The use of thermal imaging cameras for large blast furnace material surface determination, hot blast furnace damage diagnosis, and detection, blast furnace residual iron mouth location determination, ingot temperature determination, etc., It can ensure safety to ensure product quality in all aspects.
LSG Industrial & Office Products Inc

Guide in Choosing the RIGHT Motor - 0 views

    Found a useful guide on how to determine the correct motor for your application. Let me share the important points to make the choosing part easier for you. With so many variables to consider, it is no wonder many designers find it difficult to choose the right motor for their application and often overlook critical parameters along the way. These pointers will definitely help you make the right choice.
Ali Safe

Most Overlooked Considerations When Interested In Truck Access Platforms - 0 views

    Selecting the right truck access platforms for your business necessities will save plenty of money and time. Besides, a good decision can actually enhance your workers' safety standards. But in order to make a good decision, it is imperative to understand your necessities, as well as the market specifications. There are a few different factors that can influence your decision. Each of them plays a very important role in determining the perfect platform.
Rahul Sharma

Air Monitoring Filters | Membrane Filters for Air Monitoring | Axiva - 0 views

    Axiva PM 2.5 PTFE membrane filters are specially designed for PM 2.5 ambient air monitoring. These air monitoring membrane filters have low tare mass for accurate gravimetric determination.
Mike Wesch

The Internet and Social Life (Annual Review of Psychology 2004) - 1 views

  • However, the Internet is not merely the Swiss army knife of communications media. It has other critical differences from previously available communication media and settings (see, e.g., McKenna & Bargh 2000), and two of these differences especially have been the focus of most psychological and human-computer interaction research on the Internet. First, it is possible to be relatively anonymous on the Internet, especially when participating in electronic group venues such as chat rooms or newsgroups. This turns out to have important consequences for relationship development and group participation. second, computer-mediated communication (CMC) is not conducted face-to-face but in the absence of nonverbal features of communication such as tone of voice, facial expressions, and potentially influential interpersonal features such as physical attractiveness, skin color, gender, and so on. Much of the extant computer science and communications research has explored how the absence of these features affects the process and outcome of social interactions.
  • Sproull & Kiesler (1985) considered CMC to be an impoverished communication experience, with the reduction of available social cues resulting in a greater sense or feeling of anonymity. This in turn is said to have a deindividuating effect on the individuals involved, producing behavior that is more self-centered and less socially regulated than usual. This reduced-information model of Internet communication assumes further that the reduction of social cues, compared to richer face-to-face situations, must necessarily have negative effects on social interaction (i.e., a weaker, relatively impoverished social interaction).
  • The relative anonymity of the Internet can also contribute to close relationship formation through reducing the risks inherent in self-disclosure. Because selfdisclosure contributes to a sense of intimacy, making self-disclosure easier should facilitate relationship formation. In this regard Internet communication resembles the "strangers on a train" phenomenon described by Rubin (1975; also Derlega & Chaikin 1977). As Kang (2000, p. 1161) noted, "Cyberspace makes talking with strangers easier. The fundamental point of many cyber-realms, such as chat rooms, is to make new acquaintances. By contrast, in most urban settings, few environments encourage us to walk up to strangers and start chatting. In many cities, doing so would amount to a physical threat."Overall, then, the evidence suggests that rather than being an isolating, personally and socially maladaptive activity, communicating with others over the Internet not only helps to maintain close ties with one's family and friends, but also, if the individual is so inclined, facilitates the formation of close and meaningful new relationships within a relatively safe environment.
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  • STIGMATIZED IDENTITIES McKenna & Bargh (1998) reasoned that people with stigmatized social identities (see Frable 1993, Jones et al. 1984), such as homosexuality or fringe political beliefs, should be motivated to join and participate in Internet groups devoted to that identity, because of the relative anonymity and thus safety of Internet (compared to face-to-face) participation and the scarcity of such groups in "real life." Moreover, because it is their only venue in which to share and discuss this aspect of their identity, membership in the group should be quite important to these people, and so the norms of such groups should exert a stronger than usual influence over members' behavior. This prediction was confirmed by an archival and observational study of the frequency with which stigmatized-group members posted messages to (i.e., participated in) the group: Unlike in other Internet groups, participation increased when there was positive feedback from the other group members and decreased following negative feedback (McKenna & Bargh 1998, Study 1).
  • ON-LINE SUPPORT In harmony with these conclusions, Davison et al. (2000) studied the provision and seeking of social support on-line by those with grave illnesses, and found that people used Internet support groups particularly for embarrassing, stigmatized illnesses such as AIDS and prostate cancer (and also, understandably, for those illnesses that limit mobility such as multiple sclerosis). The authors point out that because of the anxiety and uncertainty they are feeling, patients are highly motivated by social comparison needs to seek out others with the same illness (p. 213), but prefer to do this on-line when the illness is an embarrassing, disfiguring, or otherwise stigmatized one, because of the anonymity afforded by Internet groups (p. 215).
  • Accordingly, Kang (2000) has argued that one potential social benefit of the Internet is to disrupt the reflexive operation of racial stereotypes, as racial anonymity is much easier to maintain on-line than off-line. For example, studies have found that African Americans and Hispanics pay more than do white consumers for the same car, but these price differences disappear if the car is instead purchased on-line (Scott Morton et al. 2003).
  • Yet racism itself is socially stigmatized-especially when it comes to extreme forms such as advocacy of white supremacy and racial violence (see McKenna & Bargh 1998, Study 3). Thus the cloak of relative anonymity afforded by the Internet can also be used as a cover for racial hate groups, especially for those members who are concerned about public disapproval of their beliefs; hence today there are more than 3000 websites containing racial hatred, agendas for violence, and even bomb-making instructions (Lee & Leets 2002). Glaser et al. (2002) infiltrated such a group and provide telling examples of the support and encouragement given by group members to each other to act on their hatreds. All things considered, then, we don't know yet whether the overall effect of the Internet will be a positive or a negative one where racial and ethnic divisions are concerned.
  • People are not passively affected by technology, but actively shape its use and influence (Fischer 1992, Hughes & Hans 2001). The Internet has unique, even transformational qualities as a communication channel, including relative anonymity and the ability to easily link with others who have similar interests, values, and beliefs. Research has found that the relative anonymity aspect encourages self-expression, and the relative absence of physical and nonverbal interaction cues (e.g., attractiveness) facilitates the formation of relationships on other, deeper bases such as shared values and beliefs. At the same time, however, these "limited bandwidth" features of Internet communication also tend to leave a lot unsaid and unspecified, and open to inference and interpretation.
  • As Lea & Spears (1995) and O'Sullivan (1996) have noted, studying how relationships form and are maintained on the Internet brings into focus the implicit assumptions and biases of our traditional (face-to-face) relationship and communication research literatures (see Cathcart & Gumpert 1983)-most especially the assumptions that face-to-face interactions, physical proximity, and nonverbal communication are necessary and essential to the processes of relating to each other effectively. By providing an alternative interaction setting in which interactions and relationships play by somewhat different rules, and have somewhat different outcomes, the Internet sheds light on those aspects of face-to-face interaction that we may have missed all along. Tyler (2002), for example, reacting to the research findings on Internet interaction, wonders whether it is the presence of physical features that makes face-to-face interaction what it is, or is it instead the immediacy of responses (compared to e-mail)? That's a question we never knew to ask before.
  • Spears et al. (2002) contrasted the engineering model with the "social science" perspective on the Internet, which assumes instead that personal goals and needs are the sole determinant of its effects. [In the domain of communications research, Blumler & Katz's (1974) "uses and gratifications" theory is an influential version of this approach.] According to this viewpoint, the particular purposes of the individuals within the communication setting determine the outcome of the interaction, regardless of the particular features of the communication channel in which the interaction takes place.The third and most recent approach has been to focus on the interaction between features of the Internet communication setting and the particular goals and needs of the communicators, as well as the social context of the interaction setting (see Bargh 2002, McKenna & Bargh 2000, Spears et al. 2002). According to this perspective, the special qualities of Internet social interaction do have an impact on the interaction and its outcomes, but this effect can be quite different depending on the social context. With these three guiding models in mind, we turn to a review of the relevant research.

Global luxury jewelry is highly fragmented and mostly driven by consumer behavior and f... - 0 views

    Worldwide luxury jewelry industry is however unique as it could be quickly developing. Worldwide luxury jewelry market is profoundly divided and generally determined by customer conduct and style. In this way, jewelry makers should be centered around changing patterns and advancements to contend in worldwide and neighborhood market. Combination of new advancements like Computer Aided System (CAD) in the assembling of jewelry is relied upon to help with development of the market. Computer aided design innovation makes complex plans conceivable and permits producers to make new jewelry plans, which is generally difficult to plan physically.

Buy Sendgrid Accounts - 100% Verified Premium Accounts - 0 views

    The most popular option is to buy SendGrid credits. The most popular option is to buy SendGrid credits. SendGrid credits are a great way to get started with SendGrid and can be used for sending emails or accessing the API. They're available in several different denominations, so you can choose how much you want to spend on your account at any given time. Buy Sendgrid Accounts If you are just getting started with SendGrid and would like some free credit as an incentive not only will it help but it will also give you an idea of what kind of service level expectations should be set for when using their services such as sending out bulk emails or creating new APIs requests (API Keys).
    Introduction SendGrid is a cloud-based email marketing service that allows users to send emails at a low cost. It offers different plans and services to its customers which are suitable for small businesses, individuals, and organizations. What is a sendgrid account? If you're looking to send emails from your own domain, SendGrid is the perfect choice. It gives you the opportunity to send transactional emails and marketing campaigns as well as newsletters that are delivered using A/B split testing. SendGrid can also be used for all your business needs: Buy Sendgrid Accounts Marketing campaigns - SendGrid's email marketing platform makes it easy for businesses of any size to create targeted campaigns with advanced analytics capabilities and real-time reporting on open rates, clickthrough rates and conversion rates Transactional emails - Senders can choose from a variety of templates including HTML or plain text formats so they can easily customize their emails with brand colors and fonts Pricing for sendgrid SendGrid pricing is based on two factors: The number of emails you send each month. This metric is referred to as your sending limit. Your monthly budget, which is determined by the size of your business and its needs in terms of growth rate and marketing spend (if applicable). Buy Sendgrid Accounts Why Need to Buy SendGrid Account ? You may have heard of SendGrid before, but if you're not familiar with them and their email marketing services, here are some key points: SendGrid is a popular email marketing service used by many businesses. You can send an unlimited number of emails with SendGrid. It's easy to use and affordable for small businesses. The most popular option is to buy SendGrid credits. The most popular option is to buy SendGrid credits. SendGrid credits are a great way to get started with SendGrid and can be used for sending emails or accessing the API. They're available in several different denominations, so you can choose how muc

Buy Bing Ads Accounts - 100% Verified, Ready, Cheap Price & Instant Delivery - 0 views

    Bing Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform, meaning that advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. Businesses may develop and manage advertising campaigns on the Bing search engine using Bing Ads Accounts, a service. Businesses may target their advertising to display on Bing when users search for particular terms, and they can also monitor the number of times their ads are clicked.
  • ...3 more comments...
    Bing Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform, meaning that advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. Businesses may develop and manage advertising campaigns on the Bing search engine using Bing Ads Accounts, a service. Businesses may target their advertising to display on Bing when users search for particular terms, and they can also monitor the number of times their ads are clicked.
    Buy Bing Ads Accounts Introduction Bing Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform, meaning that advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. Businesses may develop and manage advertising campaigns on the Bing search engine using Bing Ads Accounts, a service. Businesses may target their advertising to display on Bing when users search for particular terms, and they can also monitor the number of times their ads are clicked. What is Bing Ads Accounts? Bing Ads Accounts are a tool that allows businesses to create and manage advertising campaigns on the Bing search engine. businesses can target their ads to appear when people search for specific terms on Bing, and can track how many people click on their ads. Buy Bing Ads Accounts Businesses that want to reach potential clients on the Bing search engine may find Bing Ads Accounts to be a useful tool. Businesses may grab the attention of qualified leads by targeting their advertising to appear when customers search for relevant terms. Businesses may also determine the success of their campaigns and make the required adjustments by monitoring the number of clicks on their advertisements. Buy Bing Ads Accounts Why should you use Bing Ads? With the help of the effective tool Bing Ads, companies of all sizes may advertise on the biggest search engine on the planet. Although there are several advantages to employing Bing Ads, the following four stand out as particularly compelling arguments: Bing Ads is reasonably priced. A sizable audience may see your adverts. Utilizing Bing Ads is simple. Different ad formats are available with Bing Ads. Being economical A cost-effective strategy to market your company is through Bing Ads. You can choose your own spending limit for your advertising campaign and only get charged when someone clicks on it. You can manage your spending because there is no minimum requirement. Speak to a Big Audience You may advertise to a wide audience using Bing Ads. With a 20% global m

Tubal Ligation Reversal Consultation By Telephone at No Charge - 0 views

    If you are considering a tubal reversal surgery, we want to talk to you! We offer free, no-obligation consultations over the phone to anyone considering a tubal reversal. These consultations serve to answer any of your questions and, if desired, determine if you are a good candidate for tubal reversal surgery.

Selecting the best Promise Rings for Her - 0 views

    The next task would be to identify his/her style. If you are not aware of his/her style, then there are several ways by which you can determine her taste and preference. Simply check out the jewelry style worn. It can help eliminate few styles during the selection process. Metal can be the starting point of the selection process. There are present rose, yellow, white metals to select from.
subraa subraa

Perfect Reasons to Prefer a Freelance Website Developer/Designer - 1 views

    The dynamic methodology towards site configuration and improvement is another explanation behind considering a freelance website developer & designer. Simply determining your necessities in fresh will work for you with no significant entanglements experienced. Investigating a few different choices on an extra premise will guarantee that you run over the sought advantages without influencing the quality models in any way.
zafar iqbal

Glove romney accuses Barack obama of 'vicious lies' on Bain Capital - 0 views

    "So disgrace on you, Barack Obama!" yowls out the speech in the newest TV ad from the Glove romney strategy, broadcasting only in Oh. Yet the speech is supposed to be not to presumptive GOP nominee Glove Mitt romney, but to an unlikely determine to appear in any Glove romney commercial: Hillary Clinton.
Julia Williams

Professional Wealth Management Service - 0 views

    United American Property Management has specialized and experienced Wealth managers.Wealth management retain is the key to proper planning that determines whether you will be economically stable in the long manage or not. It is an investment fright discipline which deals subsequent to monitory issues.
Mike Wesch

Media Revolution: Podcasting (Part 2); 2/06 - 0 views

  • By the end of 2004, bloggers were using the ability to add video as an enclosure to an RSS feed, allowing viewers to subscribe to videos and have them delivered automatically to their computers. This solved the problem of click and wait, where you had to wait for a video to start playing when you clicked on it from a web page.
  • podcasting (both video and audio) is a bottom-up movement and squarely the domain of individuals who are being guided by human creativity and expression, rather than corporate agendas and economic exigencies.
  • With the cost of video cameras in the hundreds, sophisticated computers with video editing software available for just over a grand, and high speed always-on internet connections costing less than the average cable television subscription, the means of both production and distribution are now in the hands of practically anyone with something to say
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  • genuine conversation with their audience,
  • Marhshall McLuhan argued that in each socio-cultural era the medium in which information is created and transmitted determines the essential characteristics of that culture. He also predicted the evolution of an interconnected "global village".  The shift from a centralized media industry modeled on industrial revolution structures to a decentralized chaotic information-age soup is having a profound effect on the messages we exchange and shaping the characteristics of our culture. The global village comes to a crescendo with podcasting, and you can participate in the revolution with tools that are easily within reach: your imagination, the computer you're using to read this web page, and a video camera. We're not going to predicting what's next, as that's going to depend on what you, yes you, plan to do with new media. If the flutter of one butterfly wing, can trigger a chain reaction of events resulting in a storm half-way across the planet, imagine the effect millions, or billions, of individually produced videos will have on the characteristic of the global village and the media landscape.
  • You don't even need a video camera to start videoblogging, the mashup culture is in full force
  • most new computers come with free video editing software
  • A large group of vloggers, over 2,000 at last count, actively participate in the Yahoo! Videoblogging Group from all over the world.
Mike Wesch

The Postmodern Condition by Jean-Francois Lyotard. 1979 - 0 views

  • The nature of knowledge cannot survive unchanged within this context of general transformation.
  • Along with the hegemony of computers comes a certain logic, and therefore a certain set of prescriptions determining which statements are accepted as “knowledge” statements.
  • thorough exteriorisation of knowledge with respect to the “knower,”
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • will one day fight for control of information
  • he form of value
  • Knowledge is and will be produced in order to be sold
  • Wittgenstein, taking up the study of language again from scratch, focuses his attention on the effects of different modes of discourse; he calls the various types of utterances he identifies along the way (a few of which I have listed) language games.
  • especially if it is to undergo an exteriorisation with respect to the “knower” and an alienation from its user even greater than has previously been the case
  • revealing that knowledge and power are simply two sides of the same question: who decides what knowledge is, and who knows what needs to be decided? In the computer age, the question of knowledge is now more than ever a question of government.
  • New legal issues will be raised, and with them the question: “who will know?”
  • the observable social bond is composed of language “moves.”
  • One can decide that the principal role of knowledge is as an indispensable element in the functioning of society, and act in accordance with that decision, only if one has already decided that society is a giant machine.
  • For brevity’s sake, suffice it to say that functions of regulation, and therefore of reproduction, are being and will be further withdrawn from administrators and entrusted to machines. Increasingly, the central question is becoming who will have access to the information these machines must have in storage to guarantee that the right decisions are made. Access to data is, and will continue to be, the prerogative of experts of all stripes. The ruling class is and will continue to be the class of decision makers. Even now it is no longer composed of the traditional political class, but of a composite layer of corporate leaders, high-level administrators, and the heads of the major professional, labor, political, and religious organisations.
  • This breaking up of the grand Narratives (discussed below, sections 9 and 10) leads to what some authors analyse in terms of the dissolution of the social bond and the disintegration of social aggregates into a mass of individual atoms thrown into the absurdity of Brownian motion.
  • It would be superficial to reduce its significance to the traditional alternative between manipulatory speech and the unilateral transmission of messages on the one hand, and free expression and dialogue on the other.
  • What is needed if we are to understand social relations in this manner, on whatever scale we choose, is not only a theory of communication, but a theory of games which accepts agonistics as a founding principle.
  • Rather, the limits are themselves the stakes and provisional results of language strategies, within the institution and without.
  • This, I think, is the appropriate approach to contemporary institutions of knowledge.
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