In the
war in which we are now engaged racial affinities are not severed by migration.
The Japanese race is an enemy race and while many second and third generation
Japanese born on United States soil, possessed of United States citizenship,
have become "Americanized," the racial strains are undiluted. To conclude
otherwise is to expect that children born of white parents on Japanese
soil sever all racial affinity and become loyal Japanese subjects, ready
to fight and, if necessary, to die for Japan in a war against the nation
of their parents. That Japan is allied with Germany and Italy in this struggle
is no ground for assuming that any Japanese, barred from assimilation by
convention as he is, though born and raised in the United States, will
not turn against this nation when the final test of loyalty comes. It,
therefore, follows that along the vital Pacific Coast over 112,000 potential
enemies, of Japanese extraction, are at large today. There are indications
that these are organized and ready for concerted action at a favorable
opportunity. The very fact that no sabotage has taken place to date is
a disturbing and confirming indication that such action will be taken.