Isn't this a summary of what some of us have to go through?
It's kind of a role-conflict at the organizational level. The (manifest) function of university education has shifted away from learning toward giving credit for a set of skills. More than universities being vocational schools, it's about universities focusing on evaluation.
Are there still learning institutions, out there?
Just as the Internet has helped blow down the doors of the music industry, newspapers, and the travel-agent business, it will eventually do the same to higher education.
This may be too big a leap, for a number of people. But it has the advantage of making the problem visible. In fact, in contexts through which "information" and "education" are associated with democracy, what has been happening to newspapers is more likely to convince university people that there might be a problem than anything about the music industry. Especially if we think about the obsession with "intellectual property" which seeped into university contexts and is only being challenged now.
Sounds like a specialized version of the so-called "80-20 rule." And it's one which sounds very unconvincing for many people in the Ivory Tower. In a way, it's like talking about having "a little bit of grace."