Only 1 iPad in the Classroom? - 9 views
"s only one iPad in a classroom worth it? This question keeps reappearing on the EC Ning and in other blog spaces. The answer is easy: YES, especially if the teacher has access to a Mac desktop or (preferably) laptop and a wifi network in the classroom. It is an even larger YES if the Mac device has the most current operating system. "
The Step-By-Step iPad Workflow For Teachers - Edudemic - Edudemic - 6 views
Teaching and Learning with the iPad - a 3 Year Review - 5 views
"In this excellent 3 part article series, Principal David Mahaley shares lessons learned from the 1:1 iPad program that he has overseen in his role as Principle of The Franklin Academy. David has written several excellent articles for EmergingEdTech, and is the author of the eBook Teaching and Sharing with the iPad: Instructor Quick Guide. I am delighted to publish this series of posts in which he shares the perspective of the Administrator, the Teacher, and the Student, after nearly 3 years of experience with integrating the iPad into the Academy's curricula. "
100+ Teaching With the iPad Hacks: A Curated Playlist of Quick Start Resources - 10 views
"his hand selected set of sources will provide teachers who are new to the iPad with the information they need to get started, and offer both new and current users information they need to successfully integrate the iPad into their teaching practices. I purposely limited the list to a few resources that were the richest in content, covering a breadth of important concerns and considerations for new iPad users and teachers who want to get off to a good start with the iPad in their classrooms."
IPads in the classroom: The right way to use them, demonstrated by a Swiss school. - 10 views
"the tablets were intended to be used as video cameras, audio recorders, and multimedia notebooks of individual students' creations. The teachers cared most about how the devices could capture moments that told stories about their students' experiences in school. Instead of focusing on what was coming out of the iPad, they were focused on what was going into it."
Top 60 iPad Apps for Teaching STEAM Organized by Grade Level ~ Educational Technology a... - 15 views
"Looking for some good iPad apps to teach STEAM in your classroom? This collection created by We Are Teachers is definitely a must see. It provides about 60 iPad apps categorized under different subject areas, all of which are geared towards enhancing your kids' STEAM knowledge. The app recommendations are also arranged in such a way that you will be able to access apps for different grade levels (k-12). I have spent sometime going through this collection and find it really worth sharing with you here. Have a look and share with us what you think of it."
More Schools Embrace the iPad as a Learning Tool - - 0 views
The iPads cost $750 apiece, and they are to be used in class and at home during the school year to replace textbooks, allow students to correspond with teachers and turn in papers and homework assignments, and preserve a record of student work in digital portfolios.
Educators also laud the iPad’s physical attributes, including its large touch screen (about 9.7 inches) and flat design, which allows students to maintain eye contact with their teachers. And students like its light weight, which offers a relief from the heavy books that weigh down their backpacks.
New York City public schools have ordered more than 2,000 iPads, for $1.3 million
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Free Technology for Teachers: 77 Educational Games and Game Builders - 14 views
iPad Grants To Improve Learning - 9 views
"Classroom teachers, parents of autistic children, preschools, non-profit groups and other institutions can apply for grants to help pay for iPads to further educational learning of individuals and group. There are very few grants specifically designated to fund the purchase and expenses of getting iPads but their are many ways to receive grant funding to cover the costs."
Free Technology for Teachers: Tracks - Make Stories On Your iPhone - 10 views
Applications for Education When I first saw this app a few days ago I immediately thought that it could be useful for students to create stories about their neighborhoods and towns while walking. For example students could visit a series of important landmarks in their towns, take pictures, then work together to create a story by commenting on each image with information about the landmarks.
An Infographic Guide to Google Apps for the iPad - Shake Up Learning - 9 views
"Using Google Apps on the iPad can get sticky! Historically, Google and the iPad have not played well together. But we have come a long way in the last couple years! There are now tons of apps for iOS devices that integrate well with Google, and Google has release several official apps for the iPad. There is hope, Obi Wan, Google and Apple can play nice! The infographic embedded below details the most useful Google apps for the iPad. These are the apps that I find most useful not only for teachers, but any Google user. Take a look, download, and explore the wonderful possibilities of using Google Apps on the iPad! (Note: There are a few apps that were designed for the iPhone, but worth mentioning for the iPad as well.)"
Educational Apps Checklists Every Teacher Should Have - 11 views
Free iPad apps for Teachers - 11 views
For educators using iPads in the classroom, Happi Papi offers an Education Evaluation Program. Educational institutions that are members of the program will receive free versions of all new Happi Papi apps being launched. When a new app is available, Happi Papi will email a code so that you may install and evaluate the app on your iPad for free.
iPad used in a lesson - 16 views
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