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Max van Mesdag

PlayStation Network Gets Back to Normal - 0 views

    Playstation 3 owners had been scared yesterday when some machines miscalculated a leap year, disconnecting it from the loop of PlayStation Network. Everything seems to be okay now, we hope.
dr tech

Six bailed teenagers accused of cyber attacks using Lizard Squad tool | Technology | Th... - 0 views

    "Ddos attacks have been used to cause both financial and reputational damage to businesses and services from Sony to government websites. The attacks can last from hours to days, and typically use computers or internet routers infected with viruses to make innocent users unwitting parties to the attack. The Lizard Stresser tool was used effectively by Lizard Squad during cyber attacks on Microsoft's Xbox Live and Sony's PlayStation Network online gaming services in December last year."
Mcdoogleh CDKEY

BBC News - PlayStation 3 gaming console clock bug 'fixed' - 0 views

    This did not bode well for PS3 when it did happen :P

The different strategies of Microsoft and Sony's next-generation consoles - The Verge - 0 views

    "Picking between the next Xbox or PlayStation will be less about hardware and more about Microsoft's and Sony's philosophies about this generation of console games"
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