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Home/ Japanese Internment/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Michael Eppolito

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Michael Eppolito

Michael Eppolito

A | More | Perfect | Union - 0 views

    This has some great images and information.
Michael Eppolito

San Francisco's mayor wants exclusion act to bar the Japs. Eugene E. Schmitz, labor cha... - 6 views

  • San Francisco's labor mayor, the Hon. Eugene E. Schmitz,
  • "The Japanese are far more dangerous to us than the Chinese,"
  • Japs are to be feared more than the Chinese, primarily because of the cheapness of their labor.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Where a Chinese will work upon a farm at starvation wages, a Japanese has the ability to acquire the property itself. The Chinese are dangerous enough, but the Japanese would drive all competition out of business. It is the stern duty of the American citizen, and particularly of those of us upon this western coast, to scrutinise this evil and then suppress it with appropriate legislation."
  • "I would sooner see the bars of civilization let down on this western borderland to the heathen Chinese, and meet all of the grave dangers incidental to their coming, than to witness an unrestricted Japanese immigration, fraught with the many great evils that would at once beset our industrial welfare if the brown toilers of the mikado's realm were permitted to swarm through our gates unhindered."
    • Michael Eppolito
      See how the mayor of San Francisco compares Chinese to Japanese. Also "mikado's realm" refers to Japan.
    This newspaper article gives you a good idea about US attitudes about Japanese workers in San Francisco in 1900, 42 years before internment.
Michael Eppolito

Group Japanese Internment's best content - 2 views

  • Alien Land Laws - 0 views
    • Michael Eppolito
      This is a good site to use for the project.
  • Alien Land Laws - 0 views
  • Alien Land Laws -
Michael Eppolito

Group Japanese Internment's best content - 6 views

  • Internet Archive: Free Download: Japanese Relocation - 0 views
    • Michael Eppolito
      Look at this site for the poster
  • Outcasts! : the story of America's treatment of her Japanese-American minority - 1 views
    • Michael Eppolito
      Use this site for your poster
Michael Eppolito

Internet Archive: Free Download: Japanese Relocation - 2 views

    Here the head the War Relocation Authority justifies the internment of Japanese on the west coast.
Michael Eppolito

Internment Archives - 0 views

    Modern Site justifying interment
    This is a site that justifies the US government's decision to inter all people of Japanese ancestry.
Michael Eppolito

Japanese American internment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 3 views

    While this is WIkipedia it is a very good synopsis of the the internment.
Michael Eppolito

1920 Anti-Japanese Crusade - 1 views

    The newspaper articles on this page are a good resource for understanding and finding information on economic issues.
    The newspaper articles on this page are helpful for understanding economic issues around internment.
    The newspaper articles on this page are helpful for finding information about economic issues.
Michael Eppolito

Outcasts! : the story of America's treatment of her Japanese-American minority - 18 views

  • Four explanations have been advanced for the evacuation: military necessity, the protection of those evacuated, political and economic pressures, and racial prejudice.
  • Briefly, the justification of the evacuation as military necessity is as follows:
  • suggesting immediate removal of those of Japanese lineage as a racial group
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Protection against sabotage and fifth-columnism were the announced military reasons for the exclusion of those of Japanese ancestry
  • On April 13, 1943, Lieutenant General John L. DeWitt, the man who ordered the evacuation, told a House Committee: "It makes no difference whether the Japanese is theoretically a citizen. He is still a Japanese. Giving him a scrap of paper won't change him. I don't care what they do with the Japs so long as they don't send them back here. A Jap is a Jap."
  • "There are in the United States many persons of Japanese extraction whose loyalty to the country, even in the present emergency, is unquestioned. It would therefore be a serious mistake to take any action against these people"—San Francisco Chronicle, December 9, 1941.
  • Thus during the first weeks of the war the dominant tenor of news stories was for fairness and tolerance, restrictions applied equally to all enemy aliens, and there was no mention of total evacuation! If the military had sound reasons for it, they were not apparent nor put forward in the weeks immediately following Pearl Harbor.
  • On January 22, 1942, Congressman Leland Ford of California launched the campaign "to move all Japanese, native born and alien, to concentration camps."
  • Why treat the Japs well here? They take the parking positions. They get ahead of you in the stamp line at the post office. They have their share of seats on the bus and streetcar lines... I am for immediate removal of every Japanese on the West Coast to a point deep in the interior. I don't mean a nice part of the interior, either... Let 'em be pinched, hurt, hungry, and dead up against it... Personally I hate the Japanese. And that goes for all of them."
  • The "Protection" Reason for Evacuation
  • Salinas Vegetable Grower's Association
  • "We're charged with wanting to get rid of the Japs for selfish reasons. We might as well be honest. We do. It's a question of whether the white man lives on the Pacific Coast or the brown man...and we don't want them back when the war ends, either."
  • he Japanese-American group in California alone controlled farm acreage valued at some $72,000,000; played a part in fishing; owned and operated many hotels, laundries, and restaurants; dominated Los Angeles fresh fruit and vegetable distribution, and captured some of the best bazaar trade in San Francisco's Chinatown. Their commercial interests along the Coast were valued at from $55,000,000 to $75,000,000.
  • "The reason for evacuation considered most valid by many persons is that of 'protective custody'--the Japanese must be taken into camps and guarded for their own protection. But what a breakdown of the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice in a democracy such thinking betokens... The very words 'protective custody' (Schutzhaft) were 'made in Germany,' not here. How could it accord with American justice that if a man were dangerous to his neighbors they should be put into custody rather than he?" --Fellowship, July, 1942.
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