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Nigel Coutts

The folly of goal setting activities - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    It is soon the start of a new school year for students in Australia. In other parts of the world, the year continues after a short break for Christmas while New Year festivities are just around the corner for those observing the lunar new year. The start of the year is considered an excellent time to reflect on key ideas that matter to our learning and potential for success. But does this equate with goal-setting?
Nigel Coutts

Banishing The Culture of Busyness - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    At the start of each year we arrive back from our break hopefully rested and energised. The new year brings many new opportunities including new students, new team members and new teaching programmes. We begin again the climb up the hill with a fresh group of learners arriving at our doors full of excitement who will rely on us to meet their learning needs in the year ahead. All of this means we are at risk of starting the year with a certain level of panic. There is so much to do, our students are not accustomed to our routines, we don't know each other well, there are parents to meet, assessments to be done and before we know it we are back to being busy. 
Ellie Amable

1 Year Loans for Bad Credit: Functional and Helpful Monetary Solution - 0 views

    1 year loans for bad credit are a highly efficient monetary provision for the ones struggling with less than perfect credit status. By the help of same day loans you can get much needed financial support for fulfilling important financial commitments with ease.
Ellie Amable

12 Month Loans- Get A Stretchy Time Period Of 1 Year With Loans - Medium - 0 views

    If you want to get a lengthy time slot till a year arranged for you for the gained amount of cash then you must not miss the chance to snatch away the offer of 12 month loans. Borrowers with credit blemishes must not also stay away from applying for these loans.
Nigel Coutts

Holiday Reading List - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    For those in Australia the end of the teaching year has arrived or is just around the corner. With holidays approaching now might be the perfect time to find a good book to read and reset your thinking ahead of the start of a new year. Here are my favourite reads from this year. 
Nigel Coutts

For those about to make a resolution - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    With the year rushing to a close, this seems like the right time to set goals for the year ahead. To pause and consider what next and make some personal promises.  The trouble is that the history of setting New Year Resolutions is littered with failures. It is so easy at this point  in time to make commitments for change and then just a few weeks later to have forgotten what they were.
Nigel Coutts

Politics, Education and Lessons from 2016 - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    It is difficult to have not noticed that the Presidential Election in the United States of America has been somewhat controversial. The same conclusion can be drawn about 'Brexit'. The implications of these events will keep historians, political analysts and indeed educators busy for many years. Regardless of your political leanings there are genuine implications for educators in these events and a considered response now and in the coming months (even years) will be required. 
George Spicer

Number line interactive - 2 views

    SUPERB! Place the numbers on the number line. Loads of levels. Negative numbers and decimals. Play against the clock for a score. My class's favourite warm up, useful throughout school from year 3 to year 6.
Teach Hub

Spice Up Your Class Rewards - 1 views

    Here we are- about half way through the school year and right smack in the middle of winter. This is the time of year when I routinely feel a) so sick of inside recess and the resulting afternoon of madness that I could scream, b) like I have million things to cover and oh-my-goodness where did the time go and c) bored to death with my prize box. I'll let you in on a little secret. If you are bored by your routine, blah, been-sitting-in-the-treasure-chest-since-September prizes, so are your students.
Ellie Amable

Same Day Bad Credit Loans- Make An Application For Loans Without Facing Any Exertion - 0 views

    If unplanned cash demands are adding to your trouble then you must reach out for suitable loans like same day bad credit loans. You must proceed online for applying these loans.
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