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Lenny H

Offshoring Outsourcing's Next Wave: How High? - 1 views

    This article has to do with both offshoring and outsourcing. I thought this was an interesting article to read after reading the article we read in class because it gave a variety of examples of offshoring and outsourcing. This article gave a variety of point of views on the debates around both offshoring and outsourcing. First the article introduces a few examples of outsourcing such as computer processing and back-office business tasks. The author introduces ethical impacts the outsourcing creates because it uses technology and humans that are cheaper rather than using humans that are experts at a field. They also state that the current BPO offshoring profits in Indian have the potential to grow, but we are not allowing it to. People in a variety of countries are being payed less because of the differences in currency because of outsourcing. The author mentions Mr. Bourgeois, and his claim that "Mr. Bourgeois says, makes about $50 an hour, while in India a developer is paid perhaps $10 an hour. If the wages of the American developer are growing at 3 percent a year, and the Indian 15 percent a year the cost advantage will last a long time, he noted." The author mentions that there are a variety of parts of the debate on offshoring and outsourcing. The stockholders for these situations are the business people making money, the people working in foreign countries for less money, and people working the same job for more money. This is a great article to read after the one we read in class because the author provides the reader with a variety of point of views, and how the debate on offshoring and outsourcing can change if we can add other point of views.
Olivia M

Brainy Robots Start Stepping Into Daily Life - 4 views

    Many companies are building robots to do simple human tasks. These tasks include lifeguarding, taking out the trash, building a bookcase and much more.
    Quicker and quicker progress into the field of artificial intelligence without corresponding advancements in politics and standards
Arafat Chowdhury

Outsourcing to India Draws Western Lawyers - 0 views

    This article is about the outsourcing of lawyers in India as the title says. By "draws western lawyers", its says how the cost has become cheaper for many lawyers to use Indians to do the small tasks that require a lot of time. The Western lawyers can use the Indians to save their own time and money and gain access to a larger work force, however for a certain price. With all these benefits from outsourcing the issue of globalization is involved. Western lawyers are using Indians across the world to get the work done at a lower price. Money is what these firms are tackling but also the efficacy of the work and the experience many Indians have (or the Indians learn through training). Jobs are available to them and this helps the economy of India but not the economy of America. The stakeholders thus are the Indian employees and the Western lawyers.
nicholas n

Rural Doctor Finds Benefits in Electronic Medical Records - - 1 views

    In looking at this article and the other articles that I have post The main It IT system is a database to store the medical records of the patients of doctors. In theory this would be great for everyone. There will be less paper waste, and it would be easier to pull up patient information at the doctor's office. Its true potential can be achieved if each doctor's database can be connected to created to create a network so any doctor can access the patients information nationally or internationally. The primary issue however, is that the doctors have no standard. Some doctors are not willing to make a transfer because there are to many implications to actually becoming all digital. So that is the issue, since there are no standard the doctors are not willing to adapt. Now this issue can affect a number of stakeholder's. The doctors can see the benefits and draw backs of this standard issue. The doctor's who adopt EHR, actually save a lot of money in the long run, and are on better terms with insurance companies, in the cases where doctors don't use EHR and if a standard is developed they will suffer for it. They will not be able to process patient information quickly, and be on bad terms with insurance companies, and the U.S government(since the government wants to only have EHR or EMR). If a standard is not developed its the patient that will suffer the most. In this world that that we live in International travel is a common place, many people can get injured abroad a EMR can give life saving information to the doctors from the foreign country. This article displays the particular benefits of EMR, the article above me is the reasons doctors do not want to adopt to EMR, and the article before mine displays the governments interest to change all the paper records to EMR.
Yuval S

Telemedicine Connects Earthquake-Ravaged Haiti to the World - 0 views

    This article discusses the introduction of IT in haiti after the disastrous earthquake that hit this under-privelaged country hard. There are many people who are put in the situation of getting wounded from the earthquake. A few volunteers from the University of Miami went to Haiti with 2 donated portable satellites, computer laptops, each device contained a satellite telephone, satellite Internet, and video camera. These donated materials and workers who volunteered were important because of the problem with money in Haiti. The medical team consulted in real time with their Florida colleagues 700 miles away. The potential of this was that it can improve diagnoses, speed treatment, and lower costs. One thing they could do was, using a camera on a cell phone with Internet access, they took photos of patients' X-ray films and wounds and emailed them to stateside specialists. Without this technology, it would have been much, much more difficult to work logistics and communications. Dr. Alessi, a volunteer in Haiti for many years, worked when there was no use of It. "What's most exciting is that we are building an entire health system in Haiti," he said. "That's where telemedicine and technology will come in. I think Haiti is finally going to be connected to the rest of the world."
Lenny H

Electronic Record- Keeping Alone May not Boost Health Care - 3 views

    This article deals with the situation of Electronic Health Records in relation to Health Care. The use of this Information Technology according to the article has done very little to improve the health care service and those who have health care. Records and studies have proven that the use of this software has be associated with western states. Stanford researches have shown that the increase use of Electronic Health Records has not improved the quality of heath care services. This is caused because of the software's highly complicated software that is currently being interacted and used with doctors that aren't well trained with the system. Because of this lack of knowledge and skill of the system, doctors could not use all of the capabilities of the system. Overall, the article argues that the government should focus more on the quality of the Electronic Health Record software in relation with how doctors approach it, rather than just getting and replacing Health records with Electronic technology. There are a variety of stake holders in relation to the Electronic Health Record software. Those doctors who do not know how to fully interact with the system are the main stakeholders. The lack of training and the lack of full interaction with the system does not allow for the doctors to use the software to it's full capabilities. Another stakeholder would have to patience who have their medical records on these Electronic software systems. They have to rely on the doctors using the software to keep their data and to keep their records to date. However, another main stakeholder would be the government who is currently trying to create a better health care system by providing doctors with the Electronic Health Records. Because the government has good intentions to create a better health care system and a better medical situation for patience, they are being affected when they are unaware that this software is not being used to its full capabilities. Because of this,
    the health care system is not changing or becoming better. Social and Ethical issues are presented in the Article. The first Social and Ethical Issue presented would have to be Reliability. The government is relying on these Electronic Health Record systems in order to create a better health care service for those in the United States. However, this reliability is currently being challenged when doctors and those who work in relation to the IT system are not able to work with it to its full capabilities because of its challenging and highly technical operations. Another Social and Ethical issue that arises is digital divide. The government is in pursuit to allow and get all doctors to use this system in order to remove the divide and create a better health care service. Solutions are given in the article, where current researches at Stanford say that they should focus on training those doctors to operate their systems or the Electronic Health Records to create a better health care service.
Mohammad A

Tech Companies Push to Digitalize Patients' Records - 0 views

    This article is regarding the use of Electronic Health Records, and digitalizing medical documents for the "betterment" of the medical staff, and the ease of use that databases provide as a solution to the IT issues that these facilities face. Many health care policy makers within the government, including President Obama, are advocating for the major shift in the use of electronic health records, and digitalizing patient information. However, only a small percentage of medical treatment offices have done so (approximately 17%). Basically, electronic health records document personal information of the patients, for example name, address, age, and medical issues that they face, making it much more easier for doctors and medical staff members to get into the use of e-prescriptions, providing treatment electronically. However, as information becomes digitalized, often times, major issues such as reliability of the IT equipment becomes and important aspect of the scenario. Major companies such as Dell and IBM are in the run to provide electronic health record databases for medical facilities to use. To these major stakeholders, these databases, when set-up properly, are basically a tool for health care providers to use; they can reduce costs and improve the type of care that is provided for patients. They also have the patient's entire medical history, and other medications, along with lab tests that if properly connected to databases, can ease the treatment guidelines. Thus the benefits include less trivial tests, reduced health related errors, and better care with less costs for patients. The IT systems that are provided, including faster networks with improved wireless connections and more financially affordable computers are what will basically be used within the medical facilities running on electronic health records with digitalized information. Also, there will be more space for these new machines to be placed in, since all
    continued... the paper documents are now going to be taking no physical space; entirely stored digitally. However these devices do not provide the solution of reliability that staff members may face when on the wireless networks and/or dealing with digital data. One solution that the article provides is the new Internet-based service model, known as cloud computing, in which much of the computing firepower and data reside in remote data centers, which doctors, nurses and staff would use via the Web browsers on their personal computers. Through cloud-computing, there is a more reliable and efficient way for medical staff members to document data without having system failures, and also if they ever plan on outsourcing, they can easily work with the database online.
Elisavet M

An Unforeseen Complication of Electronic Medical Records - 0 views

    This article focuses specifically upon the negative implications that surface with the installation and adaptation of electronic medical records (EMR) for medical professionals targeting specifically the level of doctor/patient relationships. The author, a medical specialist within a facility, talks about his experience with the proven efficiency of the EMR system's effective retrieval of patient medical history and advanced medical database, but further accentuates emphasis on the system's flawed influence upon medical professional and patient relations. One of the primary stakeholders, the medical doctors and physicians complain that the system itself places limitations upon doctors' interactions with patients during the time of consultation (a critical part of constructing medical diagnoses); the author places emphasis upon the way he had to consistently go back and forth from the patient to the computer, in order to type in the retrieved information gained from the conversation. The act of going back and forth between patient and technological system (EMR) discouraged and urged the patient into silence, thus limiting conversation with the doctor, due to the lack of complete face to face, non interrupted evaluation and reflection of medical symptoms, history, prior experiences from the perspective of the patient. Thus, the second primary stakeholder, the patient himself, feels that he or she is not properly or fully being examined; more importantly this places the patient into the position of feeling less significant, as if his/her perspective doesn't truly matter when in reality it is the patient's responsibility to be clear and coherent with the medical professional, to help navigate the doctor into generating the correct diagnosis that will help save patient lives. The IT system involved is the EMR (electronic medical record) system that operated with the help of dozens of computer terminals that were positioned in individual workstations (hardware com
    (continuation) component) and worked on the same networking service. The software programming that came with the system helped improve the retrieval and sharing of patient medical history, organization of data, efficiency and flexibility of keying in and updating medical information etc. In connection to the scenario of Health, the limiting influence forced upon doctor/patient relationships sourced from the integration of EMR systems targets a flaw in the advantage of having instant connection to patient medical information. Not only are doctors forced to focus on correctly typing in the necessary information, thus avoiding or diminishing patient relations, but the great magnitude of medical information stored and available in EMR systems, "can push some doctors into what one EMR expert refers to as "cognitive overload" while trying to balance patient input with medical history data on the spot. Furthermore, the system's software tool, such as the fee-for-service payment system, which helps tabulate symptoms while simultaneously facilitating the billing process, continues to discourage doctors from executing patient consultation. One major issue that surfaces is reliability; the EMR system itself consists of hardware and software components that transition the doctor's attention from the patient directly onto the transferring of information into the system while in the mode of confrontation. The correspondence of data with the real world comes into significance, as the data may become unreliable due to the fact that it may be entered incorrectly (the doctor may have been focusing more upon data transmission, rather than what the patient actually stated), and additionally the use of EMR systems increase the risk of data becoming outdated, for it is solely up to the doctor's skills and attention that medical history, symptoms, side effects of the patient be kept at a steady consistency once entered into the system. Thus, although physicians and he
Alex F

Can Barack Obama ensure all Americans have electronic health records by 2014? | Society... - 0 views

  • Personal health records are a concept enabling customers to gather their information from different providers (perhaps their primary and secondary care providers, for example) and store them in one place.
    • Alex F
      this is how health records are used, and how useful they would be when customers go to different providers and that way information can be passed on.
  • Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 which is meant to govern the security and privacy of EHRs.
    • Alex F
      this is historical information
  • Privacy
    • Alex F
      issue/ concern
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • health information exchanges, and the DHHS has already commissioned 15 contractors to work on trial implementations of prototype architectures.
  • 2007, according to research from George Washington University, 20-25% of outpatients were being served by some form of electronic health records (EHR) in the US
  • "meaningful use": the practical deployment of these records for e-prescribing, laboratory exchange and quality measurement
  • The American Medical Association says it is fully behind Connecting for Health.
  • Google and Microsoft have also endorsed Connecting for Health, a consortium that provided one of the original prototype architectures for the NHIE (and unconnected to the NHS IT organisation of the same name).
Santiago P.

Dani's House of Pizza Home - 0 views

    This website shares similarities with Carmen's business. Dani's House of Pizza is a small neighborhood business that wishes to optimize commerce by minimizing loss and maximizing profit. Just like Carmen wants to do, Dani's Pizzeria has established a website that is not that attractive to customers. It is trying to attract a wider customer base, but it needs to get organized. As it is now, the website gives the audience some basic information on the menu, the prices, the location, history, reviews, contact information, and special events. I believe it could use a database to keep track of business goods, stock, customer information, and to keep a useful inventory that would help maximize profit in the business. Even better would be for the business to begin to sell through e-commerce - or sell pizzas online by having customers order it online, just like Dominos currently does. This would definitely boost sales and increase revenue.
T Graham

AFP: Taiwan unveils hydrogen-powered mobile phone chargers - 0 views

  • Taiwanese researchers said Friday they have developed hydrogen-powered mobile phone chargers
    • T Graham
      Hydrogen is a natural resource, it can be used over and over again. Hydrogen also doesn't give off any pollution in the air or give off any toxic waste.
  • "We will continue to improve the invention. We hope the hydrogen-powered device can replace current cell phone recharge systems in 2012."
    • T Graham
      Do they mean for all people who use cellphones, or just the users in Taiwan?
  • The charger will be key to the Taiwan government's endeavour of carving out a space for itself in future energy generation
    • T Graham
      Taiwan is mixing this technological move with its business endeavors and profit potential. This is mix of business and employment and environment.
Jackie C

The pros and cons of distributed computing - by John Fagot - Helium - 0 views

  • However, whenever there is the possibility of doing the right thing to accomplish a good deed, there are always others who will use the same technology for evil.
    The pros and cons of distributed computing
    Supporting document for 11chenj. Botnets and distributed computing!
Karen M

Armies of Expensive Lawyers, Replaced by Cheaper Software - 4 views

    The stakeholders in this article are lawyers, clients, the software developers, and law firms. The social and ethical issue is people and machines, more specifically, the fact that software is replacing the work of "armies of expensive lawyers." The area of impact is business and employment. The issue here is that law firms are now starting to use this new software in order to replace spending a lot of money of many lawyers to get the same job done. Law firms are able to save their money by investing in this software instead of multiple lawyers. They are also able to save time because the software is able to go through information faster than humans are able to. Clients are also able to save their money because they are paying law firms less to get the same job done. This is a chain reaction. The software developers are also able to make more money now that this is becoming more popular because they are able to continue building on and improving the software they have now and then selling it later on. The issue is that lawyers are being replaced by this new software. A job that used to take 500 lawyers, could now take 1 lawyer, along with this new software. This is an important issue to pay attention to because eventually it might lead to unemployment, even though there are no signs of it now.
    This was a pretty interesting article and I actually enjoyed reading it. You seem to have hit all the points and from the article what really stood out to me was when Bill Herr said,"People get bored, people get headaches. Computers don't." This is basically the issue that we are faced with when losing jobs. For those jobs that are repetitive is is more efficent and time saving to have a robot rather than a person doing the job. You hit this point by saying, "A job that used to take 500 lawyers, could now take 1 lawyer, along with this new software." Though I wonder if this is completely a bad thing. You say it is and important issue because it can lead to unemployment, but isn't it also the case that new jobs would arise? Would those jobs be able replace or be more than what was lost?
T Graham

Our New Robot Overlords Technological progress doesn't have to be a job killer - 2 views

    The stakeholders mentioned in this article include businesses and their employees. The social and ethical issue is people and machines. The area of impact is business and employment. In this article the IT system is never specifically referred to but the author make several references to "technological advances" that involve artificial intelligence enabled software. The issue raised in this article is the issue of technological advancements relating to artificial intelligence becoming a threat to people's jobs. In the article the examples of manufacturing and low skill labor but more significantly A.I.'s threat to white collar jobs. With the invention of software that can sift through documents at speeds that humans could never challenge, lawyers and their document analysis skills are less in demand. Radiologists are quickly losing their jobs to machines that can analyze medical scans faster. This new danger to not only blue collar jobs but also white collar jobs is alarming to the public. The article provides a one sided point of view that rejects the issue of machines taking jobs from people. The author argues that machines do us the favor of taking over boring jobs that no one wants. What the author fails to recognize is the fact that a lot of these jobs (especially the low skill ones) are want working class citizens depend on to pay their bills and feed their families. If machines are taking jobs that require none or very little education they are threatening the livelihoods of a large part of the population of this country. This issue could pose a big threat to the survival of the lower and middle classes.
Saida K

Healthcare innovation: The files are IN the computer! - 1 views

    Obama has given a vast quantity of money to impact the way health cares use the technology. In other words, he hopes that supporting them with financial help, any health care facility would be able to use the technology created. The advantage of the EHR (Electronic Health Records) would be that doctors and medical nurses wouldn't have to hassle in writing every single record of a patient, rather just simply put in the information in a database which other hospital or medical facilities can easily obtain. This alleviates the stress of scanning and faxing information to other doctors. The usage of EHR would impact people in actually being motivated to even use it to begin with, arising the issue of people and the machines. If the people simply choose not to update patient's records into the database, the patient will be greatly affected considering that it's the health status that is at risk. In order to motivate workers to actually use the EHR, is something that must be studied according to the article. But most people who do have access to using EHR, actually use it, will begin to notice the advantages very soon, noticing that business is actually getting better and receiving more patients on a daily basis since it's possible to attend their needs. With intellectual property on the side, since data presentations becomes important too in the waiting room, many patients begin to adapt to the way services are held at local medical facilities since it becomes easier to obtain information for both the patients and doctors.
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