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Jilliane Velazco

CD Sales Fall Faster Than Digital Music Sales Rise. Or Do They? - 0 views

  • “In 2007… Physical sales of CDs and DVDs fell 13 percent to $15.9 billion. Sales of downloaded songs and mobile-phone ringtones rose 34 percent to $2.9 billion.“
  • “piracy is killing the record industry”
  • “physical and digital piracy cost the U.S. music industry alone $5.3 billion“
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  • “30 billion illegal downloads in 2007“
  • “Even the most innovative business models are totally undermined by free music”
    music sales are going down because of illegal downloads and free music; there were 30 billion illegal downloads in 2007;
Katie M

Global Warming Effects, Global Warming Causes, Causes of Global Warming, Effects of Glo... - 0 views

  • Many scientists have specified various reasons for global warming effects on the environment and for human life. It is not easy to point one reason for global warming effects, but recently you might have saw many change in global climate. Global warming effects have various consequences such as glacier volume decreasing, rise in sea levels, shrinkage of Arctic and altered fashion of doing agriculture have been named as direct effects on global warming. Secondary global warming effects are extreme weather events, increase in tropical diseases, changes in the timing of seasonal patterns in ecosystems, and drastic economic impact.
  • Before many times back, many scientist and researchers were hopping that a positive effect of global warming would be increased agricultural yields(outputs), because of the role of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis which might behave in positive manner, but now it resulting in destructions of several crops. In the area of Iceland, due the rising temperatures which have made possible the widespread sowing of barley easily in an effective manner, which was not possible twenty years from now. The net result is expected to be that 33% less maize—the country's staple crop—will be grown. The reduction in rainfall has turned millions of land into deserts.
  • Insurance industry has been affected very badly with the risk of insurance; the number of major natural disasters has been increased to 300% since 1960s, and insured losses increased fifteenfold in real terms. According to Choi and Fisher (2003) each 1% increase in annual precipitation could enlarge catastrophe loss by as much as 2.8%.
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  • All major Transportation sources such as Roads, airport runways, railway lines and pipelines, always require time to time maintenance and renewal as they become subject to greater temperature variation. Regions already adversely affected include areas of permafrost, which are subject to high levels of subsidence, resulting in buckling roads, sunken foundations, severely cracked runways and many other related problems.
  • Most of the low-lying countries such as Bangladesh, Indonesia, Netherlands and many other small islands have been affected by sea level rise, in terms of floods or the cost of preventing them. In most of the poorest low-plain countries, land is the only available space, or fertile agricultural land which is livelihood for them. But due to flood they are finding problem now to perform their activities.
    effects of global warming
Krisly Philip

Thoughts on Global Warming: Top 5 Worst Effects of Global Warming - 0 views

  • 1. Polar ice caps meltingThe ice caps melting is a four-pronged danger.First, it will raise sea levels. There is 5,773,000 cubic miles of water in ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, if all glaciers melted today the seas would rise about 230 feet. Luckily, that’s not going to happen. But sea levels will rise.Second, melting ice caps will screw up the global ecosystem. The ice caps are fresh water, and when they melt into the ocean, they make it less salty, or desalinize the ocean. The desalinization of the gulf current will screw up, to put it simply, the current. It will cool the area around north-east America and Western Europe. Luckily, that will slow some of the other effects of global warming in that area. But with the stream shutdown, the whole Atlantic ecosystem could be warped.Third, all the animals in the Arctic will be in danger because of a changing habitat.Fourth, global warming will accelerate with the ice caps gone. Ice caps are white, and reflect sunlight. Some of that sunlight is reflected back into space, further cooling Earth. If the ice caps are melted, only the dark-colored ocean will be there. Darker colors absorb sunlight, further warming the Earth.
Erika Moz

5 Deadliest Effects of Global Warming: Global Warming Effects, Causes of Global Warming... - 0 views

  • Green house gases stay can stay in the atmosphere for an amount of years ranging from decades to hundreds and thousands of years. No matter what we do, global warming is going to have some effect on Earth. Here are the 5 deadliest effects of global warming.
  • As the temperature of oceans rises, so will the probability of more frequent and stronger hurricanes
  • global warming will exacerbate the conditions and could lead to conflicts and war.
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  • urricanes cause do billions of dollars in damage, diseases cost money to treat and control and conflicts exacerbate all of these.
  • The ice caps melting is a four-pronged danger.
  • First, it will raise sea levels.
  • Second, melting ice caps will throw the global ecosystem out of balance
  • Third, temperature rises and changing landscapes in the artic circle will endanger several species of animals. Only the most adaptable will survive.
  • ourth, global warming could snowball with the ice caps gone
    pictures and descriptions
    global warming
Christina T

CIA - The World Factbook -- Japan - 0 views

  • For more than two centuries this policy enabled Japan to enjoy stability and a flowering of its indigenous culture.
  • During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Japan became a regional power that was able to defeat the forces of both China and Russia.
  • The economy experienced a major slowdown starting in the 1990s following three decades of unprecedented growth, but Japan still remains a major economic power, both in Asia and globally.
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  • Government-industry cooperation, a strong work ethic, mastery of high technology, and a comparatively small defense allocation (1% of GDP) helped Japan advance with extraordinary rapidity to the rank of second most technologically powerful economy in the world after the US and the third-largest economy in the world after the US and China, measured on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis.
  • Some fear that a rise in taxes could endanger the current economic recovery. Debate also continues on the role of and effects of reform in restructuring the economy, particularly with respect to increasing income disparities.
  • China and Taiwan dispute both Japan's claims to the uninhabited islands of the Senkaku-shoto (Diaoyu Tai) and Japan's unilaterally declared exclusive economic zone in the East China Sea, the site of intensive hydrocarbon prospecting
Jilliane Velazco

Music industry: Piracy is choking sales - CNET News - 0 views

  • Worldwide sales of music CDs, records and cassettes fell for the third year in a row
  • rising Internet piracy in the United States,
  • 7 percent drop in global music sales
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  • less willing to buy music on the one hand, and others saying they use downloading to make better-informed purchases on the other hand.
  • Internet services such as Napster and Kazaa contend that record labels are simply not releasing enough good music, and consumers see DVDs as a better value than CDs.
  • piracy has made it easy for many people to get music for free, allowing consumers to download songs and spend their money on DVDs instead.
    some people say that DVD's are worth better value than CD's, because people use piracy to get the music they want and use their money to buy DVD's.
~ * josie * ~

Universal, world's largest music company, refuses to renew iTunes contract - Engadget - 0 views

    • ~ * josie * ~
      this problem is very serios and i have heard some things about i-tunes and universal and it didnt sound pretty
  • Looks like a pillar of iTunes content might be on the brink of collapse -- Universal Music, the world's largest music business, has officially opted not to renew its contract with Apple for vending music on the iTunes Music Store. We don't know specifically what caused Universal to turn away -- perhaps it's the weight of the rising anti-DRM movement among consumers, or perhaps it's because of Stevie J.'s brash negotiating tactics, continual refusal to hand over iPod cash, or oceanic persistence in keeping tracks locked in at $0.99. Whatever the reason, we can't say we're all that surprised; Universal's been a pain in Apple's ass for years now. So what's the end result? Well, Universal music will still be sold through iTunes at will, so that means consumers can keep buying tracks for the time being, but Apple runs the risk of losing Universal's content on very short notice if the companies don't make happy with one another and put pen to paper once more.
Jilliane Velazco

Despite Drop in CD Sales, Music Industry Is Upbeat - - 0 views

    • Jilliane Velazco
      Important info!! -->
  • rising revenue from songs and albums bought on the Internet failed to offset the consumer flight from CDs.
  • CD sales was down 13 percent last year compared with 2005
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • online sales of singles from services such as Apple's iTunes were up 60 percent last year.
  • Apple reported the sale of its 100 millionth iPod.
  • The music industry has blamed piracy for the dive in CD sales and began suing downloaders and the file-sharing services in retaliation in 2003
  • the RIAA is about to sue students for illegal downloading.
  • CD sales peaked in 2000, with the major labels shipping $13 billion worth of discs to stores.
  • Sales dropped about 8 percent each following year, until a 2 percent uptick from 2003 to 2004.
  • resumed in 2005 and hit its lowest point in more than a decade last year, when music companies shipped $9.2 billion in CDs.
  • Last year, sales of albums bought on the Internet shot up 103 percent compared with 2005
    cd sales have gone down because of online piracy, etc.
Christina T

Japan - THE ARTS - 0 views

  • The introduction of Western cultural values, which had flooded Japan by the late nineteenth century, led to a dichotomy between traditional values and attempts to duplicate and assimilate a variety of clashing new ideas
  • Japanese aesthetics provide a key to understanding artistic works perceivably different from those coming from Western traditions.
  • Within the East Asian artistic tradition, China has been the acknowledged teacher and Japan the devoted student.
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  • Japanese painters used the devices of the cutoff, close-up, and fade-out by the twelfth century in yamato-e, or Japanese-style, scroll painting, perhaps one reason why modern filmmaking has been such a natural and successful art form in Japan.
  • The calligrapher--a member of the Confucian literati class, or samurai--had a higher status, while artists of great genius were often recognized in the medieval period by receiving a name from a feudal lord and thus rising socially.
  • Artists divided into two main camps, those continuing in traditional Japanese style and those who wholeheartedly studied the new Western culture.
  • After World War II, many artists began working in art forms derivied from the international scene, moving away from local artistic developments into the mainstream of world art.
  • Two terms originating from Zen Buddhist meditative practices describe degrees of tranquillity: one, the repose found in humble melancholy (wabi), the other, the serenity accompanying the enjoyment of subdued beauty (sabi).
  • The Cultural Affairs Division is concerned with such areas as art and culture promotion, arts copyrights, and improvements in the national language.
  • A new generation of the avant-garde has broken with this tradition, often receiving its training in the West. In the traditional arts, however, the master-pupil system preserves the secrets and skills of the past.
  • Another seminal center is Tama Arts University in Tokyo, which produced many of Japan's late twentieth- century innovative young artists
  • In 1989 the fifth woman ever to be so distinguished was cited for Japanese-style painting, while for the first time two women--a writer and a costume designer--were nominated for the Order of Cultural Merit, another official honor carrying the same stipend.
  • The Cultural Properties Protection Division originally was established to oversee restorations after World War II.
  • During the 1980s, many important prehistoric and historic sites were investigated by the archaeological institutes that the agency funded, resulting in about 2,000 excavations in 1989.
  • A 1975 amendment to the Cultural Properties Protection Act of 1897 enabled the Agency for Cultural Affairs to designate traditional areas and buildings in urban centers for preservation.
  • Individual artists and groups, such as a dance troupe or a pottery village, are designated as mukei bunkazai (intangible cultural assets) in recognition of their skill.
  • A growing number of large corporations join major newspapers in sponsoring exhibitions and performances and in giving yearly prizes.
  • A number of foundations promoting the arts arose in the 1980s, including the Cultural Properties Foundation set up to preserve historic sites overseas, especially along the Silk Route in Inner Asia and at Dunhuang in China.
  • After World War II, artists typically gathered in arts associations, some of which were long-established professional societies while others reflected the latest arts movement.
  • By the 1980s, however, avant-garde painters and sculptors had eschewed all groups and were "unattached" artists.
Krisly Philip

CO2 and temperature change - 0 views

  • According to global warming theory, if an enhanced greenhouse effect (from increased levels of CO2 or indeed any other greenhouse gas) is responsible for warming the earth, then the rate of temperature rise should be greatest in that part of the earth’s atmosphere known as the troposphere, specifically in the tropics. And yet the observations, from weather balloons and satellites have consistently shown that not to be the case. I urge readers to look at the Christy et al papers below. The latest one was recently published in the Journal of Geophysical Research (2007). This may seem like a rather technical issue, but it strikes at the very heart of the theory of man made global warming.

The dope on steroids: Why some athletes take the risk : UMNews : University of Minnesota - 0 views

  • The stakes in Athens are fierce. The difference between an Olympic gold or silver medal could be a one hundredth of a second on the track or in the pool; an inch on the pole vault or shot put.
  • The athletes who make the Olympic cut are blessed with the right combination of physical and psychological traits, including an intense competitive drive and an unrelenting determination to be the best. This is the stuff of champions.
  • Steroids are not just for elite athletes--they can be used by anyone who wants to change his or her body image. The Centers for Disease Control's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance report shows more than a million youth taking steroids, and the numbers have been rising every year.
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  • Unfortunately, sometimes so are steroids. For decades, athletes have used anabolic (meaning muscle-building) steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs to build strength and endurance. And those drugs are getting more and more sophisticated in an effort to evade detection. Doping, as the practice is called, is illegal and, by most people's standards, unethical. Athletes who have been caught using these drugs have been stripped of their Olympic medals and world records and banned from their sports, sometimes for years, and on occasions for a lifetime.
  • "There are rights and wrongs in life, and if it's against the rules, it's cheating to do it," says Wiese-Bjornstal. "I love sports, but some athletes treat elite sports as if they are life itself, more important than their health, their loved ones, and even their lives."
  • In addition, steroids mess with your body. Potential side effects include high blood pressure, strokes, nausea, sleep problems, increased aggressiveness, and severe mood swings. In men, steroids can reduce sperm count and cause impotence, breast growth, and shrunken testicles. In women, side effects can include reduced breast size, increased body and facial hair, a deepened voice, and menstrual problems.
  • With the risks and consequences of steroid use so high, why do some athletes continue to dope?
  • "The major underlying factor [with steroids use] is that winning at all costs is the most important thing," says Diane Wiese-Bjornstal, associate professor in the School of Kinesiology.
  • She says that athletes that use steroids often have the mindset that "they are demonstrating that they are as highly committed to their sport as they can be and are doing whatever it takes to prove to themselves, their coaches, and to the world that they are true athletes who will do anything to win."
    • anonymous
      Diane Wiese-Bjornstal's Comment
  • From a moral and ethical framework, Wiese-Bjornstal believes this is twisted thinking. "There are rights and wrongs in life, and if it's against the rules, it's cheating to do it," she says. "I love sports, but some athletes treat elite sports as if they are life itself, more important than their health, their loved ones, and even their lives."
    • anonymous
      Wiese-Bjornstal's Comment
  • She also says there is pressure to dope because of the belief that everyone else is doing it, and that if an athlete wants to compete at the highest level, she or he has to do it, too.
  • Nancy Cullen, a sports psychology consultant for the University, says the temptation to use steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs simply comes down to the rigors and pressure of elite competition and the desire to win. She cites an alarming poll taken in 1995 of 198 sprinters, swimmers, power lifters and others, most of whom were Olympians or aspiring Olympians. The poll asked if the athletes would take a banned performance-enhancing substance if they knew if would help them win and they wouldn't be caught--195 responded, yes.
  • Most athletes train for perfection," says Cullen. "The drive to achieve and win is so strong. If the difference between winning or losing is a hundredth of a second, and there is a drug that might give you the edge, the temptation can be great."
  • For some Olympic events, steroid scandals have cast a pall over the games, leaving viewers to wonder after each win, "Did he take drugs? Did she?"
  • Both Wiese-Bjornstal and Cullen agree that education, beginning with young athletes, is important in the fight against steroid use, as are drug testing and stiffer penalties for those who are caught. They also believe that coaches and parents play an important role in supporting the healthy ambitions of developing athletes.
  • "It's important to teach athletes to know what the consequences are and to learn other training practices that are legal and don't involve taking drugs," says Cullen. "Strive to win, strive for perfection, but do it within the rules of the game."
    Good Site for information and Comments on use of drugs on athletes. Site has lots of good comments. Very Interesting.
    Use it
Stephania D

Coral Reefs - 0 views

  • A third of reef-building corals worldwide are threatened with extinction due to climate change and water pollution, according to the first global assessment on the marine creature by 39 scientists.
  • Destructive fishing and the degradation
  • "When corals die off, so do the other plants and animals that depend on coral reefs for food and shelter, and this can lead to the collapse of entire ecosystems," he added.
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  • "We either reduce our CO2 emission now or many corals will be lost forever," warned Julia Marton-Lefevre, IUCN Director General.
  • According to the study, the Caribbean region has the highest number of highly threatened corals.
  • As they are home to over 25 percent of marine species -- including fish stocks -- loss of reefs could also impact coastal fishing communities.
  • depend on coral reefs for their livelihoods,
  • reef-building corals in particular were "most vulnerable to the effects of climate change".
  • Sea temperature rises bleach and weaken the algae that give the underwater sea life its vibrant color, and make it more susceptible to diseases.
    Coral reef dangers
Christina T

Japanese history: Jomon, Yayoi, Kofun - 0 views

  • During the Jomon Period (13000 BC to 300 BC), the inhabitants of the Japanese islands were gatherers, fishers and hunters. Jomon is the name of the era's pottery.
  • During the Yayoi Period (300 BC to 300 AD), the rice culture was imported into Japan around 100 BC.
  • By the beginning of the Kofun Period (300 - 538), a center of power had developed in the fertile Kinai plain, and by about 400 AD the country was united as Yamato Japan with its political center in and around the province of Yamato (about today's Nara prefecture).
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  • Buddhism was introduced to Japan in the year 538 or 552 and was promoted by the ruling class. Prince Shotoku is said to have played an especially important role in promoting Chinese ideas.
  • In 645, Nakatomi no Kamatari started the era of the Fujiwara clan that was to last until the rise of the military class (samurai) in the 11th century. In the same year, the Taika reforms were realized: A new government and administrative system was established after the Chinese model

Drug Use In Sport. Steroids And Drug Abuse In Athletics. - 0 views

  • A Crisis In Swimming - A lot has been said and written about drugs in sport. With each passing year, there are more and more of athletes caught taking banned drugs/chemicals that enhance sport performance. In the recent Tour de France cycling race, almost half of the urine samples yielded traces of banned substances. An underlying inference is that anyone who tests positive for drugs is a cheat.
  • A lot has been said and written about drugs in sport. With each passing year, there are more and more of athletes caught taking banned drugs/chemicals that enhance sport performance. In the recent Tour de France cycling race, almost half of the urine samples yielded traces of banned substances. An underlying inference is that anyone who tests positive for drugs is a cheat.
  • hletes using steroids or hormones to add muscle are playing an even more dangerous game with their health, Wojtys says. And concerns are growing. One alarming study reported that adolescent use of steroids is on the rise, according to The National Institute on Drug Abuse
      this is what happens when you take steroids
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  • A recent study by McLean Hospital researchers has found widespread abuse of steroids and the use of other performance-enhancing drugs in many women bodybuilders. In addition, the study also found that many women bodybuilders suffer from eating disorders and other body image disorders.
cory delacruz

Blue Sky - Why is the Sky Blue? - 0 views

  • end of the spectrum are the reds and oranges. These gradually shade into yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The colors have different wavelengths, frequencies, and energies. Violet has the shortest wavelength in the visible spectrum. That means it has the highest frequency and energy. Red has the longest wavelength, and lowest frequency and energy. LIGHT IN THE AIR Light travels through space in a straight line as long as nothing disturbs it. As light moves through the atmosphere, it continues to go straight until it bumps into a bit of dust or a gas molecule. Then what happens to the light depends on its wave length and the size of the thing it hits. Dust particles and water droplets are much larger than the wavelength of visible light. When light hits these large particles, it gets reflected, or bounced off, in different directions. The different colors of light are all reflected by the particle in the same way. The reflected light appears white because it still contains all of the same colors. Gas molecules are smaller than the wavelength of visible light. If light bumps into them, it acts differently. When light hits a gas molecule, some of it may get absorbed. After awhile, the molecule radiates (releases, or gives off) the light in a different direction. The color that is radiated is the same color that was absorbed. The different colors of light are affected differently. All of the co
  • d after Lord John Rayleigh, an English physicist, who first described it in the 1870's.) WHY IS THE SKY BLUE? The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by t
  • As you look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you, the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white.
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  • THE BLACK SKY AND WHITE SUN On Earth, the sun appears yellow. If you were out in space, or on the moon, the sun would look white. In space, there is no atmosphere to scatter the sun's light. On Earth, some of the shorter wavelength light (the blues and violets) are removed from the direct rays of the sun by scattering. The remaining colors together appear yellow. Also, out in space, the sky looks dark and black, instead of blue. This is because there is no atmosphere. There is no scattered light to reach your eyes. WHY IS THE SUNSET RED? As the sun begins to set, the light must travel farther through the atmosphere before it gets to you. More of the light is reflected and scattered. As less reaches you directly, the sun appears less
  • The sky around the setting sun may take on many colors. The most spectacular shows occur when the air contains many small particles of dust or water. These particles reflect light in all directions. Then, as some of the light heads towards you, different amounts of the shorter wavelength colors are scattered out. You see the longer wavelengths, and the sky appears red, pink or orange.
  • RE ABOUT:THE ATMOSPHERE WHAT IS THE ATMOSPHERE? The atmosphere is the mixture of gases and other materials that surround the Earth in a thin, mostly transparent shell. It is held in place by the Earth's gravity. The main components are nitrogen (78.09%), oxygen (20.95%), argon (0.93%), and carbon dioxide (0.03%). The atmosphere also contains small amounts, or traces, of water (in local concentrations ranging from 0% to 4%), solid particles, neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen, xenon and ozone. The study of the atmosphere is called meteorology. Life on Earth would not be possible without the atmosphere.
  • gen we need to breath. But it also serves other important functions. It moderates the planet's temperature, reducing the extremes that occur on airless worlds. For example, temperatures on the moon range from 120 °C (about 250 °F) in the day to -170 °C (about -275 °F) at night. The atmosphere
  • hes the Earth, 30% is reflected back into space by clouds and the Earth's surface. The atmosphere absorbs 19%. Only 51% is absorbed by the Earth's surface. We are not normally aware of it but air does have weight. The column of air above us exerts pressure on us. This pressure at sea level is defined as one atmosphere. Other equivalent measurements you may hear used are 1,013 millibars, 760 mm Hg (mercury), 29.92 inches of Hg, or 14.7 pounds/square inch (psi). Atmospheric pressure decreases rapidly with height. Pressure drops by a factor of 10 for every 16 km (10 miles) increase in altitude. This means that the pressure is 1 atmosphere at sea level, but 0.1 atmosphere at 16 km and only 0.01 atmosphere at 32 km. The density of the lower atmosphere is about 1 kg/cubic meter (1 oz./cubic foot). There are approximately 300 billion billion (3 x 10**20, or a 3 followed by 20 zeros) molecules per cubic inch (16.4 cubic ce
  • ers). At ground level, each molecule is moving at about 1600 km/hr (1000 miles/hr), and collides with other molecules 5 billion times per second. The density of air also decreases rapidly with altitude. At 3 km (2 miles) air density has decreased by 30%. People who normally live closer to sea level experience temporary breathing difficulties when traveling to these altitudes. The highest permanent human settlements are at about 4 km (3 miles). LAYERS OF THE ATMOSPHERE The atmosphere is divided into layers based on temperature, composition and electrical properties. These layers are approximate and the boundaries vary, depending on the seasons and latitude. (The boundaries also depend on which "authority" is defining them.) LAYERS BASED ON COMPOSITION Homosphere
  • LAYERS BASED ON TEMPERATURE Troposphere - Height depends on the seasons and latitude. It extends from ground level up to about 16 km (10 miles) at the equator, and to 9 km (5 miles) at the North and South Poles. · The prefix "tropo" means change. Changing conditions in the Troposphere result in our weather. · Temperature decreases with increasing altitude. Warm air rises, then cools and falls back to Earth. This process is called convection, and results in huge movements of air. Winds in this layer are mostly vertical. · Contains more air molecules than
  • · The air is very thin. · The prefix "strato" is related to layers, or stratification. · The bottom of this layer is calm. Jet planes often fly in the lower Stratosphere to avoid bad weather in the Troposphere. · The upper part of the Stratosphere holds the high winds known as the jet streams. These blow horizontally at speeds up to 480 km/hour (300 miles/hour) · Contains the "ozone layer" located
  • d increases with increasing altitude. The increase is caused by the absorption of UV radiation by the oxygen and ozone. · The temperature increase with altitude results in a layering effect. It creates a global "inversion layer", and reduces vertical convection. Mesosphere - Extends out to about 100 km (65 miles) · Temperature decreases rapidly with increasing altitude. Thermosphere - Extends out to about 400 km ( 250 miles)
    • cory delacruz
      sounds good, by the way am i annoying you with my sticky note??? well, TOO BAD!!!!!!
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