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Karl Wabst

Fixing the privacy joke - Network World - 0 views

    The whole idea of privacy has become a joke. On one hand we have consumers who will give away their personal details to random Web sites (as well as to Mrs. Sikiratu Seki Adam, "a widow to Late Saheed Baba Adams") at the drop of a virtual hat, and on the other we have businesses losing personally identifiable information and transaction data with wild abandon … yes, I'm talking about you Heartland Payment Systems. (Heartland lost data on more than 100 million transactions although it is hardly alone - check out the data loss database at the Open Security Foundation). This widespread carelessness has compromised the privacy of tens of millions of consumers and businesses. While carelessness is the cause, what has allowed it to go unchecked are a number of factors: The Internet making transactions easier and faster; the systems we use on the Internet (particularly Windows PCs) being as secure as the First Little Pig's house of straw; organizations not taking security seriously enough; naive consumers; and inadequate regulation of the companies that hold private data. What got me thinking about this privacy void was a letter my wife received from Nordstrom Bank yesterday. My wife has a Nordstrom credit card and the company sent us, for what seems like the 1,000th time, its latest privacy policy. This version was one page of small text that more or less says what every other privacy notice from financial services companies say (we average about one of these "revised" policies every couple of weeks).
Karl Wabst

Identity theft fears follow U.S. breach - 0 views

    Canadians who travelled to the United States in 2008 are being advised to check their credit-card statements and watch for signs of identity theft after a massive security breach at a U. S.-based company that processes millions of credit cards. Canada's Privacy Commissioner said yesterday she was shocked to learn that New Jersey-based Heartland Payment Systems, which processes credit-card transactions for more than 250,000 businesses in the United States, had found "malicious software" in its operating system. "I'm amazed to see something this significant can still happen with the importance that not only privacy commissioners, but experts everywhere, are placing on security," Jennifer Stoddard said. "I was concerned to see this going on and the size of it." Tech experts say the hack could be one of the largest ever credit-or debit-card data breaches, and that Canadians should watch closely for signs of identity theft.
Karl Wabst

Lessons of ChoicePoint, 4 Years Later - CSO Online - Security and Risk - 0 views

    It's been four years since data broker ChoicePoint acknowledged the data security breach that put it in the middle of a media firestorm and pushed data protection to the top of the infosecurity community's priority list. Since then, the business world has made plenty of progress hardening its data defenses -- thanks in part to industry standards like PCI DSS and data breach disclosure laws (click to see state-by-state map) now in place. But the latest data breach to grab headlines illustrates how vulnerable organizations remain to devastating network intrusions. Heartland Payment Systems, the Princeton, N.J.-based provider of credit and debit processing, payment and check management services, admitted Tuesday it was the victim of a data breach some quickly began citing as the largest of its kind. The company discovered last week that malware compromised card data across its network, after Visa and MasterCard alerted Heartland to sinister activity surrounding processed card transactions. The Shadow of ChoicePoint The Heartland breach comes roughly four years after ChoicePoint announced -- as required by California's SB 1386 data breach disclosure law -- that conmen stole personal financial records of more than 163,000 consumers by setting up fake business requests. Since then, much bigger incidents have occurred, most notably the TJX data breach that exposed more than 45 million debit and credit card holders to identity fraud. Heartland President and CFO Robert H.B. Baldwin Jr. said Tuesday that 100 million card transactions occur each month on the compromised systems used to provide processing to merchants and businesses. As of Tuesday, the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse estimated that a total of 251,164,141 sensitive records had been compromised since early 2005. Up to 15 separate cases have been reported since Jan. 1, 2009.
Karl Wabst

Facebook Connect: Your 8,000 Hidden Friends - BusinessWeek - 0 views

    Facebook has gone a long way to protect the privacy of users on its own site. But what happens when users share their Facebook profiles and friend lists with other sites? Are social networks responsible for defending data its members decide to take elsewhere? Those questions have taken on added urgency following the introduction of tools by leading social networks, including Facebook and News Corp.'s (NWS) MySpace, that let users interact with their friends on partner sites. Facebook Connect, for example, lets a user instantly share a movie rating on Netflix (NFLX) with all or some of his or her pals on Facebook. Privacy advocates warn that these services pose a whole new set of concerns about how user data are collected and shared among sites on the Web. Using these open-networking tools, thousands of companies can unearth a trove of new data about a visitor-age, gender, location, interests, and even what a person looks like. "I'm wondering if people really understand when they're using Facebook Connect that other sites get access to their whole user profile and social graph," says Pam Dixon, executive director of the World Privacy Forum. Announced last July, Facebook Connect has already signed up more than 8,000 partner sites, many of which plan to use data collected on Facebook members for their own purposes. Joost, a video-viewing site that integrated with Facebook Connect in December, checks the ages of viewers entered on their Facebook profiles to give its own content partners-CBS (CBS), for example-a better idea of which Joost users are watching CBS programming. will let users display their Facebook profile photos alongside comments they make on the social news-sharing site.
Karl Wabst

FTC warns of online economic stimulus scams - - 0 views

    Beware of web sites offering free money Iain Thomson in San Francisco, 04 Mar 2009 The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is warning of a rash of online scams offering payouts under the economic stimulus plan passed by Congress. Businesses and individuals are being targeted by the scammers using web sites and emails, the organisation warned. Recipients are typically offered 'grants' from the government, and must either surrender bank details to get the funds or make a small payment. Advertisement"Web sites may advertise that they can help you get money from the stimulus fund. Many use deceptive names or images of president Obama and vice president Biden to suggest that they are legitimate. They are not," said Eileen Harrington, acting director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. "Don't fall for it. If you do, you'll get scammed." Several variants have also been discovered that use malware to steal important data. These include pages that purport to offer links to sites that show how to get the federal funds. The pages are loaded with malware that can penetrate an improperly patched browser. "Consumers who may already have fallen for these scams should carefully check their credit card bills for unauthorised charges, and report the scam to the FTC," said Harrington.
Karl Wabst

15 workers fired for accessing octuplet mom's file - San Jose Mercury News - 0 views

    LOS ANGELES-Fifteen hospital workers have been fired and another eight disciplined for looking at medical records of octuplet mother Nadya Suleman without permission, hospital officials said Monday. Kaiser Permanente reported the violations of health care privacy laws to the state and has warned employees at its Bellflower facility to keep away from Suleman's records unless they have a medical purpose, said hospital spokesman Jim Anderson. "Despite the notoriety of this case, to us this person is a patient who deserves the privacy that all our patients get," Anderson told The Associated Press. Anderson would not elaborate on how the other eight employees were reprimanded, saying only that the punishments were significant. A similar privacy breach at UCLA hospitals led to celebrities' medical information getting leaked to tabloids in recent years, including details of Farrah Fawcett's cancer treatment showing up in the National Enquirer. Anderson said Kaiser does not believe any of Suleman's information was shared with the media, based on the results of their inquiry. The 33-year-old single mother of 14 gave birth to her octuplets on Jan. 26 at Kaiser's hospital in Bellflower, about 17 miles southeast of Los Angeles. Her attorney Jeff Czech said Suleman does not plan to file a lawsuit, though he suspects Kaiser employees were looking for medical information on Suleman's sperm donor. He said the name is not listed on the Advertisement medical records. "She trusts Kaiser and they said they'd look into it," Czech said. "We feel that they're on top of it and are taking care of it." Anderson could not provide details about when Suleman's medical records were accessed and by what kind of hospital employee. He said Kaiser had warned its employees about patient confidentiality rules before Suleman checked into the hospital in December. "Even though no one knew she was there, they knew she was going to have a lot of babies," Anderson said. "The extra monitoring he
Karl Wabst

Exclusive: Vandals may have checked out Fred Goodwin's mansion on Google Street View - ... - 0 views

    VANDALS who attacked Fred Goodwin's mansion could have been helped by Google's new Street View, it was claimed yesterday. Security experts say the attackers may have "cased" the shamed banker's £3million Edinburgh home using the detailed images provided by the controversial new service. It could have helped them plan the attack, in which windows were smashed and a car wrecked, by showing them how to get in and escape unnoticed.
Karl Wabst

Millions stolen in inside heist: NYPD, hospitals hit in ID theft at banks - 0 views

    Two Bronx men were accused Wednesday of masterminding a brazen bank fraud scheme in which they ripped off churches, hospitals and charities by recruiting 950 "soldiers" to cash bogus checks.
Karl Wabst

NIST proposes computer security plan - FierceGovernmentIT - 0 views

    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has proposed rules for a new automated method of checking security settings on federal computers. The process is known as the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP), and NIST has offered both programs and recommendations designed to help federal agencies use the system effectively. The proposed rules follow a July 2008 order from the Office of Management and Budget requiring federal agencies to use SCAP-validated products to measure compliance with a mandated group of security settings that run Windows XP and Vista. Public comments can be made on the NIST proposal until June 12.
Karl Wabst

Boxes Of Medical Records Found In Salt Lake Dumpster | KUTV - Utah News - 2News - 0 views

    Names, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers: information Daron Breinholt did not go looking for, but found Thursday morning. He took out the trash from the shoe distribution center, where he works, in the warehouse section on Salt Lake's west side. "I was just throwing away some stuff (in a dumpster) , and it was chock full of medical records," said Breinholt. "There's everything in there from canceled checks to routing numbers. They could steal a lot identities. A lot of identities were in there." At least some of the records appeared to come from Mountain Medical Center, a chiropractic office that had been in the Murray area until some months ago. Dr. Randall Malin said through his lawyer that he did not throw away records. "It's news to him," said Attorney Robert Harrison. Salt Lake Police packed away perhaps twenty boxes of papers, and said they would protect the documents, as they dug into the matter. Surveillance video, which 2News has not been able to see, reportedly showed two people who drove up in a red pickup truck Wednesday afternoon, and unloaded the materials from a trailer.
Karl Wabst

Amid Privacy Concerns, White House Shuts Down Health-Care Tip Line | 44 | washingtonpos... - 0 views

    Following complaints from Republicans, the White House has shut down a two-week-old e-mail tip line launched to take reports from citizens of "disinformation about health insurance reform." "An ironic development is that the launch of an online program meant to provide facts about health insurance reform has itself become the target of fear-mongering and online rumors that are the tactics of choice for the defenders of the status quo," wrote White House new media director Macon Phillips in announcing the change. "The White House takes online privacy very seriously," he added. The e-mail tip line,, was launched Aug. 4 as part of the White House's Health Insurance Reform Reality Check effort, a campaign-style rapid-response effort reminiscent of the war room Obama for America launched in the summer of 2008 to fight online rumors about the then-senator's patriotism and religion. But coming from the head of state, rather than a political candidate, the new effort quickly sparked concern among Republicans about the propriety of government collecting information on private citizens' political speech.
Karl Wabst

Facebook privacy: a guide - 0 views

    Everywhere you look (even here at Ars), there are articles about people making poor decisions about what kinds of info and how much to share on sites like Facebook. The Internet is no longer a place where you can hide out easily-friends, family, and employers are all lurking, reading your embarrassing status updates and checking up on those drunken pictures from last week. And that's just the beginning-the world of social networking is a feeding ground for identity thieves and stalkers, too. But it doesn't have to be that way. Many users are aware that Facebook has numerous privacy controls, for example, but even the most experienced Facebook users often don't know just how much they can control who sees what. For instance, did you know that you can specify...
Karl Wabst

Red Flags Rule Enforcement Deadline Extended - 0 views

    To assist small businesses and other entities, the Federal Trade Commission staff will redouble its efforts to educate them about compliance with the "Red Flags" Rule and ease compliance by providing additional resources and guidance to clarify whether businesses are covered by the Rule and what they must do to comply. To give creditors and financial institutions more time to review this guidance and develop and implement written Identity Theft Prevention Programs, the FTC will further delay enforcement of the Rule until November 1, 2009. The Red Flags Rule is an anti-fraud regulation, requiring "creditors" and "financial institutions" with covered accounts to implement programs to identify, detect, and respond to the warning signs, or "red flags," that could indicate identity theft. The financial regulatory agencies, including the FTC, developed the Rule, which was mandated by the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACTA). FACTA's definition of "creditor" includes any entity that regularly extends or renews credit - or arranges for others to do so - and includes all entities that regularly permit deferred payments for goods or services. Accepting credit cards as a form of payment does not, by itself, make an entity a creditor. "Financial institutions" include entities that offer accounts that enable consumers to write checks or make payments to third parties through other means, such as other negotiable instruments or telephone transfers.
Karl Wabst

Itineraries - Traveling by Air? Don't Book Under a Nickname - - 0 views

    TSA terrorist watchlist changes affect travel industry, document coordination requirements, security & privacy concerns. Over-strengthening one set of regulations and ignoring others simply means that the terrorists will move to safer (for them) modes of attack.
    The Transportation Security Administration is getting ready to take over responsibility from the airlines for checking passengers' names against terrorist watch lists, and is advising travelers to start booking airline tickets using their full name as it appears on their driver's license or passport.
Karl Wabst

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada - My Privacy, My Choice, My Life - 0 views

    How does technology affect my privacy? Most of us have things we want to keep private - from our parents and teachers, from our siblings, from our friends. We all know that it's important not to leave a personal journal or a student card lying around in plain view. But have you ever wondered about how technology affects your privacy? Think about the technology that you use every day - to connect with your friends, to chat online, to download your favourite music. Did you know that technologies like these can be used to monitor your behaviour online? And that this private information can be stored and sold, often without you ever knowing about it? Why should I care? Because all these new technologies can have a significant impact on your personal privacy. And if you know how to use them properly you can control your private information - and make it more difficult for others to use your information without your permission. What do I really know about my privacy? Check out this privacy quiz and find out!
Karl Wabst

On the Identity Trail - .:home:. - 0 views

    Yesterday, CBC radio's morning show, the current, featured Lessons From The Identity Trail co-author, Ian Kerr, who discussed the book and a number of contemporary challenges that privacy faces in light of emerging technologies with guest host, Nancy Wilson. Below is the the text of Nancy Wilson's introduction and a link to the podcast of the full length interview in segment #3 of the show. To some people the Internet is the world's biggest commons ... a global public square. For others, it's a realm of shadowy, anonymous figures hiding behind online aliases. But anonymity is becoming less and less a feature of life online. We aired a clip with one perspective on that trend, posted last May on the website, Taking responsibility for your actions on line may be just one way you relinquish privacy. Every day, millions of Canadians hop on the Internet to check their e-mail, chat with their friends on social networking sites, book a vacation or buy a gift. And each time they click on a purchase or post a picture, they give up a little bit of their privacy. With this explosion of information technology - there are those who warn that our anonymity and our right to privacy is in jeopardy. That's the premise of a new book called On The Identity Trail: Anonymity, Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society. Academics, governments and private corporations around the world contributed to the book, which examines how technology is changing the nature of our private lives, and what it means to be "anonymous."
Karl Wabst

Online Data Vendors and Information Brokers: How to Opt Out - 0 views

    There are many websites that sell or provide for free, personal information about individuals. This information is gathered from many sources including white pages listings (directory assistance), publicly-available sources and public records. * Data vendors that offer an opt out policy * Data vendors that do not offer an opt out policy Directory Listings: To prevent the cross-referencing of your address with your phone number, you can choose to not have your information available in the phone book or through directory assistance. If your number is "unlisted," your name, address and phone number will not be printed in the phone book, but the information is available through both directory assistance and reverse directory assistance. If your number is "unpublished," your information will not be printed in the phone book and is not available through directory assistance or reverse directory assistance. Or you can list your name and phone number, but not your address. Telephone companies usually charge a monthly fee to be unlisted or unpublished. Public Records: Please note that public records are often that--public. Web sites that provided personal information gathered from various sources are not required to offer a way to have that information removed or suppressed, though many will as a courtesy. The table below notes many of the more common online providers of public and non-public information that do offer an opt out mechanism. The opt out notes below usually only apply to non-public information. Not all web sites that sell personal information allow individuals to have their information removed or suppressed. Check the privacy policy of the site to see if they offer an opt-out mechanism. If one is provided, ask the online data broker for clarification on whether opting out also applies to public records information they may maintain. Some online data vendors will request information from you (such as your Social Security number or date of birth) to proce
Karl Wabst

I Flunked My Social Media Background Check. Will You? - 0 views

    Contrary to initial reports, Social Intelligence doesn't store seven years worth of your social data. Rather it looks at up to seven years of your history, and stores nothing.
Justin McCollen

Help Prevent Fluid Spill - 1 views

We have been working with Prenco Environmental Spill Control for quite sometime now and indeed, they have completed their job very well. They have manufactured and installed the best bunding soluti...

started by Justin McCollen on 20 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
Karl Wabst

Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security - 0 views

    Protecting National Security and Privacy: Approaches of New Administrations in the U.S. and Europe. In celebration of Data Privacy Day 2009, The Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, along with Intel Corporation, hosted a Panel Discussion on The Future of Privacy and National Security. Participants included leading experts from the United States Departments of Homeland Security, Justice and State, the European Commission, the Council of European Union, and privacy experts from the private sector and academia. A PODCAST of this event is now available on iTunes U.
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