deep integration of new learning technologies into classrooms requires substantially rethinking pedagogy, curriculum, assessment, and teacher practice (someday
teachers need to start somewhere (Monday
Both pathways are important to teacher growth and meaningful, sustained changes in teaching and learning.
consumption of media to curation, creation, and connection
flexible, mobile device for creating multimedia performances of understanding
foster critical reading of text, images, audio, and film
read in communal settings, leveraging social technologies to allow users to share notes, highlighted passages, questions, and ideas.
Focused and connected modes of reading are both vital, but they require different habits, disciplines, and settings, and they serve different ends.
focused reading mode, we hope young people will engage deeply with a text.
imagine how differentiated reading experiences in classes could be more social, how literature circles or book groups could collaborate in reading at home and then discuss their insights together in class.
it will be practices rather than apps that help students develop the capacity to read deeply.
learn both habits of mind for disciplined reading and how to control their technology environment to minimize distraction.
recognize how to strike the right balance between exploring a networked of hyperlinked texts while not wandering away from the core purpose of one’s reading
naming “attention” as a skill: having students reflect metacognitively on their attention strategies and weaknesses and think about how best to exercise their own attention muscles.
iOS 6 has a Guided
shutting down all apps before reading can be a kind of ritual of concentration, like clearing way books and papers from a desk before sitting down to read
develop new habits to make the most of our new tools. If our tools can distract us, then we need to learn more about focusing attention and managing distraction.
“Do use our network to connect to other students and adults who share your passions with whom you can learn.”
“Do use our network to help your teachers find experts and other teachers from around the world.”
“Do use our network to publish your best work in text and multimedia for a global audience.”
“Do use our network to explore your own creativity and passions, to ask questions and seek answers from other teachers online.”
“Do use our network to download resources that you can use to remix and republish your own learning online.”
“Do use our network to collaborate with others to change the world in meaningful, positive ways.”