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Skye Schmeitz

The Koyal Training Group: Law enforcement officials: Cell phone disclosures would hurt ... - 4 views

Source: An Inland Empire sheriff's depar...

Private Training at Koyal Group Law enforcement officials: Cell phone disclosures would hurt investigations

started by Skye Schmeitz on 20 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
Daniel Schweizer

Koyal Group Training Services, How to prevent fraudulent claims? - 4 views

How to prevent, detect and investigate fraudulent claims Insurance fraud equates to around £16m every week and £840m a year. The footage below shows a college student noticing water in the recepti...

How to prevent detect and investigate fraudulent claims Koyal Group Training Services

started by Daniel Schweizer on 29 May 14 no follow-up yet
Daniel Schweizer

The Koyal Group Private Training Services: Austin company leads Medicaid fraud crackdown - 2 views

AUSTIN (KXAN) — Medicaid fraud is a multibillion dollar scam, and a new computer system hopes to help spot the crooks. Texas pays out $28 billion a year to some 4.8 million people, according ...

The Koyal Group Private Training Services Austin company leads Medicaid fraud crackdown

started by Daniel Schweizer on 05 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
Wendy Johnson

The Koyal Training Group, Identity theft is a nightmare that can ruin lives - 1 views

    LANCASTER - Local law enforcement officials say identity theft is a nightmare that can ruin its victims' lives. Unfortunately for Maryanne Sicat, of Lancaster, she is living that nightmare. "For the last three years, I've been trying to clean up my credit and fix my finances and rebuild financially because I had my identity taken and used at several places," she said. Sicat has received bills from stores and utility companies for goods and services she did not purchase. Also, she was buying a television in 2013 at a big-box store and her telephone number came up under the name of a California man. "One time is OK," Sicat said. "The second store makes you wonder. But then every single store that I went to Christmas shopping, it was the same thing. So that's why I started checking into it more." She has the name of the person she thinks is using her information but has no idea how the person got her phone number. So Sicat filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission and the Lancaster Police Department, and she has become another identity fraud statistic. The FTC said identity fraud is the top complaint it has dealt with in the past 13 years. It received 369,132 such complaints in 2012, or 18 percent of its total complaints. Identity fraud dwarfed complaints about debt collectors, which was in second place with 199,721, according to information the FTC provided. Fairfield County Sheriff Dave Phalen said there have not been a large number of identity fraud and identity theft cases locally. However, that is little consolation to Sicat and others like her. "Everything's on credit," she said. "So you can't do anything. You can't buy anything. It's embarrassing, and it's extremely frustrating because it makes me paranoid. I don't trust anybody." What is identity fraud? Detective James Nicolia, of the Fairfield County Sheriff's Office, said identity fraud is when a person uses another's identity for financial gain o
Daniel Schweizer

Koyal Group Training Services: 5 tips for new parents considering life insurance - 3 views

Original Source at Few personal milestones compel someone to buy life insurance coverage like becoming a parent. In the event of an untimely death, life insurance can serve as a fi...

5 tips for new parents considering life insurance Koyal Group Training Services

started by Daniel Schweizer on 26 May 14 no follow-up yet

Tips on buying life insurance by Koyal Group Training Services - 3 views

Original Source at The Seattle Times Life insurance has been called a euphemism for death insurance, but who wants to think about it that way? The important thing is that you think about it, and g...

Tips on buying life insurance Koyal Group Training Services

started by karizavala on 27 May 14 no follow-up yet
Dirk Braun

Koyal Group Training Services: My Biz: Making private investigation a family business - 1 views

Hunting down a witness, catching a cheating spouse, finding out if someone is really injured - Jeff Marlin of Marlin's Special Investigation doesn't have a typical job. Marlin's father, Mike Marl...

Koyal Group Training Services My Biz: Making private investigation a family business

started by Dirk Braun on 09 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Dirk Braun

Koyal Group Training Services, Big risks and big data - 1 views

Imagine now, that ocean as the vast body of data and information that flows through the average company in a given year. Sales, collections, purchases, payments, transactions, communications, e-mai...

Koyal Group Training Services risks and big data

started by Dirk Braun on 07 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Dirk Braun

Insurance Fraud Certified at Koyal Group: Learn how to spend smart, spend safe during F... - 1 views

SAINT JOHN, N.B. - Consumers are encouraged to learn how to spend smart and spend safe during Fraud Prevention Month. The Financial and Consumer Services Commission is providing resources to New Br...

Learn how to spend smart safe during Fraud Prevention Month Insurance Certified at Koyal Group

started by Dirk Braun on 14 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Skye Schmeitz

CORRECTED-UPDATE 3-U.S., Mexico probe Citi over money laundering law compliance - 6 views

The Koyal Group Insurance Compliance (Corrects headline to show probe is over legal compliance) March 3 (Reuters) - A federal grand jury is probing Citigroup Inc, including its Banamex USA affili...

The Koyal Group Insurance CORRECTED-UPDATE 3-U.S. Mexico probe Citi over money laundering law compliance

started by Skye Schmeitz on 08 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Luan Pereira

Investigative Training at Koyal Group: Cops get tips to bust Internet fraud - 6 views LUCKNOW: Internet fraud took centrestage for 44 cops posted in Lucknow zone (11 districts). A workshop for khaki-clad was organised at Mahanagar police lines on early M...

Investigative Training at Koyal Group Cops get tips to bust Internet fraud

started by Luan Pereira on 04 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Skye Schmeitz

The Koyal Group Training: Social Media, a Trove of Clues and Confessions - 4 views

Source: IT seems as if every week there's a news story about someone commit...

Private Training at Koyal Group Social Media a Trove of Clues and Confessions

started by Skye Schmeitz on 21 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
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