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DJHell . - 1 views

    Lucene is an Open Source, mature and high-performance Java search engine. It is highly flexible, and scalable from hundreds to millions of documents. Luke is a handy development and diagnostic tool, which accesses already existing Lucene indexes and allows you to display and modify their content in several ways: * browse by document number, or by term * view documents / copy to clipboard * retrieve a ranked list of most frequent terms * execute a search, and browse the results * analyze search results * selectively delete documents from the index * reconstruct the original document fields, edit them and re-insert to the index * optimize indexes * and much more... Recent versions of Luke are also extensible through plugins and scripting. I started this project because I needed a tool like this. I decided to distribute it under Open Source license to express my gratitude to the Lucene team for creating such a high-quality product. Lucene is one of the landmark proofs that Open Source paradigm can result in high-quality and free products.
mahesh 1234

Creating Api Document, Api Document, Creating Api Document Tutorial, Example - Javatpoint - 0 views

    Advantage of OOPs Naming Convention Object and Class Method Overloading Constructor static keyword this keyword Inheritance(IS-A) Aggregation(HAS-A) Method Overriding Covariant Return Type super keyword Instance Initializer block final keyword Runtime Polymorphism Dynamic Binding instanceof operator Abstract class Interface Package Access Modifiers Encapsulation Object class Object Cloning Java Array Call By Value strictfp keyword API Document Command Line Arg

Spring to Java EE - A Migration Experience | OcpSoft - 0 views

    Does it all make sense now? Do you know how to solve every problem? Probably not, but when it comes right down to it, using Java EE can be even simpler than using Spring, and take much less time. You just have to find the right guides and the right documentation (which is admittedly a severe sore-spot of Java EE; the documentation is still a work in progress, but is getting much better, save blogs like this one.) You have to turn to a vendor like JBoss, or IBM in order to get the use-case driven documentation you need, and they do have documentation, it's just a matter of finding it. Seam 3 in particular strives to give extensive user-documentation, hopefully making things much simpler to adopt, and easier to extend. The main purpose of this article was not to bash Spring, although I may have taken that tone on occasion just for contrast and a little bit of fun. Both Spring and Java EE are strongly engineered and have strong foundations in practical use, but if you want a clean programming experience right out of the box - use Java EE 6 on JBoss Application Server 6 - JBoss Tools - and Eclipse. I will say, though, that the feeling I've gotten from the Spring forums vs the Java EE forums, is that there are far many more people willing to help you work through Java EE issues, and more available developers of the frameworks themselves to actually help you than there are on the Spring side. The community for Java EE is much larger, and much more supportive (from my personal experience.) In the end, I did get my application migrated successfully, and despite these issues (from which I learned a great deal,) I am still happy with Java EE, and would not go back to Spring! But I do look forward to further enhancements from the JBoss Seam project, which continue to make developing for Java EE simpler and more fun. Don't believe me? Try it out. Find something wrong? Tell me. Want more? Let me know what you want to hear.
Hendy Irawan

enunciate - 0 views

    "Enunciate is an engine for dramatically enhancing your Java Web service API. It's simple. You develop your Web service API using standard Java technologies and attach Enunciate to your build process. Suddenly, your Web service API is boasting some pretty impressive features: Full HTML documentation of your services, scraped from your JavaDocs. Client-side libraries (e.g. Java, .NET, iPhone, Ruby, Flex, AJAX, GWT, etc.) for developers who want to interface with your API. Interface Definition Documents (e.g. WSDL, XML-Schema, etc.) Etc."
Paul Sydney Orozco - 0 views

    The release 3.0 of Spring Framework added the Spring Module OXM which supports the marshalling and unmarshalling of Java objects and XML documents.In this post, we will be using Spring OXM to take a Java object, convert it to a XML-format and save it in the hard-disk as an XML file containing information of that Java object. We will also cover how to retrieve back the serialized state of that XML file and reconstruct it back to it's original state as a Java object.

Organize Projects - Google Web Toolkit - Google Code - 0 views

    • anonymous
      Gears.gwt.xml does not define andy entry point. It can only be inherits
  • two ways to approach loading them
  • nclude each module with a separate <script> tag
  • ...118 more annotations...
  • Create a top level module XML definition
  • Compile the top level module
  • the second approach will lead to much better end-user performance
  • each module has to be downloaded separately by the end-user's browser
  • each module will contain redundant copies of GWT library
  • conflict with each other during event handling
  • Linkers are divided into three categories, PRE, POST, and PRIMARY
  • one primary linker is run for a compilation
  • everal linkers are provided by Core.gwt.xml, which is automatically inherited by User.gwt.xml.
  • monolithic JavaScript file.
  • cross-site deployment model.
  • standard iframe-based
  • <add-linker name="xs" />
  • The GWT compiler
  • packaging its output with the Linker subsystem
  • responsible for the final packaging of the JavaScript code
  • providing a pluggable bootstrap mechanism
  • re-use an existing Java API for a GWT project,
  • <super-source>
  • "re-root" a source path
  • to emulate part of the JRE not implemented by GWT
  • tells the compiler to add all subfolders of com/example/myproject/jre/
  • to the source path
  • com/google/myproject/gwt/jre/java/util/
  • most commonly used elements in the module XML file.
  • <inherits name="
  • herits all the settings from the specified module
  • <entry-point class=
  • Entry points are all compiled into a single codebase
  • when the onModuleLoad() of your first entry point finishes, the next entry point is called immediately.
  • Any number of entry-point classes can be added
  • <source path="
  • resources get copied into the output directory during a GWT compile.
  • client subpackage is implicitly added to the source path
  • <public path="path" />
  • treated as a publicly-accessible resource.
  • resources get copied into the output directory
  • the public subpackage is implicitly added to the public
  • <servlet
  • For RPC, this element loads a servlet class
  • mounted at the specified URL path
  • path=
    • anonymous
      monting location
  • class="
    • anonymous
      Which servlet class
  • URL path should be absolute
  • @RemoteServiceRelativePath attribute
  • you must configure a WEB-INF/web.xml in your war directory to load any servlets needed.
  • n development mode,
  • <script src="
  • external JavaScrip
  • <stylesheet src="
  • Extends the set of values
  • for an existing client property
  • <replace-with-class>
  • <generate-with-class>
  • <when-property-is
  • three different types of predicates are
  • <when-type-assignable
  • <when-type-is
  • <all>
  • <any>
  • <none>
  • GWT libraries are organized into modules
  • you want to inherit at least the User module
  • contains all the core GWT functionality
  • including the EntryPoint class
  • widgets and panels
  • History feature
  • Internationalization
  • DOM programming, and more
  • Low-level HTTP
  • Use the following syntax to cause an external JavaScript file to be loaded
  • before your module entry point is called.
  • as if you had included it explicitly using the HTML <script
  • loaded before your onModuleLoad() is called.
  • all included scripts will be loaded when your application starts, in the order in which they are declared.
  • associate external CSS files with your module
  • GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "foo.css" in client code
  • module's public path
  • useful when
  • inheritance makes resource inclusion particularly convenient.
  • If you wish to create a reusable library that relies upon particular stylesheets or JavaScript files, you can be sure that clients
  • see the documentation for FileSet for a general overview
  • <public>
  • <super-source>
  • <source>
  • includes
  • excludes
  • defaultexcludes
  • casesensitive
  • By default, the patterns listed here are excluded.
  • defaultexcludes is true
  • <script src='myApp/myApp.nocache.js'></script>
  • <script> tags always block evaluation of the page
  • <img> tags do not block page evaluation
  • two simultaneous connections
  • The body.onload() event will only fire once all external resources are fetched, including images and frames.
  • GWT selection script
  • like a normal script tag
  • but the compiled script will be fetched asynchronously.
  • Parsing is blocked until externalScriptZero.js is done fetching and evaluating.
  • myApp/myApp.nocache.js completes
  • the compiled scrip
  • (<hashname>.cache.html
  • begins fetching in a hidden IFRAME (this is non-blocking).
  • onModuleLoad() is not called yet, as we're still waiting on externalScriptOne.js
  • body.onload() fires
  • onload='alert("w00t!")
    • anonymous
      is the last line executed
  • put the GWT selection script as early as possible
  • because it won't block any other script requests
  • <img> tags are not guaranteed to be done loading when onModuleLoad() is called
  • <script> tags are guaranteed to be done loading when onModuleLoad() is called
  • multiple EntryPoints
  • will all be called in sequence as soon as that module (and the outer document) is ready
  • multiple GWT modules within the same page
  • each module's EntryPoint will be called as soon as both that module and the outer document is ready
  • EntryPoints are not guaranteed to fire at the same time
  • or in the same order
  • in which their selection scripts were specified in the host page
Hendy Irawan

6. Validation, Data Binding, and Type Conversion - Spring Framework - 0 views

    "There are pros and cons for considering validation as business logic, and Spring offers a design for validation (and data binding) that does not exclude either one of them. Specifically validation should not be tied to the web tier, should be easy to localize and it should be possible to plug in any validator available. Considering the above, Spring has come up with a Validator interface that is both basic ands eminently usable in every layer of an application. Data binding is useful for allowing user input to be dynamically bound to the domain model of an application (or whatever objects you use to process user input). Spring provides the so-called DataBinder to do exactly that. The Validator and the DataBinder make up the validation package, which is primarily used in but not limited to the MVC framework. The BeanWrapper is a fundamental concept in the Spring Framework and is used in a lot of places. However, you probably will not have the need to use the BeanWrapper directly. Because this is reference documentation however, we felt that some explanation might be in order. We will explain the BeanWrapper in this chapter since, if you were going to use it at all, you would most likely do so when trying to bind data to objects. Spring's DataBinder and the lower-level BeanWrapper both use PropertyEditors to parse and format property values. The PropertyEditor concept is part of the JavaBeans specification, and is also explained in this chapter. Spring 3 introduces a "core.convert" package that provides a general type conversion facility, as well as a higher-level "format" package for formatting UI field values. These new packages may be used as simpler alternatives to PropertyEditors, and will also be discussed in this chapter."
Hendy Irawan

Maven - Welcome to Maven - 0 views

    Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.
Hendy Irawan

The Castor Project - 0 views

    Castor is an Open Source data binding framework for Java[tm]. It's the shortest path between Java objects, XML documents and relational tables. Castor provides Java-to-XML binding, Java-to-SQL persistence, and more.
Hendy Irawan

Java EE 6 and Scala » Source Allies Blog - 0 views

    Last weekend while pondering the question "Is Scala ready for the enterprise?" I decided to write a simple Java EE 6 app entirely in Scala, without using any Java. I had three main reasons for doing this: one was just to see how easy/difficult it would be to write everything in Scala (it was easy).  Another was to document the process for others journeying down the same road (the entire project is on github).  Finally, I wanted to identify advantages of using Scala instead of Java that are specific to Java EE apps (I found several). Background The specific app I created was an adaptation of the Books example from Chapter 10 of Beginning Java™ EE 6 Platform with GlassFish™ 3. It's a simple web app that displays a list of books in a database and lets you add new books. Although it's a pretty trivial app, it does touch on several important Java EE 6 technologies: JPA 2.0, EJB 3.1 and JSF 2.0.
Hendy Irawan

Apache Aries (incubating) -- Index - 0 views

    The Aries project is delivering a set of pluggable Java components enabling an enterprise OSGi application programming model. This includes implementations and extensions of application-focused specifications defined by the OSGi Alliance Enterprise Expert Group (EEG) and an assembly format for multi-bundle applications, for deployment to a variety of OSGi based runtimes. The OSGi R4 V4.2 Enterprise Specification can be found here: To understand the complete scope of the Aries project, see the Aries proposal document on the incubator wiki.
Hendy Irawan

Shrinkwrap - JBoss Community - 0 views

  • Shrinkwrap provides a simple mechanism to assemble archives like JARs, WARs, and EARs with a friendly, fluent API.
    Shrinkwrap provides a simple mechanism to assemble archives like JARs, WARs, and EARs with a friendly, fluent API. JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class,"archive.jar")    .addClasses(MyClass.class,MyOtherClass.class)    .addResource(""); From there you may deploy directly into any supported integration container like JBoss EmbeddedAS, GlassFish v3 Embedded, Jetty, or OpenEJB.  Or perhaps you'd like to export the archive to a file or exploded directory structure.  Maybe you'd prefer to serialize it over the network to a remote host.  The possibilities are limitless. To boot, ShrinkWrap is the supported deployment mechanism of the Arquillian project, and together we render the testing of true enterprise components amiable as a puppy.  Where Java EE brought a POJO programming model to application development, we've brought it to testing.  You handle your business logic; we'll do the rest. To foster community participation, the majority of documentation and examples are available through our Wiki. Releases are available either via our Downloads section, or through the JBoss Maven Repository, which we recommend is configured in ${userHomeDir}/.m2/settings.xml:
Hendy Irawan

Eclipse Gemini Blueprint - Home - 0 views

    Eclipse Gemini Blueprint is the reference implementation for the OSGi Alliance Blueprint Service (chapter 121 of the OSGi 4.2 Compendium Specification). Gemini Blueprint project makes it easy to build Java applications that run in an OSGi framework. By using Gemini Blueprint, applications benefit from using a better separation of modules, the ability to dynamically add, remove, and update modules in a running system, the ability to deploy multiple versions of a module simultaneously (and have clients automatically bind to the appropriate one), and a dynamic service model. Gemini users may also be interested in Eclipse Virgo, an open source, completely modular, OSGi-based Java application server. Its documentation is considered a supplement to Gemini Blueprint as it explains in detail, how OSGi can be used in various development and production scenarios.
Manu PK

How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool - 0 views

    How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool
mahesh 1234

Object Class, Object Class in Java, Object Class Methods, Object Class Tutorial - Javat... - 0 views

    Advantage of OOPs Naming Convention Object and Class Method Overloading Constructor static keyword this keyword Inheritance(IS-A) Aggregation(HAS-A) Method Overriding Covariant Return Type super keyword Instance Initializer block final keyword Runtime Polymorphism Dynamic Binding instanceof operator Abstract class Interface Package Access Modifiers Encapsulation Object class Object Cloning Java Array Call By Value strictfp keyword API Document Command Line Arg
mahesh 1234

Command Line Argument, Command Line Argument in Java, Tutorial, Example - Javatpoint - 0 views

    Advantage of OOPs Naming Convention Object and Class Method Overloading Constructor static keyword this keyword Inheritance(IS-A) Aggregation(HAS-A) Method Overriding Covariant Return Type super keyword Instance Initializer block final keyword Runtime Polymorphism Dynamic Binding instanceof operator Abstract class Interface Package Access Modifiers Encapsulation Object class Object Cloning Java Array Call By Value strictfp keyword API Document Command Line Arg
mahesh 1234

Strictfp Keyword, Strictfp in Java, Strictfp Keyword Tutorial - Javatpoint - 0 views

    Advantage of OOPs Naming Convention Object and Class Method Overloading Constructor static keyword this keyword Inheritance(IS-A) Aggregation(HAS-A) Method Overriding Covariant Return Type super keyword Instance Initializer block final keyword Runtime Polymorphism Dynamic Binding instanceof operator Abstract class Interface Package Access Modifiers Encapsulation Object class Object Cloning Java Array Call By Value strictfp keyword API Document Command Line Arg
mahesh 1234

History of Java, Java History, History of Java Programming, Java Version History - Java... - 0 views

    Advantage of OOPs Naming Convention Object and Class Method Overloading Constructor static keyword this keyword Inheritance(IS-A) Aggregation(HAS-A) Method Overriding Covariant Return Type super keyword Instance Initializer block final keyword Runtime Polymorphism Dynamic Binding instanceof operator Abstract class Interface Package Access Modifiers Encapsulation Object class Object Cloning Java Array Call By Value strictfp keyword API Document Command Line Arg

Sr. Sharepoint Developer with Sql Experience - 0 views

    JOB SUMMARY: This Senior Programmer/Analyst is responsible for the design, development and documentation of SharePoint applications as well as devlelopment and support of organizationl reports and data queries. Reports are typically developed in Crystal Reports. This position is also responsible for the support and maintenance of the Crystal Enterprise environment.
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