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Ronin Ronin

84,040 - 91 ,703 Documented civilian killed in Iraq! now where that million every one t... - 0 views

    About the Iraq Body Count project Iraq Body Count (IBC) records the violent civilian deaths that have resulted from the 2003 military intervention in Iraq. Its public database includes deaths caused by US-led coalition forces and paramilitary or criminal attacks by others. IBC's documentary evidence is drawn from crosschecked media reports of violent events leading to the death of civilians, or of bodies being found, and is supplemented by the careful review and integration of hospital, morgue, NGO and official figures. Systematically extracted details about deadly incidents and the individuals killed in them are stored with every entry in the database. The minimum details always extracted are the number killed, where, and when. Confusion about the numbers produced by the project can be avoided by bearing in mind that: IBC's figures are not 'estimates' but a record of actual, documented deaths. IBC records solely violent deaths. IBC records solely civilian (strictly, 'non-combatant') deaths. IBC's figures are constantly updated and revised as new data comes in, and frequent consultation is advised. IBC builds on innovative uses of new technologies without which this citizens' initiative would be impossible. The project was founded in January 2003 by volunteers from the UK and USA who felt a responsibility to ensure that the human consequences of military intervention in Iraq were not neglected. Finally, IBC could not exist without the journalists and media support workers, Iraqi and international, who labour to report war's daily carnage at the risk, and all too often the cost, of their health or their lives. For more on IBC's principles and objectives see the Rationale. For a more detailed description of IBC's working methodology and inclusion criteria, see the Methods section. For technical, research and media contacts, conditions of use, as well as a listing of IBC personnel
liveinfreedom .

Great Power Conflict over Iraqi Oil: The World War I Era - 0 views

    "Sir Maurice Hankey: "Control of these resources becomes a first-class war aim"\n\nDuring World War I (1914-18), strategists for all the major powers increasingly perceived oil as a key military asset, due to the adoption of oil-powered naval ships, new horseless army vehicles such as trucks and tanks, and even military airplanes. Use of oil during the war increased so rapidly that a severe shortage developed in 1917-18."
liveinfreedom .

Looking for the New Baghdad -- Printout -- TIME - 0 views

  • The Baghdadis caught between these extremes know that the only thing standing in the way of another sectarian conflagration is the U.S. military. This may explain why every Iraqi who offers me a view on American politics seems to be praying for a McCain victory. A 100-year American military presence, of which McCain once spoke, may seem a bit much; I suspect most Iraqis would be happy with five.
  • Now, says Ali al-Dabbagh, spokesman for the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, all the credit for the decline in violence is going to the U.S. military: "People think the Americans are like Superman, who can do anything."
  • Many are former insurgents who are happy to accept salaries ($300 per month, paid by the U.S., not the Iraqi government)
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  • from the men they once hoped to kill.
  • . But colleagues recently embedded with U.S. troops in Baghdad tell stories of soldiers being received with smiles and waves, even cups of tea. Driving through the city,
  • in the Jadriyah district, we get four to six hours of electricity a day, up from just two hours.
    Let's hope that the Iraqi will achieve their peace with the help of America.
Ronin Ronin

Marine soldier demobilization and another punishing both the "puppy" in Iraq - 0 views

    demobilize one of the elements of the Marines "Marines", and punish another, after the disclosure of a videotape they portrayed as "punishment" a small puppy, before the one pelted from the rocky hills above the one in Iraq. وجاء في بيان للبحرية الأمريكية الأربعاء، أنه تقرر إنهاء خدمة الجندي ديفيد موتاري على خلفية "الحادث" الذي تم بثه على موقع YouTube، في الثالث من مارس/ آذار الماضي. A statement by the American navy on Wednesday, he decided to terminate the service of the soldier David Mutare against the backdrop of "incident" which was broadcast on the site YouTube, on the third of March last. كما تقرر معاقبة السيرجنت كريسمارفن بانيز إنكارناشيون، بسبب تورطه أيضاً في الحادث، إلا أن البيان لم يكشف طبيعة العقوبة، وكذلك لم تتضح الاتهامات التي تم توجيهها لكلا الجنديين. It also decided to punish Alsrzint Krismarven Ankarnaxion Caniza, also because of his involvement in the incident, but the statement did not reveal the nature of the penalty, was also not clear that the accusations were directed to both soldiers. وكان الجيش الأمريكي قد قرر إحالة الجنديين للجنة تأديبية بعد بث الشريط المصور الذي يظهر أحدهما، على الأرجح موتاري، وهو يمسك بجرو أبيض ذي رأس سوداء، ثم يقذف به من فوق منحدر صخري. The U.S. Army has decided to refer the soldiers of disciplinary committee after the broadcast the video which shows one is likely to Mutare, which holds a white puppy with a black head, and then jump over the rocky slope. وفي خلفية الصورة، كان جندي آخر، يقول: "هذا ما يعنيه، هذا ما كان يعنيه"، في إشارة إلى
Ronin Ronin

W.H.O. Says Iraq Civilian Death Toll Higher Than Cited - 0 views

    The study is the latest in a long series of attempts to come up with realistic numbers of civilian deaths. The numbers are politically fraught, and researchers' work has been further complicated by problems in collecting data while working in a war zone. The estimates have varied widely. The Iraq Body Count, a nongovernmental group based in Britain that bases its numbers on news media accounts, put the number of civilians dead at 47,668 during the same period of time as the World Health Organization study, the W.H.O. report said. President Bush in the past used a number that was similar to one put forward at the time by the Iraq Body Count. But another study, by Johns Hopkins, which has come under criticism for its methodology, cited an estimate of about 600,000 dead between the war's start, in March 2003, and July 2006. The World Health Organization said its study, based on interviews with families, indicated with a 95 percent degree of statistical certainty that between 104,000 and 223,000 civilians had died. It based its estimate of 151,000 deaths on that range. Those figures made violence the leading cause of adult male deaths in Iraq and one of the leading causes of death for the population as a whole, the health organization research team reported online in the New England Journal of Medicine. More than half the violent deaths occurred in Baghdad. While the new study appears to have the broadest scope to date, increasing its reliability, well known limitations of such efforts in war areas make it unlikely to resolve debate about the extent of the killing in Iraq. Iraqi officials gave conflicting assessments of the newest study, with one senior Health Ministry official praising it and another saying the numbers were exaggerated. The White House said that it had not seen the study and would not comment on its estimated death toll, but that the recent increase in American forces had reduced civilian and military casualties. "We mourn
Ronin Ronin

The American army: the bombing was carried out by groups linked to freedom in Iran and ... - 0 views

    A spokesman for the coalition forces in Iraq, General Kevin Bergnr that initial investigations into the bombing, which targeted the town of Freedom on Tuesday proved the involvement of groups associated with Iran, as saying. واضاف بيرغنر في المؤتمر الصحافي المشترك مع الجنرال بروكس باش قائد فريق التدريب في قوة طيران القوات المتعددة الجنسيات الذي عقد ببغداد الأربعاء: He added Bergnr joint press conference with General Brooks Bash team leader Force flight training in the multinational forces which was held in Baghdad Wednesday: "التحقيقات ما تزال جارية، وهناك أشخاص يشتبه بوقوفهم وراء الحادث، وهم أعضاء في خلية للمجاميع الخاصة المرتبطة بايران ولدينا معلومات استخباراتية تؤكد أن الهجوم نفذ من هذه المجموعات وليس من تنظيم القاعدة". "Investigations are still ongoing, and there are people suspected of being behind the incident, members of the cell aggregates associated with Iran and we have intelligence information confirm that the attack carried out by these groups and not from Al Qaeda." وعن مطالبة الحكومة العراقية من القوات الأميركية رفع يدها عن حماية معسكر أشرف الخاص بمنظمة مجاهدي خلق الايرانية في محافظة ديالى شمالي بغداد قال بيرغنر: And the Iraqi government called for U.S. forces lift its control of Camp Ashraf protect private MKO Iran in Diyala province north of Baghdad, said Bergnr: "نحن نتفهم مخاوف الحكومة العراقية من وجود منظمة مجاهدي خلق الايرانية في محافظة ديالى وستناقش مع إدارة الجيش الأميركي، وقد أخبرتني السفارة الأميركية
liveinfreedom .


    "The Security Council today ended a week of closed negotiations by unanimously adopting adjustments to the "oil-for-food" programme for Iraq, giving Secretary-General Kofi Annan more authority to administer the programme for the next 45 days.\n\nThe programme, created in 1995 to ease the impact of the sanctions imposed following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, permitted Iraq to use part of its oil revenues for food and medicine and has been the only sustenance for some 60 per cent of Iraq's people. It was suspended on 17 March when the Secretary-General withdrew United Nations personnel from Iraq, just prior to the start of military action."
Amira AlTahawi

UK 'backed disbanding of Iraqi army' - 2 views

    While the comments in this news item are valid... one cannot disregard that ALL the military and government personnel missed utilizing Tsun Tzu directives stipulated in the "Art of War". ALL involved in that forced "liberation" of Iraq needed to be focused on "securing" the civilian population which is what was NOT accomplished and resulted in exactly what tsun Tzu said would occur with removal of a government. Clinton "IRAQI ASKED FOR LIBERATION" Act passed by Congress 1998.
liveinfreedom .

In Mosul, New Test of Rebuilt Iraqi Army - New York Times - 0 views

    Wow! this is something to know about.
liveinfreedom .

Iraq forces talks reach 'dead end' - 0 views

  • But given that there is little consensus in Baghdad over the treaty, Iraqi leaders may simply decide to push for an extension of the UN mandate, however imperfect it may be.
  • “If the Iraqi and the American side can’t reach an agreement, then they have to think of extending the mandate for six months or a year,” said Mahmoud Othman, an independent Kurdish parliamentarian.
  • Under the UN mandate, US and British forces have had the authority to detain or strike at those deemed threats to security, and their troops are allowed legal immunity from Iraqi law for their actions. A US administration would be reluctant to give away this freedom of action and immunity lest it be accused of not giving its military the tools to protect itself, or of letting US citizens be judged by foreign courts
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  • Mr Maliki has reportedly reassured Iran that the accord would not turn Iraq into a launching pad for an attack and Washington insists that it does not want permanent bases.
    America and Iraq are locked into a situation that may not be resolved through negotiations between the two parties. If the parties can't agree on a new agreement prior to the U.N. resolution authorizing U.S. forces in the region then the parties MAY extend the U.N. resolution in order to maintain the "multi-national" troops in the region.
liveinfreedom .

U.S. says exercise by Israel seemed directed at Iran - International Herald Tribune - 0 views

  • A second, the official said, was to send a clear message to the United States and other countries that Israel was prepared to act militarily if diplomatic efforts to stop Iran from producing bomb-grade uranium continued to falter.
  • But American officials were also told that Israel had prepared plans for striking nuclear targets in Iran and could carry them out if needed.
  • "They are clearly nervous about this and have their air defense on guard," a Bush administration official said of the Iranians.
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  • Two sets of advance Russian-made radar systems were recently delivered to Iran. The radar will enhance Iran's ability to detect planes flying at low altitude.
  • Mike McConnell, the director of national intelligence, said in February that Iran was close to acquiring Russian-produced SA-20 surface-to-air missiles. American military officials said that the deployment of such systems would hamper Israel's attack planning, putting pressure on Israel to act before the missiles are fielded.
    Iran is getting nervous about aircraft fying in the air corridors adjacent to their air space. Israel is making arrangments to remove the nuclear sites in Iran.
liveinfreedom .

America and the Future of Iraq - - 0 views

  • The institutions that make your civil society so strong—such as universities, legal and judicial societies, and medical centers—should be integral to the new foundation of U.S.-Iraq relations. Contacts must take place across the broadest possible range of U.S. and Iraqi institutions.
  • Those outsiders who seek conflict with Iran or who wish to bind Iraq to the unstable military dictatorships, corrupt oligarchies and despotic monarchies of the region will find no support here.
  • In the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, passed overwhelmingly by Congress and signed by President Clinton, the U.S. committed itself to the forcible liberation of an oppressed people and to assistance in the formation of a new government. That mission has been fulfilled to the everlasting credit of the American people and with the gratitude of Iraqis. Now, as President Obama has stated, it is up to the Iraqi people. All we ask is the opportunity to move forward on our own as we see fit.
    "Instead, Iraq aspires to be a meeting place for democratic interests in the region. The historic and costly liberation of Iraq by the U.S. and coalition forces demands no other outcome. And it is in this effort that U.S. assistance to Iraq is most desired. "
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