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John Evans

iPaddiction: iPad Camera & YouTube Becomes Great Tool For Sharing Revolutionary War - 1 views

    "The iPad camera integrated with our YouTube channel has TRULY been an integral digital tool in our learning environment. We have been all about "telling the story" of U.S. history. Over the last two days, our students have acted out major events from the Revolutionary War. We used a script written in Google Docs and shared on the iPad as our play script along with numerous camera persons to capture the story and discover the learning."
John Evans

Editorial: The iPad and Education, A Truly Revolutionary Concept | TripTronicTech - 7 views

    "The tablet PC is very new and leaders in education are only starting to tap into what this powerful device can do. As a pilot program or as a device specifically assigned to each student, the tablet might be the most significant revolution to the classroom ever."
John Evans

Math Evolve | Teachers with Apps - 11 views

    "Math Evolve, by InterAction Education and Zephyr Games, has really pushed the envelope. This app introduces a revolutionary "video-like" gaming app for practicing math facts. "
Mu He

The top 10 reasons your mobile learning strategy will fail - 7 views

    "[The iPad] it's the first device that actually is a reflection of me - or us. It's so revolutionary that it's no longer about me adapting myself to somebody else's set of programmings or the way in which a device is going to engage. It is the reverse. It is as though I'm looking in a mirror." I love this description because it encapsulates what should be the crux of any mobile learning strategy. That is, recognizing that mobile content delivery should be fully controlled by the learner. In other words, what content the learner wants; where and when they want it; and how they want it delivered - with no constraints.
John Evans

iPaddiction: Draw Venn for iPad - 7 views

    "In every classroom setting, I always start with the educational content that students need to discover and build tech tools around that. At 8:00 am yesterday, I knew we were going to discuss the two different major armies in the American Revolutionary War. With that came us describing each advantage that the armies had while fighting. This led to some differences that they had as well."
Kathleen N

MobilEdu by Terriblyclever Design - 0 views

shared by Kathleen N on 02 Jul 09 - Cached
    Welcome to your one-stop shop for all of your campus necessities. MobilEdu is a revolutionary new integrated suite that combines virtually all of your school's services in one convenient place-your palm. As the capabilities of different mobile devices tend to vary, the functionality of a given "sub-application" may vary, as well. Click on the above icons to see what each has to offer.
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