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Alex F

Regulations and Security Concerns Hinder Asia's Move to Cloud Computing - - 0 views

    In this article it talks about how the organization known as "The Youth Olympic Games" were hosting their games in August. But they have done something different this year. Unlike what they have done every year, purchasing their items all the time and selling them or giving them away for free; they have now would have an third-world country who has the equipment do their job if they were to buy it. By that I mean they would used a system called "cloud services", and the group in charge of working would be Asia and they would have the data of everyone who is watching, performing and workers of the organization. Therefore these are the stakeholders in with this program that because they are having someone else from a different country; without knowing if they are someone who wants to steal their identity has full access. The IT system in this "cloud services" would be cloud computing since someone that may be from home, or sitting in an office has control over the organization and the data. The issue in this would be security, that because the people that are using "cloud services" are in Asia; therefore they are in a different having control in the U.S. The scenarios in this would be the fact that everyone identity would be stolen since the controls would be in Asia and they wouldn't be tracked since they are in a different country. They also couldn't be charged since they were given permission to have access to the data.
Mark Gakin

Outsourcing: Its Effects on the U.s Economy and Leadership - 0 views

    This article is about how companies use outsourcing and offshoring as a way to reduce costs and as a method for cheap labor. One of the articles' main points about outsourcing is that the decision to outsource is often in the interest of the company to reduce costs, divert or energy-saving measures aimed at making the skills of a particular company or for the more efficient use of labor, capital, technologies and resources. One problem that arises from outsourcing is that it takes much-needed jobs from the U.S. economy. It is not too different from offshoring, because both are beneficial for companies and used to cut costs. When a company chooses to offshore, it means that it does its business in another country. This 'other' country is usually a developing country because rates tend to be much cheaper there, which is exactly how businesses save money. One of the main issues, again, lies within the U.S. economy. Since US businesses are leaving to do business in other countries, the US economy is suffering quite a blow because less companies are becoming dependent on it. This is a big problem and could lead to an even bigger one for the business because third world countries cannot always be trusted. Even though they are saving so much more money by offshoring, the business they now perform is unreliable and could possibly be affected my many more problems. The main stakeholders in this issue are the businesses who are offshoring and outsourcing, the US government, and the countries the businesses now rely on. Also, depending on the company, people in America tend to suffer as well because since the main issue that arises is reliability, the users or owners of the product may not have the same service. For example, if Time Warner decides to station in India, the workers there may be inexperienced and the company will not be able to do anything about it. This means that when the users of Time Warner call their main number, someone in India will pick up. The probl
Ram Bhadra

A TV-Internet Marriage Awaits Blessings of All Parties - 0 views

    This article speaks about the merger of internet tv(Google TV) and cable companies. The internet TVs work on the basis of an Ethernet connection or a built-in wifi card. It then communicates with the router and connects the television to the internet. This gives the internet the capability to run apps such as Youtube, Netflix, Flickr, Yahoo and so on. These apps are either programed in the television by default or can be downloaded by the app store that the manufacturer of the television has available. In this the television communicates with the home/work network which sends signals to the service provider's center which then sends signals to the satellites which help transmit data from the internet to the television. The reason it would be important for network providers to make services available for the sole purpose of these televisions is that then the cable providers can give their subscribers a wider range of channels and other viewing options since it can then collect data from all its centers around the world and send it the television.
Rubayeth M

Data Security Is No Long an Option - 0 views

    - In this article, "Data Security Is No Longer an Option," written by Eve Tahmincioglu is stating that the issues that concern Groogle. Groogle is a company which is a small online travel site that can supply the same to others from this site. (Scott Larsen, IT Director for the company, Groogle.) Jon Clay (product marketing manager for Trend Micro) will help get Tokyo based security software that will help this small business result in to a faster growing business. They will require a set of requirements that will be met by 95%. The upgrades made by the security measures have increased sales. Looking on from other companies, they have seen what is known as the virtual private network which sends encrypted data one location to the other without others looking at it. This is possible because of the firewalls and he spyware filtering programs that help keep out unknown individuals. At the end they came down to a decision that says they will upgrade to an intrusion detecting system that will cost around $25,000 to $125,000. Even though they will be enhancing their system there will be one problem which is the idea of making the computer adapt to the changes.
Mohammad A

"1986 Privacy Law Is Outrun by the Web" - 0 views

    This article is about privacy issues within the Internet. As web services have improved, aspects such as spreadsheets, e-mail services and photography applications, the topic of privacy has now been "removed". The internet has been the leading factor in many issues with privacy. One of the main examples mentioned is the site WikiLeaks, which is entirely based upon a hacker who exposes the truth about everything and anything. Julian Assange is one of the leading activists who promotes free speech within the world to expose privacy. The IT system involved within this scenario is basically the data transfer through networks and servers online. The people who are being affected by this issue are those who's personal information is leaked (in any way, whether through WikiLeaks due to a political scandal or through hackers obtaining their information). Thus certain security measures are to be taken to prevent unwelcome access to personal and private information. For example, encryption is now one of the most famous and useful methods of preventing hackers from entering databases and other online servers. An encryption key allows for the safe keeping of personal information.
Elisavet M

Data Security Laws Seem Likely, So Consumers and Businesses Vie to Shape Them - 0 views

    During 2005, political organizations advocated for strict laws implementing data security enforcement, as rising concerns stemmed out of alarming statistical studies and research, revealing identity theft, credit card frauds and hacking as emerging and terrorizing practices overtaking much of the internet realm. This article introduces the beginning of the rise in public awareness, as technology strongly began to redirect the business world into another more digital phase. It was during that year, the primary stakeholders, also known as the businesses ( participants of e-commerce that stored, verified and utilized private consumer data), vocalized their needs clarifying their desire for the creation of constraints in regards to the consequences or negative implications of passing certain bills (for data security). The past exemplifies the various influences the introduction of data security measures, passed by the government legislatures, had upon newly initiated businesses; among the most significant implications discussed were: the need to build a secure database for reliable storage of clientele digital data with the utilization of particular software as well as improving business organizational structure in order to maximize the rate of security notifications towards consumers based on a foundation of rigid security standards. Far from the adaptation to such implications, the political crisis of establishing solid ground for a new set of security data policies and standards became an overwhelming process for politicians, congress members in conjunction with consumer and data privacy groups that rivaled in attaining the responsibilities of passing the needed laws. The politicians (stakeholders, holding the role of administering governmental legislation to stabilize data security breaches), came into opposition with the concerns of many members of advocacy groups (stakeholders, holding the responsibility of supervising and publicly navigating the direction of th
    continuation: the adjusted standards enforced by politicians). The problem of adhering to the instruction of newly created laws motioning businesses to appoint data security officers, draft policies, to comply with policies and procedures involving giving access to files in business databases for the Federal Trade Commission to check comes into collision with what most online businesses want to go through the process of doing. However, with the issue of security surfacing future consumer problems, as security breaches become major forces threatening the safe entering of digitally encrypted information (such as credit card codes), many companies become increasingly aware of the needed adherence to the strict security data laws, in order to continue profiting financially in order to keep the rate of consumer trust and payment increasing.
Daniell S

Data Security Is No Longer an Option - 0 views

    This article starts off with the actions of a small travel site. This article speaks of the price they had to pay to upgrade the security. This company has to make big changes to their security in order to do business with larger companies. In this situation there are both positive and negative impacts. One big negative impact is the price to pay for this upgrade in security. In order to be on par with the security of higher level businesses smaller businesses have to pay large amounts of money to gain this security. This would require a lot of faith in the big businesses from the smaller business. As said in the article "The connection, and everything transmitted over it - financial, customer and product data - has to be secure and out of the reach of hackers, cyber thieves and even disgruntled employees." This shows how secure the website has to be. This is so that bigger companies can trust the smaller companies to handle business. However, through this impact can come a positive one. By having security equal to those of bigger businesses customers will have an easier time trusting the company. Another issue that comes up is reliability. A question that can be asked is whether or not the security is strong enough against hackers? This would give customers right to question whether or not this website would be trustworthy or not. In this situation the important stakeholders would be the bigger businesses and the smaller businesses. In order to do business both companies need to have the same level security. This would require one or both companies to upgrade their systems greatly to be on par with each other. Another important stakeholder would be the customer. The customer would need to know whether or not they could use the website without worrying too much about being hacked. If the customer knew the security was stable it would make them more comfortable about using it.
Madeline Brownstone

Privacy is dead on Facebook. Get over it. - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - T... - 0 views

    I wonder how many students at BSGE think the privacy is dead.
nicholas n

Rural Doctor Finds Benefits in Electronic Medical Records - - 1 views

    In looking at this article and the other articles that I have post The main It IT system is a database to store the medical records of the patients of doctors. In theory this would be great for everyone. There will be less paper waste, and it would be easier to pull up patient information at the doctor's office. Its true potential can be achieved if each doctor's database can be connected to created to create a network so any doctor can access the patients information nationally or internationally. The primary issue however, is that the doctors have no standard. Some doctors are not willing to make a transfer because there are to many implications to actually becoming all digital. So that is the issue, since there are no standard the doctors are not willing to adapt. Now this issue can affect a number of stakeholder's. The doctors can see the benefits and draw backs of this standard issue. The doctor's who adopt EHR, actually save a lot of money in the long run, and are on better terms with insurance companies, in the cases where doctors don't use EHR and if a standard is developed they will suffer for it. They will not be able to process patient information quickly, and be on bad terms with insurance companies, and the U.S government(since the government wants to only have EHR or EMR). If a standard is not developed its the patient that will suffer the most. In this world that that we live in International travel is a common place, many people can get injured abroad a EMR can give life saving information to the doctors from the foreign country. This article displays the particular benefits of EMR, the article above me is the reasons doctors do not want to adopt to EMR, and the article before mine displays the governments interest to change all the paper records to EMR.
Mohammad A

Tech Companies Push to Digitalize Patients' Records - 0 views

    This article is regarding the use of Electronic Health Records, and digitalizing medical documents for the "betterment" of the medical staff, and the ease of use that databases provide as a solution to the IT issues that these facilities face. Many health care policy makers within the government, including President Obama, are advocating for the major shift in the use of electronic health records, and digitalizing patient information. However, only a small percentage of medical treatment offices have done so (approximately 17%). Basically, electronic health records document personal information of the patients, for example name, address, age, and medical issues that they face, making it much more easier for doctors and medical staff members to get into the use of e-prescriptions, providing treatment electronically. However, as information becomes digitalized, often times, major issues such as reliability of the IT equipment becomes and important aspect of the scenario. Major companies such as Dell and IBM are in the run to provide electronic health record databases for medical facilities to use. To these major stakeholders, these databases, when set-up properly, are basically a tool for health care providers to use; they can reduce costs and improve the type of care that is provided for patients. They also have the patient's entire medical history, and other medications, along with lab tests that if properly connected to databases, can ease the treatment guidelines. Thus the benefits include less trivial tests, reduced health related errors, and better care with less costs for patients. The IT systems that are provided, including faster networks with improved wireless connections and more financially affordable computers are what will basically be used within the medical facilities running on electronic health records with digitalized information. Also, there will be more space for these new machines to be placed in, since all
    continued... the paper documents are now going to be taking no physical space; entirely stored digitally. However these devices do not provide the solution of reliability that staff members may face when on the wireless networks and/or dealing with digital data. One solution that the article provides is the new Internet-based service model, known as cloud computing, in which much of the computing firepower and data reside in remote data centers, which doctors, nurses and staff would use via the Web browsers on their personal computers. Through cloud-computing, there is a more reliable and efficient way for medical staff members to document data without having system failures, and also if they ever plan on outsourcing, they can easily work with the database online.
Elisavet M

An Unforeseen Complication of Electronic Medical Records - 0 views

    This article focuses specifically upon the negative implications that surface with the installation and adaptation of electronic medical records (EMR) for medical professionals targeting specifically the level of doctor/patient relationships. The author, a medical specialist within a facility, talks about his experience with the proven efficiency of the EMR system's effective retrieval of patient medical history and advanced medical database, but further accentuates emphasis on the system's flawed influence upon medical professional and patient relations. One of the primary stakeholders, the medical doctors and physicians complain that the system itself places limitations upon doctors' interactions with patients during the time of consultation (a critical part of constructing medical diagnoses); the author places emphasis upon the way he had to consistently go back and forth from the patient to the computer, in order to type in the retrieved information gained from the conversation. The act of going back and forth between patient and technological system (EMR) discouraged and urged the patient into silence, thus limiting conversation with the doctor, due to the lack of complete face to face, non interrupted evaluation and reflection of medical symptoms, history, prior experiences from the perspective of the patient. Thus, the second primary stakeholder, the patient himself, feels that he or she is not properly or fully being examined; more importantly this places the patient into the position of feeling less significant, as if his/her perspective doesn't truly matter when in reality it is the patient's responsibility to be clear and coherent with the medical professional, to help navigate the doctor into generating the correct diagnosis that will help save patient lives. The IT system involved is the EMR (electronic medical record) system that operated with the help of dozens of computer terminals that were positioned in individual workstations (hardware com
    (continuation) component) and worked on the same networking service. The software programming that came with the system helped improve the retrieval and sharing of patient medical history, organization of data, efficiency and flexibility of keying in and updating medical information etc. In connection to the scenario of Health, the limiting influence forced upon doctor/patient relationships sourced from the integration of EMR systems targets a flaw in the advantage of having instant connection to patient medical information. Not only are doctors forced to focus on correctly typing in the necessary information, thus avoiding or diminishing patient relations, but the great magnitude of medical information stored and available in EMR systems, "can push some doctors into what one EMR expert refers to as "cognitive overload" while trying to balance patient input with medical history data on the spot. Furthermore, the system's software tool, such as the fee-for-service payment system, which helps tabulate symptoms while simultaneously facilitating the billing process, continues to discourage doctors from executing patient consultation. One major issue that surfaces is reliability; the EMR system itself consists of hardware and software components that transition the doctor's attention from the patient directly onto the transferring of information into the system while in the mode of confrontation. The correspondence of data with the real world comes into significance, as the data may become unreliable due to the fact that it may be entered incorrectly (the doctor may have been focusing more upon data transmission, rather than what the patient actually stated), and additionally the use of EMR systems increase the risk of data becoming outdated, for it is solely up to the doctor's skills and attention that medical history, symptoms, side effects of the patient be kept at a steady consistency once entered into the system. Thus, although physicians and he
Rubayeth M

Are local solutions the future for government IT? - 0 views

    Damian Green a person who insists not giving their medical information to Google Health and Microsoft Vault.
Rubayeth M

Video boom threatens to gridlock the internet - 0 views

    In this article the stakeholders are worried about the internet connectivity. Since many people are using it today as we speak they are watching videos, tv shows, listening to music from the Internet, and many others and would be known as stakeholders. The issue here is the reliability of the hardware. In the article it states that the copper wires that were initially put for calling which only required voice. Now it has increased with much more and in order for the internet connectivity to increase there needs to be more of a solution than fiber optic cables since it was not planted in to the ground before. The IT systems that requiring so much internet speeds are computers, mobile devices, computers within the doctors office, and many other. For tele medicine to continue there needs to sufficient or reliable internet connectivity. For instance, say a doctor wanted to help out another doctor in India. For the doctor in America it wouldn't take more than a couple of minutes. If the hospital did not have its own secure internet then it would have taken a long time since other internet connectors are using it to download and upload video,stream live music, and much more. The point here is that for one to have accessibility in the internet connectivity there needs to be globalization. Globalization will help increase and satisfy almost everyone's needs.
Madeline Brownstone

Mark Frydenberg - Teaching and Learning Technology - 0 views

    this is the author's website for the new book you will be using to prepare for the case study "Web 2.0 Concepts and Applications"
Madeline Brownstone

ORT's Information Technology Foundation Course - 0 views

shared by Madeline Brownstone on 06 Mar 11 - Cached
    Check out this amazing learning tool. You can use this to support your own personal inquiry.
Madeline Brownstone

The dirty little secrets of search - 0 views

    A rather long, but interesting story about search engine results ranking. The J.C. Penney case.
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