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Jilliane Velazco

CD Sales Fall Faster Than Digital Music Sales Rise. Or Do They? - 0 views

  • “In 2007… Physical sales of CDs and DVDs fell 13 percent to $15.9 billion. Sales of downloaded songs and mobile-phone ringtones rose 34 percent to $2.9 billion.“
  • “piracy is killing the record industry”
  • “physical and digital piracy cost the U.S. music industry alone $5.3 billion“
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  • “30 billion illegal downloads in 2007“
  • “Even the most innovative business models are totally undermined by free music”
    music sales are going down because of illegal downloads and free music; there were 30 billion illegal downloads in 2007;
Jilliane Velazco

Album sales down 11% halfway through 2008 - BloggingStocks - 0 views

  • 11% decline in album sales during the first half of 2008
  • Consumers purchased 204.6 million albums between January and June
  • single track downloads growing 30% to 532.7 million units in the first half of the year over first half sales in 2007 of 417.3 million units
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  • Sony BMG dropping .5% to 24.8% and EMI dropping 1% to 9.4%.
  • single track downloads would make an obvious market to rely on
    music industries are saying that they might have to rely on single track sales; "single track downloads growing 30% to 532.7 million units in the first half of the year over first half sales in 2007 of 417.3 million units
Jilliane Velazco

How The Music Industry Garnered Record Profits in 2008 | Medialoper - 0 views

  • Chinese Democracy topping 1.5 million in CD sales and downloads
  • after a half-century of people being able to purchase pop music and doing whatever they wished with those purchases, massive restrictions on computer files didn’t make sense to people.
  • “People don’t realize it,” said Stamphammer in a recent interview, “but we started planning for this back during the teen-pop era. In fact, remember when that N’Sync album sold 1.1 million copies in its first week? 50,000 of those were digital files.”
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  • the American Music Industry has never been healthier.
  • they saw it as a marketing opportunity: fans of an artist were marketing that artist to other fans. Using the most powerful tool of all: the artist’s music.
  • What people don’t remember was that the original pricing was 99 cents per song, and $9.99 per album. After about a year, research showed that while people valued their downloads, they didn’t value them in the same way they valued physical media.
  • After all, one of the ongoing complaints about .mp3 files has always been sound quality, and with bandwidth increasing, storage getting cheaper, and portable devices supporting lossless formats, it only makes sense.
    they noticed a lot of online downloading and illegally downloading, so they lowered prices of music and sales "quadrupled". [iTunes]
Jilliane Velazco

Top music seller's store has no door - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

  • Apple Inc. has surpassed Wal-Mart to become America’s No. 1 music store, the first time that a seller of digital downloads has ever beaten the big CD retailers.
  • Video game companies and other software makers are selling more of their products as downloads rather than CDs.
  • Songs could be downloaded faster than movies or TV shows, both legally and illegally.
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  • devices such as Apple’s iPod made songs easy to listen to anywhere.
  • It said it counted every 12 singles sold as one album, and that Apple probably received a boost during the two months by people cashing in iTunes gift cards – which Wal-Mart and other retailers also sell – received during the holiday season.
  • Apple launched iTunes in 2003, creating an online business model for a music industry that was struggling with plummeting CD sales and online piracy. In addition to selling albums, iTunes offered hundreds of thousands of individual songs for 99 cents each. That was ideal for customers who wanted to buy hot singles or old favorites without buying the whole album.
  • it reported $808 million in revenue for a category that includes iTunes store sales, a 27% jump from the same quarter the previous year.
  • Although Apple has given the music industry a new way to sell songs, it has become so powerful that music companies have sought to help create and fortify potential iTunes rivals.
    apple is the top seller of music; on and off the computer! =] apple overtakes wal-mart as the biggest US music seller
Jilliane Velazco

Online Music Alters Industry Sales Tempo - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

  • A year after Apple Computer Inc. launched its iTunes Music Service, the online music industry is selling songs by the millions
  • Customers at three of the leading online services – iTunes, Musicmatch Inc.’s Musicmatch Downloads and RealNetworks Inc.’s Rhapsody – buy about 10 times as many singles as they do albums. Offline, people buy 50 times more CDs than singles.
  • music lovers buying a few 99-cent singles instead of $15 CDs.
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  • “There’s no money to be made from singles,”
  • Dozens of free networks emerged to let people copy songs from one another’s computers, drawing an estimated 63 million users in the U.S. alone by mid-2003.
  • Apple said the service sold its 50 millionth song March 15.
  • Some online music companies continue to struggle, but the sector is growing fast and steadily.
  • Analysts estimate that the services’ revenue will grow from about $65 million last year to $250 million in 2004, with $120 million or more from downloadable singles
  • CD sales totaled $11.2 billion in the U.S. last year
  • online customers are buying a much broader range of music than is being sold in stores.
  • about 75% of the paid downloads weren’t in Billboard’s Top 200 and about 60% were “catalog,” or older, tracks.
  • more than 63% of the CDs sold in stores last week were new releases.
    more people have been using piracy instead of buying real cd's from stores
Jilliane Velazco

Music industry: Piracy is choking sales - CNET News - 0 views

  • Worldwide sales of music CDs, records and cassettes fell for the third year in a row
  • rising Internet piracy in the United States,
  • 7 percent drop in global music sales
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  • less willing to buy music on the one hand, and others saying they use downloading to make better-informed purchases on the other hand.
  • Internet services such as Napster and Kazaa contend that record labels are simply not releasing enough good music, and consumers see DVDs as a better value than CDs.
  • piracy has made it easy for many people to get music for free, allowing consumers to download songs and spend their money on DVDs instead.
    some people say that DVD's are worth better value than CD's, because people use piracy to get the music they want and use their money to buy DVD's.
Jilliane Velazco

As CD sales tank, the music industry changes its tune - US News and World Report - 0 views

  • Sales of CDs fell almost 9 percent in 2002 and are expected to be down this year an additional 6 percent.
  • Instead of buying music, fans are flocking to online services like Kazaa that allow users to digitally swap songs free.
    people have been downloading music for free (ex: on Kazaa) instead of buying cd's cd sales fell 9% in 2002 and were expected to go down 6% more
Jilliane Velazco

PowerSearch  Document - 0 views

  • after a devastating fall in CD sales over the past several years
  • Digital downloads are spurring growth at Universal Music and had its parent company recently crowing
  • Digital downloads are spurring growth
Jilliane Velazco

iTunes Boasts Second Place For Music Sales, Hits Milestones; Legal music downloads now ... - 0 views

    iTunes music sales are doing great; they have had over 50 million customers
Jilliane Velazco

iTunes Boasts Second Place For Music Sales, Hits Milestones; Legal music downloads now ... - 0 views

    iTunes music sales are doing great; they have had over 50 million customers.
Jilliane Velazco

Despite Drop in CD Sales, Music Industry Is Upbeat - - 0 views

    • Jilliane Velazco
      Important info!! -->
  • rising revenue from songs and albums bought on the Internet failed to offset the consumer flight from CDs.
  • CD sales was down 13 percent last year compared with 2005
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  • online sales of singles from services such as Apple's iTunes were up 60 percent last year.
  • Apple reported the sale of its 100 millionth iPod.
  • The music industry has blamed piracy for the dive in CD sales and began suing downloaders and the file-sharing services in retaliation in 2003
  • the RIAA is about to sue students for illegal downloading.
  • CD sales peaked in 2000, with the major labels shipping $13 billion worth of discs to stores.
  • Sales dropped about 8 percent each following year, until a 2 percent uptick from 2003 to 2004.
  • resumed in 2005 and hit its lowest point in more than a decade last year, when music companies shipped $9.2 billion in CDs.
  • Last year, sales of albums bought on the Internet shot up 103 percent compared with 2005
    cd sales have gone down because of online piracy, etc.
Jilliane Velazco

Digital sales boost music industry - Entertainment News, Music News, Media - Variety - 0 views

  • Album sales dropped for a seventh consecutive year, but a dramatic increase in the sale of digital tracks helped keep the music industry afloat in 2006.
  • "High School Musical" is the first soundtrack to become the No. 1 album since "Titanic" sold 9.3 million copies in 2002, a feat that should have Disney -- an indie in the recorded music field -- smiling.
  • aimed at tweens
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  • the number of albums sold as downloads doubled from 2005
    album sales drop again; high school musical was the 1st soundtrack to become the #1 album since Titanic; "no major label act could beat a TV soundtrack aimed at tweens".
Jilliane Velazco

PowerSearch  Document - 0 views

  • digital revenues have overtaken earnings from physical sales.
  • more digital downloads were sold in the US last year than physical products, they accounted for just a fraction of overall music industry revenues.
  • Making money from digital recordings has become the music industry's biggest challenge as it faces up to falling CD sales and a persistent piracy problem.
Jilliane Velazco

PowerSearch  Document - 0 views

  • 51 per cent of its earnings over the past year came from digital sales.
  • falling CD sales and illegal downloading.
  • "Some fans only want to buy the physical disc, some only want to buy a ringtone and a T-shirt, others just want a concert ticket, others want to buy a digital album.
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  • worldwide sales of digital music grew by 40 per cent last year
  • CDs would continue to narrow.
  • "Record labels are continually diversifying and moving away from CDs because they know that fans have completely changed the way they are buying music.''
    fans buy different things of music: physical discs, ringtones and a t-shirt, a concert ticket, or a digital album; worldwide sales of digital music grew by 40% last year

GMO - 0 views

Jilliane Velazco

Music Industry Proposes a Piracy Surcharge on ISPs - 0 views

  • the music industry is for the first time seriously considering a file sharing surcharge that internet service providers would collect from users.
  • seek an extra fee on broadband connections and to use the money to compensate rights holders for music that's shared online.
  • Griffin's idea is to collect a fee from internet service providers -- something like $5 per user per month -- and put it into a pool that would be used to compensate songwriters, performers, publishers and music labels.
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  • U.S. music sales, which peaked in 1999 at nearly $15 billion, dropped to $11.5 billion in 2006.
  • nearly 20 percent of U.S. internet users downloaded music illegally last year
    they are thinking about collecting a fee from internet service providers, about $5 per month each user and that money would be used to "compensate songwriters, performers, publishers and music labels".
Jilliane Velazco

The music industry | From major to minor | The Economist - 0 views

  • the results from 2007 confirm what EMI's focus group showed: that the record industry's main product, the CD, which in 2006 accounted for over 80% of total global sales, is rapidly fading away.
  • the volume of physical albums sold dropped by 19% in 2007
  • For the first half of 2007, sales of music on CD and other physical formats fell by 6% in Britain, by 9% in Japan, France and Spain, by 12% in Italy, 14% in Australia and 21% in Canada.
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  • “In 2007 it became clear that the recorded-music industry is contracting and that it will be a very different beast from what it was in the 20th century,”
  • Warner Music's share price has fallen to $4.75, 72% lower than its IPO price in 2005
  • They now want to move beyond Apple's iTunes and its paid-for downloads.
    info about music industries; record labels; cd sales and how they have gone down
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