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Rodney Gordon

IBM`s Watson: 16 Things You May Not Know About Its Hardware Muscle - 1 views

    It truly amazing what is inside this computer. GOOD GRIEF!!! What I would give to have this as my personal computer. No upgrades ever...

Malware Lets a Drone Steal Data by Watching a Computer's Blinking LED - 0 views

    A few hours after dark one evening earlier this month, a small quadcopter drone lifted off from the parking lot of Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba, Israel. It soon trained its built-in camera on its target, a desktop computer's tiny blinking light inside a third-floor office nearby.
Kendy Edmonds

Top 10 networking stories of 2014 - 0 views

    In an open letter to US president Barack Obama, Cisco's outspoken CEO John Chambers called on the president to rein in the activities of the National Security Agency (NSA) after it was revealed the agency routinely tapped Cisco network hardware being exported outside the US, before putting it back into the supply chain.

Directors of IT Solutions Integrator Envisian Acquire Computer, Networking & Server Res... - 0 views

    MELBOURNE, Australia - 13 August 2014- Specialist Australian solutions integrator and FlexPod Premium Partner, Envisian, today announced that its current directors are acquiring Australian IT hardware, accessories, networking and business software reseller, Digiworld. Digiworld will continue to operate under the same brand, and will maintain exceptional service to existing and new customers, once the acquisition takes effect on 25th August 2014.

Bluetooth wireless range and speed are getting better - 1 views

    Soon, turning off the heat and lights before leaving your house could be as simple as turning a key in a Bluetooth-equipped lock. This scenario may be possible with the latest Bluetooth wireless technology, which could start appearing in products next year.
Bill Genereux

The History Of Intel CPUs: Updated! - 0 views

    history of intel cpus

The next big thing in hard disks may be glass | Network World - 0 views

    Glass could be used to extend the usage of HDD since SDD are taking over. Read more to learn how.
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