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Buy Yahoo Accounts - 100% Fresh/Old Verified ... - 0 views

    Yahoo Accounts Yahoo accounts are used to access Yahoo email. They can also be used to access other services like Yahoo Messenger and Yahoo News. Yahoo has a lot of different types of users, from casual users who just want to check their email on their phone and don't care about signing up for a new account, to more advanced users who want an additional layer of protection when accessing sensitive information online. For these users it's important that they have access not only through their browser but also through apps such as the mobile version of Outlook or Google Docs. Buy Yahoo Accounts How do I find old Yahoo Accounts? We have a lot of ways to find old Yahoo accounts, but the best way is on our website. If you're looking for a specific account, we can help you find it! You can also use our inventory tool to search through all of our accounts. Just enter in the email address or username and password that you know are associated with an old Yahoo account and hit "Search." You'll receive an email notification when we find one that looks like what you're looking for-and if it's not exactly what you wanted, there's always another option! We also have an extensive database of hacked accounts from around the world (including yours), which provides both new and used options for purchase depending on availability at certain times throughout each day; however, these data sets require more time than just browsing through our website before making any purchases due solely to their size as well as being hard-to-find because they vary widely between countries where different laws may apply concerning such matters." Can I have 2 Yahoo email Accounts? Yes, you can have more than one Yahoo email account. You can use a different email account for different purposes and have your main Yahoo account as an inbox for all of the messages you would like to keep track of. Buy Yahoo Accounts You can also create multiple hotmail accounts if you want to keep extr
    Buy Yahoo Accounts Introduction Buy Yahoo Accounts: We are the best provider of old yahoo accounts. We have been in this business for many years and we have provided services to many customers. We understand the needs of our clients and provide them with high quality services at affordable prices. Buy Yahoo Account | Buy Aged Yahoo Email Accounts Buying Yahoo email accounts is a great way to start your business. You can buy aged Yahoo email accounts at the best prices and get them delivered in just a few days. Buy Yahoo Accounts Yahoo's Email Accounts are one of their most important assets and it's essential for you to protect them. We offer bulk Yahoo accounts at low prices, so that you can affordably protect all your important data with us. We will deliver the entire set of your older emails within 24 hours after purchase! What are Yahoo Email Account? Yahoo email accounts are used to send emails and receive emails. They have been a popular choice for many years, and they are still used today. Yahoo email accounts are easy to use and can be accessed from anywhere. Why Choose RealServiceIT to Buy Bulk Yahoo accounts? RealServiceIT is one of the best providers of Yahoo accounts, Yahoo email accounts, Yahoo pva accounts and Yahoo pva email accounts. We have a dedicated team of professionals who work hard to provide you with the best services. Our company has been in business for more than 10 years now, so we know what it takes to make our customers happy. How Quickly You Deliver? We know that you want your orders to be delivered as fast as possible, so we are committed to delivering your orders within 24 hours. We have a good reputation in the market and we have an experienced team of experts who work on your order. Our commitment towards quality is reflected in our free support and free delivery services that we offer as well as our money back guarantee. Buy old yahoo accounts Buy Yahoo Accounts Buy old yahoo accounts, we are offering you the best quality an
Mike Wesch

The Boxxy Story - 0 views

  • Accusations began to fire. Just who would want to try and throw people off the trail and confuse them, and who would have a new, large photo of her? Boxxy herself, or a close accomplice was the consensus. They must have caught wind of her full name being found, and merely be attempting to mitigate the damage by stirring the pot with false leads. 
  • It sounded semi-plausible, but, unbeknownst to the vast majority of /b/ at that moment, the CBRC had long since uncovered a photobucket account which was later seen to contain the same photos, so the implication is obvious, members of the CBRC were trolling /b/ with the photos in a attempt to throw them off, as they themselves were close to breaking into her accounts and did not want Anonymous to do it first.
  • We have no way of verifying if they were telling the truth, or if any of the claimed locations were in any way accurate but the mere possibility of this is shocking indeed. Thankfully, these were almost certainly fake - one of the addresses was a mall, one of the phone numbers was for a chiropractor.
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • Within a couple of hours, CBRC had breached her Youtube account, via successfully guessing the secret answer for her email account, deduced from the stack of information they uncovered.
  • Or phishing her with a fake email, depending on who you listen to.
  • They then made her videos private, uploading a video warning her to never post another video again. This attracted 1000 comments within an hour and became the most commented video of the day on Youtube. So that brought it to an end, in theory. They had removed the ‘cancer’.
  • So after all that, was the ‘chemo’ even effective? No, not really. A look at /b/ will reveal Boxxy threads are still being posted. By essentially martyring the Boxxy meme, CBRC have simply created a new groundswell of people willing to troll with her image, as well as genuine resentment at their actions. 
  • Now she has her name, age, dozens of photos, school, internet accounts, alleged phone numbers, and alleged location available online, along with the details of several uninvolved friends. Nobody could have predicted she would create so much chaos, not least Boxxy herself. She had no idea what she was getting herself into by posting a response video.
  • This entire debacle ultimately stems from those who spammed /b/ with her image and pissed off so many people.
  • The lesson for all of us here, obvious as it is, is to think about what you divulge online. Is your Myspace secure? Is your Facebook account private? What forum accounts contain your details, and can they be traced and linked to each other? Everything you write online can potentially be linked, as if it were a jigsaw, and a profile of your life built up. I know plenty of people who have publicly viewable Facebook accounts containing their D.O.B, phone numbers, emails, addresses, places they work, go to college and so on. This is lunacy. This is asking for trouble. Boxxy didn’t do this, yet was still tracked down. 
  • “First, we, CBCR, pretty much made all the breakthroughs in the investigation. I don't care if it sounds arrogant, but if you look through our now-leaked dox, you can see that everything that was found on 4chan was found by us beforehand.”
  • Give people anonymity, and they become de-individuated, whether it be on an image board or in a rioting mob.
  • he same internet machine that could propel you to the top of the Youtube charts and hand you online fame will happily chew you up and spit you back out just as quickly, with zero remorse or consideration for the consequences. This is the reality of the internet today, this case is not the first, and surely not the last.
  • A few examples of
  • And of 
  • P.P.S Some distasteful and blatantly fake photoshopped news items are being posted on /b/ claiming Boxxy is dead. The fakes are very poorly written and contain numerous flaws. Again, don’t be fooled.
  • It's Friday January 16th. On Youtube, the user 'boxxybabee', has 21,800 subscribers, 1.4 million video views and over 38,000 comments on her videos and channel, yet she only signed up 8 days ago, and has only 3 videos. Many people were, and are confused. How did this happen? By documenting what I personally saw, I will show you.
  • The story essentially begins back in April 2006 when 'Boxxy' joined the anime forum/game based site Gaia Online under the username 'M o l d yLunchboxx'. It appears Boxxy returned from a Gaia hiatus at the very end of 2007, and embarked on a posting spree which lasted a week. It was during this first week of January 2008 that she made two Youtube videos for two fellow Gaia users, '4DM1RALAWESOME' and another referred to simply as 'Ant'.
  • Boxxy's last login to Youtube was February 2008, and for Gaia Online, April 2008.
  • The story now takes a leap forward to December 27th, 2008, when, according to Encyclopedia Dramatica, the video 'FOAR 4DD1 FRUM BOXXY' was posted on This was spotted by someone at 7chan, who embedded the video at the top of the random '/b/' board. 
  • This writer first saw FOAR 4DD1 on January 3rd, 2009, when the video was posted as a 'you rage you lose thread' on the /b/ board at 4chan, with the 'Expert' level afforded to those who would withstand the entire video without wanting to tear out their hair or hurt small animals. /b/tards saw what has been labelled 'the most insane display we've ever seen on youtube' and 'the cutest girl you've ever seen'. This was the true start of the Boxxy phenomenon.
  • Over the next couple of days, interest grew, and Boxxy threads began to populate /b/. Why have her videos lain virtually unviewed and untouched for 51 weeks only to be brought up now. Who was this girl? What was the cause of her unique behaviour - her vivacious mannerisms, head bobbing, jaw grinding, random accents and rambling? Was she really 21 as her profile stated? Speculation began. Some pulled out their wikiPHD and speculated, tourettes? ADHD? Drug abuse - cocaine, ecstacy, meth? No, just too much coffee, according to others, or simple acting up to the camera. Comparisons to Zed from Police Academy and Heath Ledger's Joker were immediate.
  • Regardless, a split already began to emerge at /b/. Half of /b/ appeared smitten, captivated by this pretty, wacky girl drenched in eyeliner, but the rest were having their patience tested. Whilst a group of /b/tards declared 'Operation Valkyrie' on Boxxy - intending to find, raid and destroy as much as possible - youtube, myspace, facebook, photobuckets, etc in search of an identity and the 'upper boob' sign mentioned in 41DD, others simply sat and dismayed at the whole effort. Why try and raid the accounts of someone who hasn't logged into any known accounts for almost a year? Many /b/tards resented the obsession with someone who was not only inactive, but a Gaiafag, emo and a camwhore to boot. As one naysayer put it, it was: 'proof that /b/ is full of 13 y.o boys'.
  • The known accounts, Youtube and Gaia, were quickly spammed with the Operation Valkyrie tag. Via analysis of so called 'Gaiafaggotry' forum posts, /b/tards extracted two pictures of Boxxy from her Gaia friends photobucket accounts, and threw out possible names.
  • On January 6th, someone claiming to be Boxxy posted two previously unseen photos on /b/. A troll, surely? The same day, her Youtube account disappeared and her Gaia account became inaccessible to the public. Was this the real Boxxy intervening, or simply trolls posting photos from photobucket under her guise, and hacking into her accounts and shutting them down? It was also on the 6th that a clearly fake Youtube account was created - 'Boxxyakamoldybread'. Even though the videos are clearly of lower resolution than the originals, some were fooled by this, and some probably still are.
  • The 'boxxy lovers' of 4chan were by now declaring her the 'Queen of /b/' and a instant new meme. The haters labelled this as a perfect example of a forced meme. To them, she was the epitome of the 'cancer killing /b/'. Battle lines were being drawn.
  • On the 9th, Boxxy delivered. She addressed 'recent events', said she was in fact free of drugs and personality disorders, and proved it actually was her posting her photos on /b/. Whilst /b/tards were scrambling to find her identity and spamming her accounts, she was there, watching.
  • his interest generated over 70,000 views within 12 hours, pushing the video onto the first page for most viewed of the day on Youtube.
  • Identical chaos was occurring at 7chan, with the /b/ first page 100% filled with Boxxy at some points. On the 10th, with Boxxy now approaching 400,000 views and 10,000 subscribers, Operation Clampdown was declared. If Moot did not ban the users spamming boxxy threads on the 4chan /b/, the site would be brought down via a DDOS. 
  • On the 12th, Youtube 'celeb' Sxephil included Boxxy in the intro for his new video, and used her face as the thumbnail. Personally, I found it extremely cynical of Phil, a Youtube partner who makes money from views, to advertise his extremely boring video about Joe the Plumber with Boxxy's face. What a dick. Worse still, the exposure to his 310,000 subscribers sent several thousand more people to the Boxxy videos.
  • There are many patently absurd theories about Boxxy. If you listen to the drooling idiocy leaking through the interweb, you'll be told she is in fact an actress hired by Gaia Online to promote their product (that's why she says she moved on to bigger and better things, huh, morons?), the whole thing is a giant trolling exercise meticulously planned by her and accomplices, the entire thing was perpertrated by 7chan users attempting to cripple 4chan, she's a paid actress akin to lonelygirl15, or most bizarrely of all, a claim has been put forward that she is a fraud mocking the mannerisms of a 15 year old girl who lives in Chicago, orchestrated by said girl's obsessed crush who is angry at his unrequited love. Some people actually believe this.Well, there you have it. That's pretty much what happened.

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    1000 Gmail addresses list To get a Gmail account, you need to create an email address with your name and the domain. You can also use this service for other purposes like sending and receiving emails from other accounts as well. To get a Gmail address without verification, follow these steps: Go to the website It will ask for information about yourself including name, phone number (optional), birthday (optional), gender (optional), location (optional), home address and family members' names etc., click next button when done filling up all required fields of registration form by clicking "Continue". After completing all necessary details successfully click on "Create Account" button which will redirect you towards another page where it asks you whether or not want to share certain information like photos with others who might be interested in seeing them so make sure what type of content being shared before clicking Continue button again; When done submitting all required information successfully then finally wait until Google sends confirmation email along with username & password details which must be entered correctly into respective fields before proceeding further; How to make usa gmail account To create a USA Gmail account, you need to make at least three fake accounts. The first step is to create a new email address that looks like it belongs to a real person (like your own name or the name of someone else in your family). Then, buy some phone numbers from different companies and use them as the Call ID for all of your accounts so that no one can tell which number belongs to whom. USA Gmail Account Once you've got your new US-based Gmail account set up with all these fake details, then it's time to start using it! Go into "Settings" on Google's website and choose "Manage Accounts" from there; then enter each account number into its respective field under "Add Account". 2 gmail accou
    USA Gmail Account Introduction Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. Gmail users can send, receive and manage email using their web-connected computers, smartphones or tablets. USA Gmail USA Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. It's similar to the old Hotmail, but with a lot more storage space and other benefits. Gmail is a web-based email that provides users with one gigabyte of storage, as well as additional storage if you refer other people to the service. What is USA Gmail address? What Is USA Gmail Address? A USA Gmail address is a Gmail account that is in the United States of America, and it does not have an Indian IP address. If you want to create a new G Suite account for your business or personal use, you can use this type of address instead of an Indian one since it will be more secure and reliable for sending emails from the US. USA Gmail Account How can I get a USA Gmail account without a phone number? You can get a USA Gmail account without a phone number. You can buy a USA Gmail account. You can get a USA Gmail account without an address or email address, as long as you have an Internet connection, which most people do these days anyway! Does USA have Gmail? Gmail is a free, advertising-supported email service provided by Google. It's available as part of a free, advertising-supported offering called Google Apps Free Edition. Email account sign up You can create a new email account for free. To do this, follow these steps: Go to the Gmail website and click "Get started" in the top right corner of your screen. Click "Create an account." The next page will let you choose which type of Gmail account you want to create (personal or business), as well as whether or not it should be encrypted. If it's going to be encrypted, then enter your password twice; if not, then just leave those fields blank. Finally, click "Next Step." USA Gmail Accounts In order to get a USA Gmail account, you need to follow these steps

Urinoct™ (Official) | Support A Healthy Prostate - 0 views

    Urinoct™ Only $49/bottle - Limited Time Offer Flat Sale ONLY For Today - Special Offer Save Upto $300 + Special 51% Discount + 60 Day Money Back Guarantee Urinoct Urinoct FDA Approved Urinoct 5 Star Order TODAY And Save Up To $300! Save Over 51%! Urinoct is a supplement that helps in combating BPH and prostatic issues. It is made with natural, high-quality ingredients that help vanish urination issues in a few days. Urinoct is a powerful natural supplement that has specific characteristics to reverse BPH and permanently eliminate the urinary problem. It helps to strengthen your muscles, raise sperm production, and encourage the growth of new hair follicles. According to the creator, the urinoct can help completely fix your urinary tract issues. It is claimed to be clinically tested, and the ingredients added are selectively sourced to improve the prostate. The urinoct is a simple & healthy prostate supplement, and reading below in this Urinoct review might help you know all about this excellent formula! Try Urinoct For Over 51% OFF Today! Regular Price: $99/per bottle Only for: $49/per bottle Buy Urinoct Proven By Thousands Sam Perkin Linda Rated 5 Star Verified Purchase "Sam Perkin is enjoying better oral health…!" "I had intense pain in my bladder and rectum for over 5 years, and it got so bad that I would've rather snatch out the prostate myself rather than living one more day like this Fast forward a month later: no more pain, no more standing above the toilet trying to squeeze out a few pee drops, no more sadness! Everything is amazing!" Sam Perkin - Dallas, USA Portia Thompson Debbie Rated 5 Star Verified Purchase "Portia Thompson loves her fresh breath…!" "I'm 67 and I've been suffering from BPH for over 15 years. I've tried everything, from medication to surgical interventions. But this thing is a real game changer. I feel stronger and better than ever, and I didn't have to wake up one more time in the middle of the night t
terracalm-us - 0 views

    FitSpresso Only $39/Bottle Limited Time Offer! FitSpresso Special Deal + Special 51% Discount Save $660 + 60 Days Money Back Guarantee FitSpresso Herpesyl Five Star FitSpresso is a supplement made to help people lose weight naturally. This supplement comes in the form of veggie capsules, and it is designed to boost metabolism, promote weight loss, burn fat, slow down weight gain, and destroy fat cells. Regular Price: 149/per bottle Only for: $39/per bottle Buy Now What Is FitSpresso? FitSpresso is promoted as a natural supplement that comes in the form of diet pills, and it can aid in rapid and efficient weight loss, similar to many other supplements. The term "natural supplements refers to a nutritional supplement that is made entirely of natural, chemical-free materials. You can utilize these organic ingredients to aid in natural weight loss. It can speed up your body's metabolism and assist with other crucial processes. All parts of our bodies are impacted by weight increase, and not only do we need to deal with the increased weight, but we also need to deal with the numerous problems and illnesses that come along with it. This refers to the risk of developing chronic cardiac conditions, low blood pressure, and, in some circumstances, problems with blood sugar. However, FitSpresso even with its bright and bold claims, can help you efficiently manage your weight and completely avoid these extra uncomfortable problems. FitSpresso is a supplement that comes in the form of a pill, which makes it tasty, simple to swallow, and handy. According to the manufacturer, these diet tablets are GMO-free and toxic-free, making them edible. This is why we have things such as weight loss supplements. Thanks to modern advancements, we can just take a dietary supplement pill to bring about significant weight loss in a completely healthy and natural manner. Not only this, but dietary supplements can also support healthy blood sugar levels and help with insulin re

Buy Spotify Account - Best Social Service Provider - 0 views

    Buy Spotify Accounts Introduction Spotify is a popular music streaming service. It offers an amazing variety of music and is extremely easy to use. Spotify has millions of people using it as their primary source for listening to music. Spotify allows you to listen to all sorts of genres, from rock and pop, through classical and jazz, down to hip-hop and country! You can also choose specific songs or albums that you want to hear in your playlist. To get started with Spotify, simply go here: How do you buy spotify premium account? You can buy spotify premium account from us. We are the best place to buy spotify premium account in India. You can also get it from us. Why you need buy spotify premium account? There are many reasons why you need buy spotify premium account. You want to increase the number of listens and get more followers. You want to get more subscribers, likes, downloads and reviews on your playlist. This will help you gain popularity among your audience. How to buy spotify profiles from us? If you are looking for spotify premium accounts, then we are here to help. We have a large selection of spotify profiles for sale and we can ship them anywhere in the world. Buy Spotify Accounts from us! Buy Spotify Account Spotify Account Why do you need to buy spotify accounts? You may be wondering why you need to buy Spotify accounts. Well, if you want to check your profile listens and get free premium accounts for grammarly, spotify and apple music then yes! You do need a Spotify account in order to do that. If you have an existing Spotify account but no longer have access to it because of a password reset or something similar then this is also another good reason why buying a new one would be advantageous for your business or personal needs Buying multiple cheap premium accounts can also help save money on long-term maintenance costs by reducing the amount spent on monthly fees over time. If there are multiple people working
    Buy Spotify Accounts Introduction Spotify is a popular music streaming service. It offers an amazing variety of music and is extremely easy to use. Spotify has millions of people using it as their primary source for listening to music. Spotify allows you to listen to all sorts of genres, from rock and pop, through classical and jazz, down to hip-hop and country! You can also choose specific songs or albums that you want to hear in your playlist. To get started with Spotify, simply go here: How do you buy spotify premium account? You can buy spotify premium account from us. We are the best place to buy spotify premium account in India. You can also get it from us. Why you need buy spotify premium account? There are many reasons why you need buy spotify premium account. You want to increase the number of listens and get more followers. You want to get more subscribers, likes, downloads and reviews on your playlist. This will help you gain popularity among your audience. How to buy spotify profiles from us? If you are looking for spotify premium accounts, then we are here to help. We have a large selection of spotify profiles for sale and we can ship them anywhere in the world. Buy Spotify Accounts from us! Buy Spotify Account Spotify Account Why do you need to buy spotify accounts? You may be wondering why you need to buy Spotify accounts. Well, if you want to check your profile listens and get free premium accounts for grammarly, spotify and apple music then yes! You do need a Spotify account in order to do that. If you have an existing Spotify account but no longer have access to it because of a password reset or something similar then this is also another good reason why buying a new one would be advantageous for your business or personal needs Buying multiple cheap premium accounts can also help save money on long-term maintenance costs by reducing the amount spent on monthly fees over time. If there are multiple people working

Buy Gmail Account - 100% Verified Accounts - 0 views

    Buy Gmail Account Introduction If you want to buy Gmail account, there are many websites available in the internet. Here is a list of best websites where you can buy gmail account with full guarantee and support: How to buy a Gmail Account? First, you need to register on our website. After registration, you can start buying Gmail Accounts. You can purchase gmail accounts from our website in bulk and instantly. Steps For Buy Gmail Account Choose your Gmail account type. You can choose between the standard and business accounts, or you can upgrade to a premium plan with more storage space and advanced features like spam filtering, two-factor authentication (2FA), data loss prevention (DLP) and more. Choose your Gmail accounts package. If this is your first time buying a Gmail account from us, then we will send you an email with instructions on how to complete the order form for free! After that, when it comes time for payment of $29 per month for 1 year (or $59 per month for 3 years) follow these steps: Click "Pay Now" button on top right corner of page; Select credit/debit card option; Enter required information such as name(s), address(es), etc. Review summary before confirming order via clicking "Continue" button located beneath "Payment Details" section at bottom left corner of page; Buy Gmail Account Sent To Your Email ID How to Buy Gmail Account? If you are looking to buy gmail account, then follow these steps: Go to the [] page of Gmail and click on "Buy Now" button, which will take you to the next step in purchasing your account. You will be asked whether or not you want an email address from us and then enter the information requested here including name, country and phone number etc., depending on what type of account(s) do you want? . If everything is correct according with our requirements then we'll send an activation link via email so that once activated all future communications sent via this email ID

Why Wildebeest Migration Safari Is So Popular. - 2 views

As we know near about 2 million wildebeest and half million zebra live in Serengeti national park. In search of water and food, they used to migrate from one place to another. It maintains the ecos...

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started by ps2019 on 28 May 19 no follow-up yet

Buy Linkedin Account - Old Verified LinkedIn PVA Accounts - 0 views

    Can you buy linkedin accounts? Yes, you can buy linkedin accounts. LinkedIn is a great way to build your online presence and get more followers, likes and shares. You can buy the biggest network on the web at a very low price. The service provided by our company is of high quality and will help you in getting more success in your social media marketing campaign. We offer only original products that have been created by experts in this field; therefore we guarantee their quality, efficiency and effectiveness during all stages of use! Will you give me a discount if i buy bulk linkedin accounts? Yes, we offer discount for bulk orders. The discount is available for all our products and is applicable to all types of accounts: LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. We also offer discounts to our regular customers. If you have been working with us regularly, you will receive a discount on your next order as well. Our team will help you in getting a good discount so that you can avail the maximum benefit from it!
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    If you are looking to buy the LinkedIn accounts, then you have come to the right place. This article will tell you about all the features of linkedin accounts and what makes them different. We will also provide information about how much money does it cost to get a LinkedIn account from us and how we can help you get more traffic on your profile.
    Buy LinkedIn Accounts Introduction If you are looking to buy the LinkedIn accounts, then you have come to the right place. This article will tell you about all the features of linkedin accounts and what makes them different. We will also provide information about how much money does it cost to get a LinkedIn account from us and how we can help you get more traffic on your profile. Features to Buy LinkedIn Accounts Buy LinkedIn Accounts Buy Linkedin Accounts in Bulk Get any Country Account from us. We provide a wide range of accounts with different features and requirements. You can also get any type of linkedin account from us, including professional, business or even social media profile accounts for free! If you want to purchase a high-quality yet cheap service for your company or organization, then contact us today! What are the purchasing options to buy linkedin accounts online? If you are looking for the best way to buy linkedin accounts online, then you have come to the right place. We are one of the leading companies that sell linkedin accounts at very low prices. We offer our services in bulk and also provide individualized service for each client. The most important thing about buying LinkedIn accounts is that it will help you increase your profile visibility on the platform which will help with future business opportunities as well as networking with other professionals in your industry or niche area. So if you have been thinking about buying some linkedin accounts but haven't decided yet then don't worry because we can help! Buy Linkedin Account Linkedin Account Content Creation Content creation is the most important part of your LinkedIn account. It's what makes you stand out from the crowd and gives you credibility with your audience. You need to create content that is unique, interesting and engaging at all times-even if it's just one piece of content per week or month. The best way to do this is through writing articles about topic

Juicy Couture: Then And Now - 0 views

Juicy Couture: Then And Now Juicy Couture is a present-day line of products of both casual and smooth article of clothing established in Arleta, California and in the first place instituted by bo...

Valentino Shoes

started by hairyirockm33 on 23 May 16 no follow-up yet
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A pair of the most fitting shoes - 0 views

    She is a senior manager of a big company, who is quite capable of beautiful, is the individual does not solve the problem.Excellent she, always wants to find a perfect prince charming, although there are several chase For objects, but she had no one to love. Summer has come, she is going to buy a pair of high heels.She bought the shoes very select, to see the brand, look at the quality, but also the style.She traveled to the city of several large shopping malls, is not satisfied with the election to the heels. She wandered around on a fast day, the foot also wear a blister.Finally, she took a fancy to a pair of red high heels, slender heel, ankle wrapped ribbon, very sexy, she try to buy.She couldn't Wait to put on the sexy red high heels, the old shoes into the bag. She was worn out, looking for a restaurant, hard to drink water, eat a meal.After a rest, she noticed that his neighbor is a man with glasses, looked very ordinary.Her eyes attract The light is, beside him stood a clear plastic bag, which placed a pair of pink flat shoes, shoe style, very casual, very delicate.She could not help but read several times the pair of beautiful shoes Sub, envy.This man really pick your shoes, his girlfriend to get such a pair of shoes will be very happy. The man finished out the door, on a car to start.She also drove home to check.Just out of the restaurant a junction.The light is red.The car in front of speed slow down, she did not pay attention, She react to step on the brake, the soles of the feet of those sexy red heels shoes out of control, card in the slot.The car went to the front of the car.She be frightened and change color, have a look around, in addition to the elbow Hit the steering wheel, his nothing serious, it risks!Fortunately, gear is low, and close the throttle, car is not very serious. She did not hit the pain of the elbow, off the trouble of the red shoes, light foot, go look in front of the car who hurt not.It was the man with glasses, he opened
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Michael Jordan, basketball forever - 0 views

    Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player in the eyes of the majority of his spectacular basketball career and his The enormous influence of this movement is inevitable, so that people pushed him to the altar. Elegance, speed, strength, artistic and improvisational creativity And extremely strong desire to win the perfect combination of ... Jordan re-interpretation of the meaning of the "superstar". Even recognize the superstars of the same period Jordan supremacy of Magic Johnson, said: "Jordan at the top, and then is my Have. "In Jordan's second season in the playoffs against the Boston Celtics in a game, he is mad to take 63 minutes after the game Larry Bird commented: "Today is God disguised as Jordan in the game." Cursory look at the Jordan did what: "Rookie of the Year, five times the regular season MVP, 6 gold Finals rings, 6 coriander Yuk 麺 the VP, 10 sequential burst Capacity, 14 times All-Star team three times All-Star Game MVP, was selected NBA50 years 50, 10 in scoring (NBA record another seven consecutive scoring Also arranged in the first and Wilt Chamberlain), retired when the average was up 30.1 points ... But the impact is much more than the honor and champion when he first joined the Union, he is a sharp first step, gorgeous breakthroughs and miscellaneous Playing Dunk born scorer, when he left, he has become a cultural symbol in his basketball career, he used to court the eye Flower blinding performances and dancing in the Field personal grace to conquer the public, but also accelerate the process of NBA advance of globalization, he is worthy of the king. He is an approachable, but maintained a mystery man. "Air Jordan" is the standard? Advertising overwhelming of his signature basketball shoes, when However, he also speak to other products, have been in the movie Air Dunk (Space Jam) starring. He twice retired twice back until the 02-03 season End before hanging up his boots again Was born in
Mike Wesch

The Two Steps I'll Always Be Ahead Of You By - Avril Lavigne Bandaids: The Best Damn Av... - 0 views

    he Two Steps I'll Always Be Ahead Of You By Dear Media, I usually don't like to brag until after the war has officially been won, but some sites have already blown my cover, so I am without the luxury of waiting. On June 19th, Bandaids launched a YouTube Viewer with the intention of making Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend the Most Watched Video of all time on YouTube. In the time that the Viewer was running, it recorded 1.2 million loads of Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend video page on YouTube. Entertainment Tonight, Perez Hilton,, The Globe and Mail, The Sydney Morning Herald, TMF, and hundreds of other media outlets around the world picked up on the story resulting in quite the frenzy. Some praised the campaign saying, "It's the kind of view-gaming that advertisers would normally consider fraud - that is, if what the fans were doing wasn't better than the best advertising Lavigne and her label RCA could buy." Others... okay, the majority... just called us dirty old cheaters. But like a magician revealing the M.O. to a convincing trick, I have to admit that Bandaids' YouTube Campaign was nothing but misdirection. Bandaiders didn't cheat: the YouTube Viewer was a Hoax. All along, I knew that YouTube capped the number of views added to a video at 200 per IP address per day. As such, the only way to make Girlfriend the most watched video on YouTube the fast way was to increase our reach, not our views per person. And the best way to do that was to use viral marketing to tap into traditional news sources. So our members went about inflating the count on the YouTube Viewer and spreading the link around the net. In the mean time, the real end game of the campaign was unfolding nicely. As media outlets around the world began accusing Bandaids of cheating Avril's way into the record books, they drove thousands upon thousands of curious folks to watch Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend video on YouTube (yes, even you Perez). This resulted in a much larger boost to Avril'
Trapper Callender

Doug Engelbart 1968 Demo - 2 views

    On December 9, 1968, Douglas C. Engelbart and the group of 17 researchers working with him in the Augmentation Research Center at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, presented a 90-minute live public demonstration of the online system, NLS, they had been working on since 1962. The public presentation was a session of the Fall Joint Computer Conference held at the Convention Center in San Francisco, and it was attended by about 1,000 computer professionals. This was the public debut of the computer mouse. But the mouse was only one of many innovations demonstrated that day, including hypertext, object addressing and dynamic file linking, as well as shared-screen collaboration involving two persons at different sites communicating over a network with audio and video interface.
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