BT Better World: Molly On Board - 0 views
QCA Science Units - 0 views - 0 views
This activity allows pupils to investigate simple circuits by dragging circuit components into place to make a working circuit. The activities form an introduction to practical work exploring circuits. Pupils have the opportunity to experiment with switches to control components in order to find out that a circuit will not work if there is a break in it.
Introduction - 0 views
Pupils should be able to name a selection of light sources, including the sun, and identify some of the uses of light in the environment. The first two parts of the activity asks pupils to sort a collection of items into those which are sources of light and those which are not. The rest of the activity deals with uses of light in the environment, asking pupils to identify the source of light in a picture and to say what the light is used for.
pollen park - 0 views
KS2 Shape, Position and Movement - Primary Teachers Network - 0 views
KS2 Fractions and Decimals - Primary Teachers Network - 1 views
Awen - Freebies - 0 views
Teaching Ideas - 1 views
Infrared Zoo Gallery - 0 views
Infrared light shows us the heat radiated by the world around us. By viewing animals with a thermal infrared camera, we can actually "see" the differences between warm and cold-blooded animals. Infrared also allows us to study how well feathers, fur and blubber insulate animals. As you tour this "Infrared Zoo", see what new information you can gather about the animals here that you would not get from a visible light picture. If you would like to learn more about infrared light and the infrared universe visit Cool Cosmos. Enjoy your tour!
Maths - - 0 views
MathSlice - 1 views
smartmeasurement - home - 40 views
IWB Mathematics - 5 views
UK Senteo Question sets - 0 views
Primary ICT - Whiteboard Thinking Skills - Start Thinking | Teachers TV - 0 views
A series of six short video clips for use on interactive whiteboards, designed to enhance thinking skills and promote creativity amongst Key Stage 2 pupils. The clips vary in style and mood, and aim to stimulate imaginations and generate discussion. The accompanying resources suggest classroom activities which can be used before or after viewing the clips.