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Organize Projects - Google Web Toolkit - Google Code - 0 views

    • anonymous
      Gears.gwt.xml does not define andy entry point. It can only be inherits
  • two ways to approach loading them
  • nclude each module with a separate <script> tag
  • ...118 more annotations...
  • Create a top level module XML definition
  • Compile the top level module
  • the second approach will lead to much better end-user performance
  • each module has to be downloaded separately by the end-user's browser
  • each module will contain redundant copies of GWT library
  • conflict with each other during event handling
  • Linkers are divided into three categories, PRE, POST, and PRIMARY
  • one primary linker is run for a compilation
  • everal linkers are provided by Core.gwt.xml, which is automatically inherited by User.gwt.xml.
  • monolithic JavaScript file.
  • cross-site deployment model.
  • standard iframe-based
  • <add-linker name="xs" />
  • The GWT compiler
  • packaging its output with the Linker subsystem
  • responsible for the final packaging of the JavaScript code
  • providing a pluggable bootstrap mechanism
  • re-use an existing Java API for a GWT project,
  • <super-source>
  • "re-root" a source path
  • to emulate part of the JRE not implemented by GWT
  • tells the compiler to add all subfolders of com/example/myproject/jre/
  • to the source path
  • com/google/myproject/gwt/jre/java/util/
  • most commonly used elements in the module XML file.
  • <inherits name="
  • herits all the settings from the specified module
  • <entry-point class=
  • Entry points are all compiled into a single codebase
  • when the onModuleLoad() of your first entry point finishes, the next entry point is called immediately.
  • Any number of entry-point classes can be added
  • <source path="
  • resources get copied into the output directory during a GWT compile.
  • client subpackage is implicitly added to the source path
  • <public path="path" />
  • treated as a publicly-accessible resource.
  • resources get copied into the output directory
  • the public subpackage is implicitly added to the public
  • <servlet
  • For RPC, this element loads a servlet class
  • mounted at the specified URL path
  • path=
    • anonymous
      monting location
  • class="
    • anonymous
      Which servlet class
  • URL path should be absolute
  • @RemoteServiceRelativePath attribute
  • you must configure a WEB-INF/web.xml in your war directory to load any servlets needed.
  • n development mode,
  • <script src="
  • external JavaScrip
  • <stylesheet src="
  • Extends the set of values
  • for an existing client property
  • <replace-with-class>
  • <generate-with-class>
  • <when-property-is
  • three different types of predicates are
  • <when-type-assignable
  • <when-type-is
  • <all>
  • <any>
  • <none>
  • GWT libraries are organized into modules
  • you want to inherit at least the User module
  • contains all the core GWT functionality
  • including the EntryPoint class
  • widgets and panels
  • History feature
  • Internationalization
  • DOM programming, and more
  • Low-level HTTP
  • Use the following syntax to cause an external JavaScript file to be loaded
  • before your module entry point is called.
  • as if you had included it explicitly using the HTML <script
  • loaded before your onModuleLoad() is called.
  • all included scripts will be loaded when your application starts, in the order in which they are declared.
  • associate external CSS files with your module
  • GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "foo.css" in client code
  • module's public path
  • useful when
  • inheritance makes resource inclusion particularly convenient.
  • If you wish to create a reusable library that relies upon particular stylesheets or JavaScript files, you can be sure that clients
  • see the documentation for FileSet for a general overview
  • <public>
  • <super-source>
  • <source>
  • includes
  • excludes
  • defaultexcludes
  • casesensitive
  • By default, the patterns listed here are excluded.
  • defaultexcludes is true
  • <script src='myApp/myApp.nocache.js'></script>
  • <script> tags always block evaluation of the page
  • <img> tags do not block page evaluation
  • two simultaneous connections
  • The body.onload() event will only fire once all external resources are fetched, including images and frames.
  • GWT selection script
  • like a normal script tag
  • but the compiled script will be fetched asynchronously.
  • Parsing is blocked until externalScriptZero.js is done fetching and evaluating.
  • myApp/myApp.nocache.js completes
  • the compiled scrip
  • (<hashname>.cache.html
  • begins fetching in a hidden IFRAME (this is non-blocking).
  • onModuleLoad() is not called yet, as we're still waiting on externalScriptOne.js
  • body.onload() fires
  • onload='alert("w00t!")
    • anonymous
      is the last line executed
  • put the GWT selection script as early as possible
  • because it won't block any other script requests
  • <img> tags are not guaranteed to be done loading when onModuleLoad() is called
  • <script> tags are guaranteed to be done loading when onModuleLoad() is called
  • multiple EntryPoints
  • will all be called in sequence as soon as that module (and the outer document) is ready
  • multiple GWT modules within the same page
  • each module's EntryPoint will be called as soon as both that module and the outer document is ready
  • EntryPoints are not guaranteed to fire at the same time
  • or in the same order
  • in which their selection scripts were specified in the host page
Hendy Irawan

Apache Commons Daemon : Java based daemons or services - 0 views

    "Since 1994, the Java programming language evolved and became a valid tool to develop reliable and performant server applications as opposed to just applets and client applications. The major disadvantage of the Java platform is that still today the only portable way to start a Java application relies on a single point of entry: the public static void main(String[]) method. Having a single-point of entry is a valid solution for client applications, where interactively a user can command to the application to quit (which can terminate the Virtual Machine process at calling the System.exit(int) method), but in those cases where the application is not interactive (server applications) there is currently no portable way to notify the Virtual Machine of its imminent shutdown. A server application written in Java might have to perform several tasks before being able to shutdown the Virtual Machine process. For example in the case of a Servlet container, before the VM process is shut down, sessions might need to be serialized to disk, and web applications need to be destroyed. One common solution to this problem is to create (for example) a ServerSocket and wait for a particular message to be issued. When the message is received, all operations required to shut down the server applications are performed and at the end the System.exit method is called to terminate the Virtual Machine process. This method however, has several disadvantages and risks: In case of a system-wide shutdown, the Virtual Machine process may be shut down directly by the operating system without notifying the running server application. If an attacker finds out the shutdown message to send to the server and discovers a way to send this message, he can easily interrupt the server's operation, bypassing all the security restrictions implemented in the operating system. Most multi-user operating systems already have a way in which server applications are started and stopped. Under Unix based
Only Pos

Retail Point of Sale Hardware, POS Equipment, Cash Drawers, Cash Register - Only POS - 0 views

    Only POS is a provider of Retail Point of Sale hardware products like Cash Drawers, Cash Registers, Receipt Printers and more POS equipment in Australia for your POS System.
Javin Paul

How to find memory usage in Java Program with example - 0 views

    Good and quick tutorial on how to find memory usage in java with example. step by step guide to get free memory, max memory and total memory from JVM. memory usage is critical for performance point of view
Hendy Irawan

Equinox Aspects - 0 views

    Aspect-oriented computing is continuing to increase in popularity. The modularity inherent in OSGi and Eclipse offers unique opportunities for managing and applying aspects by supplying them in bundles and directing their application to particular sets of bundles. This incubator work area is dedicated to delivering an integration of aspects and OSGi. The goal is to allow developers to use the Equinox together with AspectJ by combining the benefits of both worlds. Using a load-time weaving extension you are able to add AspectJ aspects to your bundle-based system just by putting them into general OSGi bundles. It does not matter if the pointcuts you defined inside the aspects contain join points that are defined by classes within the same bundle or any other bundle in your installation. The load-time weaving extension will take care that your aspects are woven with the appropriate classes at load-time. To illustrate this lets assume the following situation: You would like to write an aspect that traces something within the JDT plug-ins of Eclipse. Without some kind of load-time aspect weaving you would somehow need to recompile those JDT plug-ins using AJDT (for example) together with your aspect. By using the load-time aspect weaving extension all you need is to implement your aspect and add that bundle to your system. The load-time aspect weaving extension takes care of weaving your aspect with the JDT code as it is loaded. And it doesn't matter if a new JDT is installed by the user later on. The next time your application is started the load-time aspect weaving will take care of weaving your aspect into these bundles as well, if necessary. With this technology is becomes possible to modularize crosscutting concerns across different plug-ins while keeping the idea of separate compilation for bundles. Goals Provide Runtime Modularity and Versioning for Crosscutting Concerns: Aspects are used to implement crosscutting concerns. However such concerns usually compr

Large scale application development and MVP - Part II - Google Web Toolkit - Google Code - 0 views

  • itself
    • anonymous
      The View Implementation
  • @UiHandler("
  • presenter.onAddButtonClicked();
  • ...91 more annotations...
  • onAddButtonClicked
  • eventBus.fireEvent(new AddContactEvent());
  • presenter needs to know more about the view
  • view needs to know more about the data model
  • data types are typically homogeneous within column borders
  • ColumnDefinition abstract class
  • houses the any type-specific code (this is the third party mentioned above)
  • ColumnDefinition
  • ColumnDefinition(s) would be created outside of the presenter
  • we can reuse its logic regardless of what view we've attached ourself to
  • update our views such that we can set their ColumnDefinition(s).
  • setColumnDefinitions
  • this.columnDefinitions = columnDefinitions;
  • so that we can pass in
  • a mocked ContactsView instance when testing our ContactsPresenter
  • in our AppController, when we create the ContactsView,
  • new ContactsViewColumnDefinitions().getColumnDefinitions();
  • we can initialize it with the necessary ColumnDefinition(s).
  • contactsView.setColumnDefiniions(
    • anonymous
      Initialize ContactsView with the necessary ColumnDefinition(s)
  • With our ColumnDefinition(s) we can pass the model untouched.
  • As mentioned above we were previously dumbing down the model into a list of Strings
  • current solution
  • List<String> data
  • display.setData(data);
  • how that data type is rendered.
  • use generics
  • third party that abstracts
  • knowledge of a cell's data type
  • stringing together a list of these classes
  • providing the necessary render()
  • and isClickable()/isSelectable() override
  • ContactsViewColumnDefinitions<ContactDetails>
  • columnDefinitions =      new ArrayList<ColumnDefinition<ContactDetails>>()
  • ColumnDefinition<T>
  • ContactsPresenter
  • ContactsViewImpl
  • ColumnDefinition<T> columnDefinition = columnDefinitions.get(j);
  • the presenter can pass the model untouched
  • the view has no rendering code
  • that we would otherwise need to test. And the fun doesn't stop there.
  • presenter.onItemClicked(
  • presenter.onItemSelected
  • ClickEvent
  • cell.getCellIndex()
  • columnDefinition.isClickable()
  • SelectEvent
  • columnDefinition.isSelectable()
  • return shouldFireClickEvent;
  • return shouldFireSelectEvent;
  • respond to user interaction in different ways based upon the cell type that was clicked
  • use them for rendering purposes
  • defining how to interpret user interactions
  • we're going to remove any application state from the ContactsView
  • replace the view's getSelectedRows() with a SelectionModel
  • The SelectionModel is nothing more than a wrapper around a list of model objects.
  • ContactsPresenter holds on to an instance of this class
  • onItemSelected
  • Having the ColumnDefinition create a new widget for each cell is too heavy
  • Replace our FlexTable implementation with an HTML widget
  • calling setHTML()
  • Reduce the event overhead by sinking events on the HTML widget
  • rather than the individual cells
  • update our ContactsView.ui.xml file to use a
  • HTML widget rather than a FlexTable widget.
  • <g:HTML ui:field="contactsTable">
  • Inefficiencies related to inserting new elements via DOM manipulation Overhead associated with sinking events per Widget
  • for each item ask our column definitions to render accordingly
  • each column definition
  • render itself into the StringBuilder
  • rather than passing back a full-on widget
  • calling setHTML on a HTML widget
  • rather than calling setWidget on a FlexTable.
  • This will decrease your load time, especially as your tables start to grow.
  • we're reducing the overhead of sinking events on per-cell widgets
  • instead sinking on a single container
  • ClickEvents are still wired up via our UiHandler annotations
  • get the Element that was clicked on
  • and walk the DOM until we find a parent TableCellElement
  • we can determine the row
  • shouldFirdClickEvent() and shouldFireSelectEvent()
  • to take as a parameter a TableCellElement rather than a HTMLTable.Cell.
  • faster startup times via Code Splitting.
  • runAsync() points
  • split portion of your code is purely segmented
  • not referenced by other parts of the app
  • it will be downloaded and executed at the point that it needs to run
  • Do we really want to download all of that code before the user even logs in?
  • Not really.
  • simply grab the login code, and leave the rest for when we actually need it
  • wrap the code that creates the ContactsView and ContactsPresenter in a runAsync() call
  • as optimizations such as this one become easier and easier to implement.
Hendy Irawan

Chapter 6. HTTP Caching - 0 views

    HttpClient Cache provides an HTTP/1.1-compliant caching layer to be used with HttpClient--the Java equivalent of a browser cache. The implementation follows the Decorator design pattern, where the CachingHttpClient class is a drop-in replacement for a DefaultHttpClient; requests that can be satisfied entirely from the cache will not result in actual origin requests. Stale cache entries are automatically validated with the origin where possible, using conditional GETs and the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match request headers. HTTP/1.1 caching in general is designed to be semantically transparent; that is, a cache should not change the meaning of the request-response exchange between client and server. As such, it should be safe to drop a CachingHttpClient into an existing compliant client-server relationship. Although the caching module is part of the client from an HTTP protocol point of view, the implementation aims to be compatible with the requirements placed on a transparent caching proxy. Finally, CachingHttpClient includes support the Cache-Control extensions specified by RFC 5861 (stale-if-error and stale-while-revalidate).
Hendy Irawan

Scout/Overview - Eclipsepedia - 0 views

    The goal of the Eclipse Scout project is making it easy to build distributed enterprise applications based on the Eclipse platform. It consists of a runtime framework providing transparent service communication between the client and backend part and is shipped with a rich set of common user interface components. The user interface is not built for a particular rendering technology but it encapsulates the core functionality into a headless model. GUI factories are available for rendering the client model into a particular target UI platform. SWT and Swing are supported out of the box and an AJAX GUI factory could be easily added. Developing Scout applications is supported by the Scout SDK, a plug-in set built on top of Eclipse PDE and Eclipse JDT. The Scout SDK works directly on the bare Java resources and assists the development task by providing an augmented view on the underlying Java code. Additionally, it comes with a rich set of wizards and operations for modifying the Scout application project just by editing the underlying Java code. There is no meta-data required. Hence a developer can switch between editing resources using Eclipse's standard editors and leveraging the features of Scout SDK at any point in time. Eclipse Scout can be used to create multi-tier client/server applications, standalone client applications or OSGi-based server applications. Basically, there are three main advantages when choosing Scout as your framework for building such applications. First, the Scout runtime is service oriented by design. Almost every functionality is provided as an OSGi service. Every OSGi bundle may make use of them. Second, Scout provides a rich set of UI elements being uncoupled from a particular GUI technology. And third, building distributed client/server applications is as easy as if both parts would run within the same local JVM.
Hendy Irawan

Getting started with Spring Data JPA | SpringSource Team Blog - 0 views

    As we have just released the first milestone of the Spring Data JPA project I'd like to give you a quick introduction into its features. As you probably know, the Spring framework provides support to build a JPA based data access layer. So what does Spring Data JPA add to this base support? To answer that question I'd like to start with the data access components for a sample domain implemented using plain JPA + Spring and point out areas that leave room for improvement. After we've done that I will refactor the implementations to use the Spring Data JPA features to address these problem areas. The sample project as well as a step by step guide of the refactoring steps can be found on Github.
Hendy Irawan

Apache Felix - Apache Felix iPOJO - 0 views

    iPOJO is a service component runtime aiming to simplify OSGi application development. It natively supports ALL the dynamism of OSGi. Based on the concept of POJO, application logic is developed easily. Non-functional properties are just injected in the component at runtime. iPOJO strength points are : components are developed as POJO, nothing else is required ! the component model is extensible, so feel free to adapt it to your needs the standard component model manages service providing and service dependencies, and so can require any other OSGi services iPOJO manages the component instance lifecycle and the environment dynamics as it has never been possible iPOJO provides a powerful composition system to create highly dynamic applications iPOJO supports annotations, XML or Java-based API to define the component

Java-Training - 1 views

    we provides easy training and point to point learning of various technologies such as Java, Android, Design Pattern, JavaScript, AJAX tutorials, training, interview questions, forum, seo services etc. JavaTpoint is a part of SSS IT Pvt Ltd.

Cannabis Compliance Software - 1 views

    Be more intelligent than you've ever been before with in-depth knowledge about your operation - and the market at large - like you've never had before.

Java Users Email Lists - 0 views

    Java Users Email Lists and Mailing Lists Sway your focus towards your target audience with a multi-sourced Technology Java users mailing lists. The Java users mailing list from Mail Prospects will help you enhance your business. For years Mail Prospects have been a one-point source for the most B2C and B2B Email Database.

Sr. Sharepoint Developer with Sql Experience - 0 views

    JOB SUMMARY: This Senior Programmer/Analyst is responsible for the design, development and documentation of SharePoint applications as well as devlelopment and support of organizationl reports and data queries. Reports are typically developed in Crystal Reports. This position is also responsible for the support and maintenance of the Crystal Enterprise environment.
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