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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Rika Ninomiya

Rika Ninomiya

Keeping it real imaginative - Film - Entertainment - - 0 views

  • Pixar's creative head, John Lasseter, is one of Miyazaki's biggest fans.
  • In contrast to the way Lasseter has surged into the future with 3D computer-generated animation, Miyazaki has upheld the tradition of 2D hand-drawn animation. Now that Pixar is part of Disney, Lasseter has used his considerable clout to have the studio release an English-language version of Miyazaki's latest film, Ponyo,
  • The film uses the voices of stars including Cate Blanchett, Matt Damon and Tina Fey, with Noah Cyrus - the younger sister of Miley Cyrus - as Ponyo, a cute goldfish that yearns to be human.
    Studio Ghibli is the most successful anime production house in Japan. It's persona has captured not only Japanese but also people around the world, regardless of their age. This is one cultural product of Japan which is appreciated by many around the world.
Rika Ninomiya

Twenty thousand apply to be 'Best Job in the World' Ben Southall's buddy - 0 views

    • Rika Ninomiya
      Just wondering.... I don't understand why they hire someone from Hampshire, UK instead of taking someone from Australia? I don't know the detail story but doesn't this sound a little odd?
Rika Ninomiya

Best of travel in 2009 | Castles to cuisine - 0 views

    • Rika Ninomiya
      I hate this kind of article just because it makes me feel like I want to be there now! But glad someone bookmarked this, will definitely be my bookmark for suture reference :)
Rika Ninomiya

GRACE TRAVEL :: View topic - DFT-1 Winter Sonata Drama Tour in Seoul - 0 views

  • Winter Sonata Drama Tour in Seoul
    This obviously is not an article but I remember my aunt was saying she is going on this kind of tour so I thought I'll share it with everyone in class :)
Rika Ninomiya

China eyes Asian and Western media funds | The Australian - 1 views

  • CHINA Investment Corporation, the $US200billion ($243bn) state-run sovereign wealth fund, is planning to invest in several Western and Asian media funds.
  • The investments could give the Chinese government a direct stake in a rich variety of media content -- from South Korean television dramas and Japanese game shows to Hollywood blockbusters and globally franchised animation series.
Rika Ninomiya

Have a chuckle, but cut the English hybrids some slack | The Courier-Mail - 0 views

  • Each of these flavours of English has its own local properties. If you know something about the pronunciation of the languages of these countries, you can often identify the speakers' nationality by their English.
  • These Englishes can show a variety of errors of grammar and vocabulary. Sometimes this is caused by interference from the homeland language. Sometimes it is just a feature of the local English that has become established
  • does it really matter? After all, the Australians, the British and the Americans routinely announce "all trains cancelled".
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  • English is growing rapidly as a vehicle for communication in many parts of the world. In return for having signs that we can read, we might cut the sign writers a little grammatical slack.
  • Anglos too easily ridicule such lapses, and make feeble jokes about signs like "rock the door of the lavatory securely".
  • Just think – with a little honest humility – of the devastation we would wreak if we tried to translate these notices into Malay for a supermarket or a hotel in Oz.
    Funny article with regards to English in different Asian countries. This article focuses on Malaysian sign boards in English.
Rika Ninomiya

QANTAS eyes Malaysia | The Australian - 0 views

  • QANTAS may pursue Malaysia Airlines following the demise of the Australian carrier's $8 billion merger plans with British Airways.
  • Qantas had wanted majority ownership in the deal, reflecting its bigger market value, but BA was not prepared to become a junior partner.
  • faced a number of significant hurdles
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  • Malaysia Airlines, run by savvy ex-petroleum industry executive Idris Jala, appeared the most likely partnership option in Asia
  • merger with Singapore Airlines, often touted as a good match, was unlikely because of questions of control and potential competition issues
  • He believed another possibility often raised, Cathay Pacific, was also unlikely, as were Thai Airways, Garuda, Philippine Airlines and the Chinese carriers.
  • However, he did not rule out a possible partnership with another European carrier or Japan Airlines in the longer term.
    The article talks about Qantas's pursue of Malaysian Airline and other foreign airlines to merge with them. By merging with other major airline, Qantas is hoping to operate in more places which would help increase their market share in the world.
Rika Ninomiya

AdelaideNow... Be ready for 'second wave swine flu' - 0 views

    • Rika Ninomiya
      With the growth of communication technologies, information like this can be spread around the world in no time which allows multiple countries working in correct on this issue - Multilateralism.
  • WORLD Health Organization chief Margaret Chan today urged governments to prepare for a likely second wave of swine flu cases, cautioning they will face tough decisions on how to dispense vaccines.
  • We need to be prepared for whatever surprises this capricious new virus delivers next... constant random mutation is the survival mechanism of the microbial world
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  • governments around the world
Rika Ninomiya

NZ undoes $1m whale case against Japan | The Australian - 0 views

  • AUSTRALIA is likely to abandon its $1 million attempt to take Japan to the international court over whaling after New Zealand gave up its plans to use legal action to stop the annual cull.
  • using aircraft and ships to gather evidence against Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean.
  • But the New Zealand Government has since discovered "significant difficulties" with taking Japan to the international court and has abandoned the tactic.
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  • The hunt for evidence against Japan in its "scientific hunt" for whales became highly contentious when the crew of the environmental crusader ship Sea Shepherd was accused of piracy and violence after activists threw bottles of "acid" and boarded a Japanese whaling ship.
  • Tokyo wants to ensure Mr Rudd's first trip to Japan as Prime Minister is positive and concentrates on climate change and potential joint regional aid projects rather than whaling and the perceived snub in his failure to include Japan on last month's 17-day world trip, which included four days in China.
  • In December, Australia issued a demarche, or formal diplomatic protest, on behalf of numerous nations over Japan's plans to cull about 900 minke whales and 50 fin whales.
  • It is estimated that Australia's "evidence gathering" to form a case against Japanese whalers in an international court, which included the voyage of the Oceanic Viking and aerial surveillance, cost taxpayers more than $1 million. The Rudd Government has been "considering" the evidence for three months and has still not made a decision.
  • pro-Chinese to the point of being anti-Japanese.
  • "agree to disagree on whaling".
  • The Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister have signalled they want an end to the diplomatic row with Japan although they still vigorously oppose whaling.
  • Opposition foreign affairs spokesman Andrew Robb said yesterday Mr Rudd had to calm relations between Australian and Japan. Mr Robb said Mr Rudd's perceived "China bias" had caused concerns in Indonesia, Japan and India.
  • Mr Robb said the Prime Minister had sent a "gun boat" after Japanese whaling ships without picking up the phone to Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda.
    Very very interesting article on the relationship between Japan and Australia. Especially, after reading an article I posted previously on Okasa and Melbourne being Sister Cities. Apparently Australian government is against whaling done by Japanese and trying to gather evidence, spending over $1million, to bring Japan to an international court. And the article also mentioned how Mr Rudd is seen as Pro-China but Anti-Japan, Indonesia and India, making these countries worry.
Rika Ninomiya

City of Melbourne - International relations - Osaka - 0 views

  • The sister city relationship with Osaka was the first that Melbourne established.
  • A strong and beneficial sister port relationship already existed (established in 1974) between the Port of Osaka and the Port of Melbourne.
  • However, the sister city relationship was not formally established until 24 April 1978 at a ceremony in Osaka attended by the Lord Mayor. The stated aim at the time was to establish 'a people-to-people relationship with the aim of developing mutual friendships and a lasting and understanding relationship'.
    It's not an official or new article but I actually just found out about this and thought this is pretty cool. They even have a logo of Melbourne and Osaka Sister Cities.
Rika Ninomiya

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China iPhone man commits suicide - 0 views

  • A Chinese man suspected of stealing a prototype for the fourth generation iPhone has committed suicide.
  • "We require our suppliers to treat all workers with dignity and respect," Jill Tan, an Apple spokeswoman in Hong Kong, told reporters. 'Humiliating'
  • On 13 July, Sun reported that he was missing one of the 16 units in his possession.
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  • The company immediately launched an investigation into the disappearance; three days later he had jumped to his death.
  • during the firm's investigation he was beaten, his house was searched and he was locked up alone in a room.
  • one of the most humiliating experiences of his life
  • Mr Gu denies hitting Sun, and a CCTV image of the worker on the day before he died
  • Foxconn has faced allegations in the past that it treats its employees poorly. It has always denied such claims, and was cleared by Apple of any serious abuses, our correspondent says.
    Really interesting article on how China man committed suicide because he lost one of sixteen iphone 4th generation prototype.
Rika Ninomiya

Taking a closer look at Indonesia | The Australian - 0 views

    • Rika Ninomiya
      Indonesian Film Festival in Melbourne starts on 11 August and will ends on 20 August 2009. For more information visit Some of the films are really interesting and worth watching :)
  • WHAT do most Australians know about Indonesian art? What role do the arts play in the picture they present of contemporary Indonesia? Not much, perhaps.
  • We heard from a young Indonesian filmmaker about thriving, youthful film communities across Indonesia and among Indonesian students in Melbourne; we shared some of the songs, stories and images collected by an Australian artist from northern Australian and eastern Indonesian communities once linked by ocean trade; we saw gigantic puppets created by young earthquake survivors near Yogyakarta, performing a zany new version of the Ramayana legend under the inspired leadership of Ian Pidd and the Snuff Puppet group.
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  • So why don’t Australians know more about Indonesian arts? Why don’t our arts and film festivals abound with Indonesian entries, and our television screens with Indonesian street murals and touring rock groups?
  • So what can be done? First, we need a big new initiative from the Australian Government that would attract attention in both countries. And perhaps we should establish one or more Australian-Indonesian cultural centres and arts spaces in Indonesian cities, to showcase existing arts exchanges and encourage others. Several European countries already maintain such centres: we’d need to do something distinctive and new.
  • Back in Australia, Indonesian arts aficionados could form a strategic network, sharing information about what’s on, lobbying festivals, arts promoters, the media and government bodies.
  • We can try to make sure that next time the rock band Dewa 19 visits, its songs about Islamic love and inclusiveness reach not only rapt Indonesian students and residents, but the thousands of Australians who need to hear the message.
  • Pressure should be put on SBS to show the film Opera Jawa, whose director, Garin Nugroho, has been described by Peter Sellars as a new Ingmar Bergman or Michelangelo Antonioni. We should also urge the big festivals to stage (The Street ) by theatre group Garasi, in which violent, hilarious and moving interactions on a teeming city street graphically symbolise the confusion and creativity of contemporary Indonesia.
  • We need to keep spreading the word, while hopefully sustaining our spirits with more celebratory get-togethers in the same vein as Asialink’s Indonesia Calling.
    Indonesian Film Festival in Melbourne starts on 11 August and will ends on 20 August 2009. For more information visit Some of the films are really interesting and worth watching :)
Rika Ninomiya

Beyond them and us - 0 views

  • how do we foster a sense of community for international students in the short time they are here? And in turn, how do we bridge the often unintentional divide that underpins their experiences?
  • High-density housing is deliberately geared towards the international student market, at the expense of a broader mix. Orientation programs for international students and local students often run at different times. International students pay the full cost for transport, while domestic students get half-price concessions. And at some institutions, separate queues and counters even exist.
  • With their proximity to Melbourne and RMIT, they give students few opportunities to venture out of their comfort zone, explore the rest of the city, and perhaps build new connections. Some have few communal spaces - not exactly conducive to interacting with life beyond the campus zone.
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  • "We need to understand different cultures and perspectives as part of how we do business and relate," says Mr Campbell. "So there's actually a public good in all of this."
    Interesting article discussing how international students experience or not experience Melbourne fully during their stay here in Melbourne.
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