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Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Pressure to Integrate Technology and/or Blended Learning in Higher Education - 7 views

Is there pressure on instructors to use blended learning and/or integrate technology into the curriculum in higher education? Please elaborate and add current research if available. Please add you...

integrate technology blended learning higher education

started by Dr. Nellie Deutsch on 01 Apr 09 no follow-up yet
Jim Aird

Behavior Expert Seizes Chance to Lead an Ambitious Experiment in Higher Education - Peo... - 1 views

  • The current university system is increasingly out of touch with student needs, and the entrenched players in an industry will always be too married to the old way of thinking to disrupt themselves - it takes outsiders to make it happen.
  • "too many legacy systems" obstruct reforms
Alexandre Enkerli

Next: An Internet Revolution in Higher Education - BusinessWeek - 0 views

  • The Harvards of the world won't go away. They will continue to be the high-fidelity players
    • Alexandre Enkerli
      Is this meant to reassure those who are scared by the prospects?
  • Even though technologies emerged that might foster new models of higher education, the neat accreditation ecosystem locked out innovative competitors.
    • Alexandre Enkerli
      Isn't this a summary of what some of us have to go through? It's kind of a role-conflict at the organizational level. The (manifest) function of university education has shifted away from learning toward giving credit for a set of skills. More than universities being vocational schools, it's about universities focusing on evaluation. Are there still learning institutions, out there?
  • Just as the Internet has helped blow down the doors of the music industry, newspapers, and the travel-agent business, it will eventually do the same to higher education.
    • Alexandre Enkerli
      This may be too big a leap, for a number of people. But it has the advantage of making the problem visible. In fact, in contexts through which "information" and "education" are associated with democracy, what has been happening to newspapers is more likely to convince university people that there might be a problem than anything about the music industry. Especially if we think about the obsession with "intellectual property" which seeped into university contexts and is only being challenged now.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • cheap, easy, and good-enough degree
    • Alexandre Enkerli
      Sounds like a specialized version of the so-called "80-20 rule." And it's one which sounds very unconvincing for many people in the Ivory Tower. In a way, it's like talking about having "a little bit of grace."
Jim Aird

Don't Ban Laptops in the Classroom - The Conversation - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher... - 3 views

    Keeping the discussion from becoming one sided...
EdTechReview Community

Best Educational Websites and Games for High-School Students - 1 views

    Here's the compilation of some of the best educational websites and games for high-school students.
Paul Beaufait

Online Course Accessibility to Benefit Everyone | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

    "With a process in place to ensure you meet specific student needs, you can begin to proactively identify accessibility pain points and come up with a plan for addressing them"
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