CongressLink: [Congressional Elections] Lesson Plan: Elect Me! Creating a Campaign Plat... - 0 views
Another great lesson plan from the Dirksen Congressional Center's Congress in the Classroom workshop. Designed for students in grades 8-12.
During The Dirksen Congressional Center's annual Congress in the Classroom® workshop participants are asked to introduce the lesson plans, resources, and techniques that have proven successful in teaching about Congress in their classrooms.A 2008 participant, Jan Loyd, Cabot Junior High South, Cabot, AR, presented a lesson entitled, "Elect Me! Creating a Campaign Platform and Advertisement." Students will be a candidate for an election as a United States Representative or Senator in the upcoming election. They will need to decide which party fits their political views best. Next, they will plan and present a 3-5 minute campaign commercial about them as a candidate, their platform, and why the voters should vote for them.
NOVA | The Spy Factory | PBS - 11 views
Watch this! It's truly terrifying! Share it w/friends and family. This is a must see. It puts all the facts together about the NSA "failure" to protect use from the 9/11 hijackers because of Bush leaders refusal to follow FISA laws. NSA Takeover Secret govt agency kept intel from FBI about 9/11 hijackers, for money & power to spy on all. The upshot is that these non-elected US govt agents were able to convince our Congress that they weren't to blame for keeping intel about 9/11 terrorists living in USA for over a year from FBI. Instead NSA chief convinced US Congress that the NSA could have prevented 9/11 if they had more money and power to spy on everyone in USA. Now they have it.
watch this; abuse of power
Google Public Policy Blog: Congress comes to YouTube - 0 views
Call for Participation: Congress in the Classroom 2009 - Education Resources | Google G... - 4 views
If you are interested in registering for the Congress in the Classroom® 2009 workshop, you can complete an online registration form found at:
Where McCain, Obama stand on the issues (The Associated Press) - 0 views
The plans of presidential candidates are never set in stone, if only because circumstances and the makeup of Congress change after the election. The uncertainty is even deeper in this election because Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain laid out most of their agenda before the government committed up to $700 billion to address the financial crisis. Obama acknowledges what is true for both: "The next president will have to scale back his agenda and some of his proposals." Yet neither candidate has spelled out what promises might have to be postponed or changed. With that caution, here's a look at where McCain and Obama stand on a selection of issues.
Center on Congress at Indiana University - 3 views
Congress for Kids - 0 views Tracking the U.S. Congress - 0 views
Congress for Kids - 0 views
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The United States Library of Congress has selected SpeechWars for inclusion in its official historic collections of Internet materials related to Election 2008. The United States Library of Congress preserves the Nation's cultural artifacts and provides enduring access to them. The Library's traditional functions, acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collection materials of historical importance to the Congress and to the American people to foster education and scholarship extend to digital materials, including Web sites. The Library will make this collection available to researchers. The Library's vision is to preserve these Web materials about Election 2008, and to permit researchers from across the world to access them.