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Anne Bubnic

'Rock the Vote' and other campaigns fall on deaf ears - 0 views

  • We've all heard the messages from MTV, P. Diddy, and countless others about why we should "Rock the Vote," but these slogans don't address the common misconception that even if we do vote, nothing will really change. And it's obvious that these messages have fallen on deaf ears. The number of voters under 30 in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections remained stagnant at just 17 percent.
  • Teens become apathetic because politicians are unresponsive, politicians become indifferent to teens because they are apathetic and don't vote.
  • The way to break this cycle is to make teens feel like they have a voice that politicians will listen to.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Politicians have been reaching out to youth by holding events on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. CNN even held the YouTube debates, allowing users to submit questions directly to candidates.
    The number of voters under 30 in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections remained stagnant at just 17 percent. Teens become apathetic because politicians are unresponsive, politicians become indifferent to teens because they are apathetic and don't vote.
    The way to break this cycle is to make teens feel like they have a voice that politicians will listen to. Politicians have been reaching out to youth by holding events on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. CNN even held the YouTube debates, allowing users to submit questions directly to candidates. Making politicians answerable to young people forces their interests to be considered.\n\n
Jeff Johnson

Obama poised to be first 'wired' president ( - 0 views

    Judging by Obama's savvy use of social-networking sites during his campaign and the interactive nature of his transition team's Web site, Americans can expect a president who bypasses the traditional media's filters while reaching out to citizens for input, observers say. "The rebooting of our democracy has begun," said Andrew Rasiej, founder of Personal Democracy Forum and the techPresident blog. "[Obama] has the potential to transform the relationship between the American public and their democracy."
Lucy Gray

Urban Prep's "Little Obamas" Video Blog - 0 views

    Here's a blog from Urban Prep students; this school is part of the network of schools with which I work.
Peggy George

Education Week: Historic Election and New Tech Tools Yield Promising Vistas for Learning - 0 views

    An excellent article about ways technology is being used to learn about the election and participate in the conversation.
    Both major parties' historic tickets-a black man for president, a woman for vice president-as well as compelling economic and foreign-policy issues are converging with the campaigns' use of text-messaging, online networking, and nontraditional media venues to draw young people into the contest. Teachers have also seized on the opportunity to use the favored devices of today's students in teaching traditional civics lessons along with the 21st-century skills experts say people will need to thrive in the information age. "The idea is to teach kids as young as possible to be able to navigate this increasingly complicated media world by giving them some basic tools for analysis

Implementation of Basic Training (Latsar) for Candidates for Civil (CPNS) Bleended Lear... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Introduction/Main Objectives: Aims to find, study, and describe the implementation of basic training for prospective civil servants using a blended learning pattern from the aspects of communication, resources, and infrastructure. Background Problems: Find factors that become obstacles and supports in implementing basic training for prospective civil servants. (CPNS) Blended Learning pattern in Kerinci District in. Research Methods: Qualitative method, analyzing the activities of CPNS Basic Training in Kerinci Regency. Data mining is sourced from primary data and secondary data. Preliminary data in words, attitudes, or actions were obtained through interviews, and direct and indirect observations were obtained from the primary source, the organizing team, widyaiswara, and Latsar participants. Secondary data is obtained through documents, previous studies, books, meeting agendas, and those related to the problem being researched. Finding/Results: Research shows that implementing blended learning CPNS basic training in Kerinci Regency is effective. Communication and coordination of the performance of the latsar are pretty good. Human resources (organizers, teaching staff, and participants) can carry out their respective duties well. Facilities and infrastructure to support the smooth running of CPNS latsar activities, both when distance learning and classical learning, are exemplary. The output in the Latsar CPNS activity in Kerinci Regency, all participants (109 people) successfully passed. Conclusion: The internet network is not evenly distributed, so distance learning activities are less effective. Meanwhile, supporters of the smooth implementation of the Kerinci CPNS latsar include budget support, competent teaching staff (WI), and excellent cooperation.
Emily Kornblut

talkin 'bout - Education for Liberation Network - 0 views

    upcoming online discussion for educators and students about the election as a teachable moment.
Anne Bubnic

Generation Engage - 0 views

    With video conferencing software donated by Apple Inc. and the founders' inside-the-Beltway connections, Generation Engage is fostering high-tech links to connect young people with politicians and other national figures. Includes a video library.
Jeff Johnson

Major Endorsements For Obama - Digital Journal: Your News Network - 0 views

    News, photos, video and debates from citizen journalists and bloggers around the world.
Jeff Johnson

John McCain's Newspaper Endorsements - Digital Journal: Your News Network - 0 views

    News, photos, video and debates from citizen journalists and bloggers around the world.
Peggy George

Daily Lesson Plan-The Vice Voice-Gr. 6-12 - 0 views

    Investigating the Role of Vice President for the 2008 Election; Overview of Lesson Plan: In this lesson, students investigate the role and duties of the vice president of the United States; they then write persuasive essays in favor of one of this year's running mates using supporting evidence from The New York Times. (link for companion lesson for Gr. 3-5 with suggested modifications-PDF)
    Excellent lesson plan from the Learning Network/Teacher Connections on the New York Times site. Great resources, links and discussion questions.

Basic Training Group III Patterns in the Network (Online): Perceptions of Participant S... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine how the success rate of implementing the online pattern latsar compared to the facial pattern latsar that has been done so far. Measurement of the effectiveness/success rate of latsar is done by evaluating using the Kirkpatrick reaction level and learning level approach. This study uses a mixed mix approach of quantitative and qualitative. Data were collected by filling out questionnaires and secondary data studies. Subjects for this study were participants of CPNS Class III Batch I Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency 2020. The informants in this study were 40 (forty) participants and the organizing committee at BKPSDM, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency. The data analysis technique was carried out by using qualitative data that was converted into quantitative data, data classification, formulating research results, and analyzing research results. The results of the research on the reaction level showed that 71.95% of Latsar participants showed a "very satisfied reaction" in the implementation of online latsar, and 22.79% of Latsar participants showed " satisfied " reactions and only 5.85% of participants showed reactions "quite satisfied". If analyzed per indicator, out of the 7 (seven) level reaction indicators that have been determined, there are 4 indicators that indicate the level of reaction of participants who are "very satisfied" which is above 60%, namely the benefits of increasing participant competence, teacher performance, discussion topics and teacher competence. One indicator that needs attention is the convenience of the training location because the level of reaction of participants who stated "very satisfied" was only 28.42% and 58.75% stated, "satisfied". At the learning level of the 4 assessment indicators used, the normative average score of face-to-face latsar participants is 80 (eighty), while the online latsar participants' average score is 84 (eighty-four), this shows that the level of effectiveness / the success of

whats app group link - 2 views

Great overview on WhatsApp automation software! For those looking to streamline their messaging and reach a wider audience, checking out tools like WATI, WA Web Plus, and ChatCompose whats app grou...

started by cbduk3 on 30 Aug 24 no follow-up yet
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