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Home/ Groups/ INSTTECH 4131/5131 Technology in Education (Fall 2011)
Jackson Brown

About | Khan Academy - 3 views

    Free math and science education/lessons/tutorials online.
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    A good site! It's kinda like a academic video tutorial library. The resources here are really amazing! It provides video tutorials with different subjects (most of them are about math) and different levels to students and allows them to practice what they have learned through online testing. I think it's a good resource for home schooling students. Thanks for sharing!
    This is an interesting website! When I was looking at it, I wanted to bookmark it for myself to show my high school teachers. It could be used for teachers and students, but not only that parents can go on there too! I am not strong in the math area so this would be perfect for me!
    This is a great website! I have seen this mentioned on the news a couple of months ago. It has a lot of interactive videos for students and teachers to use to enhance learning. This would be a great site to show students at the beginning of the year so they can reference for assistance throughout the year. Bookmarking it now! I am unaware of any other similar sites at this point.
    This is a great tool for math and science teachers. It's a really good resource for kids to have when they are struggling with a concept. When it's uploaded as video they can chose their own pace by pausing the video. I myself have used YouTube videos like this to help me learn something new.
    I have used this site myself to help with math tutoring and it really is a efficient tool to do some quick teaching.
Mikael Rein

Twitter - 2 views

    Twitter is a social networking site. It can be very beneficial to educators if you follow colleagues and prominent figures in education. Twitter allows you to share articles and resources that are relevant to their interests and education. When you follow people who are in the education you can find lots of new valuable resources that are posted.
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    I currently have a twitter account, but do not use it that often. I think if used for the right reasons, it can be very benefical to educators. Twitter is a great way to share ideas and new resources with other educators. I would highly recommend using twitter with colleagues and not students. Trying to find a way to incorporate twitter with your students could create an unsafe learning environment, and would be hard to monitor all students especially in the younger grades.
    Dear Twitter Tweethearts! I have a twitter account and I love it! I follow celebrities mostly though just to get in on the good gossip. Just for this reason though, I don't think it should be used for schools. Perhaps at the collegiate level like I have done in some of my classes, but for high school or younger could possibly break out into bullying on the website towards a student and in some cases a teacher.
    Twitter is a very popular social networking site that many businesses, celebrities, and peers use to interact with each other. I have often been told to use twitter in my classroom. However, I am hesitant about doing this. As Joe mentioned, I do not think I would want my students to get involved in twitter during school hours under my supervision. As with Facebook, I believe twitter has the potential to become more of a distraction than a positive. It could open up a window for cyber-bulling and gossiping. On the other hand, I can see that having a twitter account to keep in contact with parents could be beneficial.

Iowa Core Curriculum - Home - 1 views

    This website is sponsored by the Iowa Department of Education. It lists the standards and benchmarks for the differing grade levels and subjects. It is a great resource for teachers to use while planning their lessons.
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    This resource is very beneficial and can be used in the classroom. I think that this resource is mostly for teacher use. This gives you a foundation of standards and benchmarks that can be helpful in making a solid lesson. For teachers that are not going to be teaching in Iowa they can find the standards for the state in which they are teaching in.
    This is a good resource for mainly teachers. I would use this resource to help create and give the final touches to my lesson plans. I think all teachers would benefit from using this resource. Having this resource bookmarked would save time, which is important for all teachers, while creating and getting ideas for lesson plans.
    This is a great resource, mostly for teachers or for students who are inspiring to be a teacher. I have used it in many of my classes and it has helped me out with planning lessons. This would be a good resource to have bookmarked on your page.
    If I were only allowed to have a handful of bookmarks, this would definitely be one that I would choose. Thank you for including this bookmark for our Diigo group.
    It is a great idea to add this resource. I myself have had to refer to this site so many times. It will be a great resource for now and for when we are in the teaching field. Thank you for adding this so it is in a common place for everyone.
John Solis

65+ iPad Apps Perfect For Elementary School | Education Technology and Teacher Tools - ... - 4 views

    I really like this site.Teachers are always looking for suggestions. For teachers who are using iPads in the classroom, this would be a beneficial site to acquire apps that will suit all lesson plans. This site provides more than 65 apps that are categorized into the subjects of Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and general apps that can be used for all. There are plenty more educational apps out there so it is important to stay up to date.
    This is a great resource for teachers starting a 1-1 program with iPads. As someone who is interested in using the iPad in the classroom, this might be the best resource I have seen. It's no question that it isn't the iPad itself, rather the apps that are developed that are the big draw for use in education. I really like that the apps featured on this site are divided into the different subjects that they entail, even sign language! This is a resource I will use in the future if I get the chance to use an iPad in my classroom.
    This is a great resource. All of the apps that are available to teacher to use is a great plus!
Molly Oleson

Discovery Education: Web 2.0 Tools - 4 views

    A great website with alot of links to different tools.
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    I like this website. Think it will be a great resource for teachers to use because it breaks down how everything works. I would use this as a resource for my classroom. I believe this site contains a lot of information that our students need to learn about.
    I love this diigo assignment. One of the most taxing problems as a teacher will be to find resources to use in the classroom. This is a resource of resources for teachers.
    This site has endless possibilities. I like all of the possible resources you can get from it.
    This website embraces Web 2.0 and all is has to offer :) It provides examples of tools we can use to help our educational endeavors.
Nelson Rokke

Free Technology for Teachers - 4 views

    This blog shares information about different resources that teachers can use for free in their classrooms. There are so many free online resources out there and this blog does it's best to bring the best to you.
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    I think that teachers can get a lot of ideas from this site. It not only has "how to" videos for using technology, but it also has lots of ides fro individual subjects. It is constantly updated with new and useful websites. The best part is that all the resources are free, and most of them have been already used in a classroom.
    I like this blog. It not only provides a bunch of free resources, but also presents ideas of how to use them in classrooms. And the related software are recommended at the end of each post.I think it's easy for teachers to explore the best software that fit into their classroom settings.
    This is the first time I have seen this blog. This blog is a great way for teacher's to save time when trying to implement technology into their lessons. For a website that is free of charge, it updates often and has a lot of fun and useful videos. I would say this website could not only be used by teachers, but also for students to use with supervision.
    This is a blog that gives tons of great ideas for teachers to incorporate technology and it's all ideas that are free.
    The individual blog of Richard Byrne, a high school US History and Civics teacher, who actively submits his educational technological findings to over 36,000 daily subscribers. Byrn's blog has been awarded's "Best Individual Blog" award the past three consecutive years; the award recognizes those who promote and demonstrate educational values with social media. This site offers many great links to resources pertaining to Web2.0 for educational purposes. 
    I really enjoy finding sources that combine many ways to use technology. I think this was a great source. I am so glad that you added this link. It will be a great tool to use when I am thinking of ways to integrate technology into the classroom.

The Rapid eLearning Blog - 3 views

    This e-learning blog has many resources for students of different ages, web-based teaching, and instructional design tips. Readers can download templates and get tips on video, audio, and graphics.
    This is a good resource that teachers can use to help guide them in any eLearning courses they may have to prepare. I will use this if I have to create such a course.
Jackson Brown

Tech Tips for Teachers - 3 views

    Dr. Solis' technology tips for teachers vodcast site!
    I this will be a great resource for my classroom. This site will show me different ways of introducing our students to different kind of technologies. This tools will be a great source for students to use. They can also take the skills they learn from these tools and use them daily.
Libby Sturgeon

Kathy Schrock's - Google Blooms Taxonomy - 3 views

    This is a graphic showing how multiple Google tools can be used in different levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.
    I've seen this before, but I'm glad you bookmarked it! This is a really cool visual aid we can use with our current students, to help them form a connection and better identify the categories within Bloom's educational hierarchical structure.
    Wow this was really fun to look at! I think it is a great source becasue it would help with ideas with what technology to integrate into the lesson so it is effective. Thank you for sharing this!
Alison Leytem

Teaching English using web 2.0 - 3 views

    This is Ann S. Michaelson's blog, Teaching English using web 2.0. In Ann's blog, she talks about incorporating Web 2.0 tools and applications with students in her International English class. There are great posts about how to use different applications, such as blogs and WebNote, as well as ideas for 1:1 classroom activities. As a future English teacher, I am always interested in learning new ways to use Web 2.0 in my classroom. In addition to presenting different tools, Ann also considers how to teach English as a second language.
    I really like this blog. I really like her ideas about incorporating web 2.0 into an ESL classroom. Whether it be ESL or just a traditional English classroom, I think that using web 2.0 is a promising way to engage students in learning English.
    I like the web 2.0 tools Michaelson introduced in her blog such as Webnotes, Timeline and he vocabulary builder VocabAhead. The webnotes is kind like a combination of google document, google reader and diigo.I think it's convenient for both teachers and students to get useful resources, organize and share them. Although the free version limit the functions, it is still worth trying. The timeline tools is a good one can be used in history course. Using timeline to display flow chart in powerpoint is also a good choice. I like VocabAhead best. It explains words by using image, voice and example sentence. Thus, it makes students much easier to understand a new word and know how to apply in real situation. I think it's a good tool can be used in English class. Thanks for sharing the blog to us.
Destery Hildenbrand

Creating My 1st iBook for the iPad with Adobe InDesign CS5 | Terry White's Tech Blog - 2 views

    Step by step for exporting an InDesign document to the epub (iBook) format. Create your own epub with InDesign, also includes some tips and tricks.
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    I liked this blog post and it could work on so many levels. A class could create a book or project and post it on iTunes. For personal use this would be beneficial as teachers could upload course booklets on iTunes for students.
    I liked this bookmark because I have no experience working with InDesign and Terry White explains the content to address a broad audience; even I could follow along and understand! I actually created a 30+ page review last spring using Photoshop... if I could only get some of that time back...
    There is no getting back any time that the Photoshop black-hole has taken from the unknowing slaves to it's awesomeness. : ) Sorry I couldn't resist, as a Photoshop instructor and connoisseur I have lost many a lifetime to Photoshop and it's mysterious ways.
Derrick Dengler

21centuryedtech - 21 Century Posts - 2 views

    A wiki about 21st Century technoogies. It as a good amount of information.
    I like this wiki. It had the information need without adding extra information that can sometimes happen in wikis. The fact that the site is protected so that random people can just add information to the site. Also this wiki is up to date. It gives a lot on link to outside resources. I can see myself using this resource in the future.
    I really like this wiki. It almost seems more like a blog, with stories on education instead of articles. I really like that it has a sign-in system to prevent from random and unwanted changes! This will be a resource I return to.
Destery Hildenbrand

VisualBlooms - home - 2 views

    A visual representation of web 2.0 tools for the different levels of blooms taxonomy.
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    If your looking for the right web 2.0 tool to meet a specific level of Blooms Taxonomy this is the place to go. A detailed chart indicating which tools associate in each area.
    This resources use of a pyramid allows teachers to quickly differentiate what technological tools will be most appropriate for specific learning goals matched to Bloom's Taxonomy. This will mainly be used by teachers but some students will find it easy to understand and can use it for developing student-lead projects that are on the Bloom's "create" level. I do not know of any other resources that link taxonomy and technology together in such an efficient manner.
    Thanks for sharing this resource Destery. Lately, apps for mobile devices (particularly iOS devices) organized by Blooms has been buzzing on Twitter. Here is a site called "Bloomin' Android," by Kathy Schrock, that organizes Android apps on the revised Blooms Taxonomy. (
    I went out and found the "Bloomin iPad" information she put together as well. I found quite a few helpful apps on the list, thanks for the information.
    This is great. Just learned about Bloom last month. It is good to have a resource that will help in directing me towards apps that will go along with the targeted part of the taxonomy. I think this will be used mostly by teachers.
John Hubbard

Education World: Technology - 2 views

    Provides teachers with articles on thoughts about technology. Technology tips and tools, lesson plans, resources are also given.
    This site is loaded with stuff. It doesn't take long to find something to use.
    This educational website priovides teachers with many great resources. There are many articles, video clips, and classroom resources that are available. It also provides links for administrators as well.
Nelson Rokke

Rich environments for active learning - 2 views

    This article highlights some of the topics discussed during a virtual meeting (UNI - INSTTEC4131/5131) on 11/16/11.  "Rich Environments for Active Learning, or REALs, are comprehensive instructional systems that evolve from and are consistent with constructivist philosophies and theories. REALs provide learning activities that engage students in a continuous collaborative process of building and reshaping understanding as a natural consequence of their experiences and interactions within learning environments that authentically reflect the world around them."
Andrew Smith

Wired Educator - 2 views

    One of my favorite blogs about educational technology. Not only does it give reviews for apps and accessories, but it also gives the educational spin, as the blog is run by educators!
    This blog gives a lot of ideas about using iPad in education as well as introduces some interesting educational apps. For teachers who want to incorporate iPad in their class settings, the blog is worth reading.
    Great site about all the info there is about the new technology out there. I like how it is able to give insight with technology.
Diana Boeck

Technology & Young children - 2 views

    A site that leads discussions, shares research and information and demonstrates best practices regarding technology so it can be used to benefit children ages 0-8 years."
    This is resource is great for early childhood teachers. The idea of using technology in this setting is hard to see but this site show you how to do effectively. It is great to see that NAEYC is has a diigo group and are doing the same thing we are doing in this class.
aric folden

More Than 5 Million Users Work Online With Zoho - 2 views

    An alternative to Google apps. You can write documents, make presentations, chat, and even have another source for email.
    This is a very useful tool, and it is free for educational purposes. I don't know how needed it is, however, because most of the features can already be found on-line for free. I feel that Google would be a better option for schools, because it is more widely used and student would be able to make use it after graduation.
Mikael Rein

Spicynodes - 2 views

    Spicynodes is a web 2.0 application that is designed for creating mindmaps. This site is a very interactive way map out information. You are also able to save your mindmaps to your account so that you can come back to them. It reminds me of Prezi with a different twist.
    I really like this site Mikael. It reminds me of the Inspiration software - but free! This would be great for schools to use who do not purchase that software. Mindmaps are a great organizational tool both for students and teachers, I can definitely see myself using this source in the future.
Johnika Bruce

Cool Cat Teacher Blog - 2 views

    Blogs about teaching students with new tools.
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    Vicki Davis, who runs the Cool Cat Teacher blog, is also active on Twitter and posts insightful tweets.
    This is a great blog, it is also one that is posted daily. This makes it extremely useful and worth my time to check. She has so many resources for any type of technology out there. This is blog is designed for teachers but is useful for students in the college of education.
    Vicki Davis is a pioneer for using online applications and Web 2.0 with students. She is a superwoman! I agree with Hailey, this blog is extremely useful for teaching candidates, because it provides us with real life examples (Vicki's students and the FCP) of how online education is working! I think this resource would prove more useful to teachers because it discusses many different things that a teacher might face, and she also relates personal stories for examples. It kind of gives us some perspective on what we might expect when using web apps and online learning in the classroom. Angela Maeirs' education blog is a similar type of blog, and both women are incredibly inspiring teachers.
    I like how there are daily posts to the website. As a teacher candidate i would consider using this site a lot in the future.
    I have been following this blog for a little over a year now. I feel like this blog is an excellent resource for teachers. This blog shows educators how they can incorporate these new applications or tools into their own teaching. This is one of the best educational blogs that I have ever come across.
    This is the first time I have seen this blog. I believe this is a great way for educators to learn new ways to incorporate new tools into their classrooms. It seems to update often, and I plan on viewing this resource in the future, because of the interesting topics that are being blogged about.
    I've been following this blog and I also follow her on twitter. She has some great ideas and I really enjoy reading her posts.
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