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Union: Hacker broke into FAA computers - Security- - 0 views

    Hackers broke into the Federal Aviation Administration's computer system last week, accessing the names and national identification numbers of 45,000 employees and retirees, a union leader says. Tom Waters, president of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 3290, said FAA officials briefed union leaders Monday about the security breach. FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown confirmed the agency's computers were hacked last week. Story continues below ↓advertisement | your ad here Waters said union leaders were told hackers gained access to two files. One file had the names and Social Security numbers of 45,000 employees and retirees on the FAA's rolls as of February 2006. Social Security is the U.S. government-directed pension system, and in the absence of a national identity card, other people's social security numbers can be used to steal identities for illicit purposes. Waters said the other file contained medical information that was encrypted. "These government systems should be the best in the world, and apparently they are able to be compromised," said Waters, an FAA contracts attorney. "Our information technology systems people need to take a long hard look at themselves and their capabilities. This is malpractice in their world." FAA officials told union leaders the incident was the first of its kind at the agency. But Waters said his union complained about three or four years ago about an incident in which employees received anti-union mail that used names and addresses that appeared to be generated from FAA computer files.

Federal departments fall short on civil liberties - - 0 views

    The departments of Defense, State, and Health and Human Services have not met legal requirements meant to protect Americans' civil liberties, and a board that's supposed to enforce the mandates has been dormant since 2007, according to federal records. All three departments have failed to comply with a 2007 law directing them to appoint civil liberties protection officers and report regularly to Congress on the safeguards they use to make sure their programs don't undermine the public's rights and privacy, a USA TODAY review of congressional filings shows. An independent Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board set up to monitor the departments hasn't met publicly since 2006; it no longer has members. Government missteps such as putting innocent people on terrorist watch lists and misusing administrative warrants, known as national security letters, "might have been dealt with much sooner if we had … cops on the beat to make sure there are standards that are being upheld," says Caroline Fredrickson, legislative director at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The lack of civil liberties officers at State and Health and Human Services is troubling because the departments hold passport and medical records, says James Dempsey, vice president of the Center for Democracy and Technology. "Security of that information is very important," he says, and these officers should monitor how it's used and shared. The Pentagon also has sparked concerns. Its Counterintelligence Field Activity office was criticized by the ACLU for wrongly tracking anti-war groups - a charge confirmed by the Pentagon in 2006. A 2007 law requires eight departments and agencies to have civil liberties officers and file reports. Justice, Homeland Security, Treasury, the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence have done so. Sens. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, leaders of the Homeland Security committee, says departments not in compliance will b

Cops: Fired worker stole nearly quarter-million dollars - 0 views

    A Port Washington medical practice was defrauded of nearly $250,000 by a former employee who for four years paid her credit card bills with automatic debits from a doctor's checking account, Nassau police said. Debra Camilo, 42, of 110 Malba Dr., Whitestone, began the transfers in the spring of 2004 and even though she was fired a year later -- for reasons unrelated to the fraud -- she continued until July 2008, police said. All told, the former office manager made more than 80 unauthorized debit transfers to her Visa credit card amounting to $241,341, police said. Crimes against property bureau detectives arrested Camilo Thursday afternoon in Manhasset and charged her with grand larceny, identity theft and fraud. She was scheduled for arraignment Friday in First District Court, Hempstead.

Govt looks at ways to protect personal data - 0 views

    THE Government is looking to develop a way to protect individuals' personal data that can 'best address' three issues. These are privacy concerns, commercial requirements and national interest. An inter-ministry committee is already reviewing the issue, said Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Lee Boon Yang. 'As data protection is a complex issue, with extensive impact on all stakeholders, this review will take some time,' he said. He said this in a written reply to a question posed by Ms Lee Bee Wah of Ang Mo Kio GRC in Parliament on Monday. She had asked if his ministry will consider a comprehensive privacy law, and wanted to know what laws there are to protect people from spam mail and the unauthorised sale of personal information. Also, what about those whose photographs have been posted on blogs and other new media platforms without their authorisation, she had asked. This would be considered a 'civil matter', said Dr Lee. 'The aggrieved persons could first ask the site's webmaster to remove the pictures,' he said. 'As with matters relating to online libel and personal defamation, they could also seek professional legal advice to determine the most appropriate legal recourse.' As for the protection of personal data, the minister said that although no generic data protection law exists, such data is still protected. He listed the various measures that are already in place. For instance, there are 'strict provisions' in sectoral laws such as the Banking Act, and codes for medical professionals to protect sensitive financial and health information, he said. There are also other industry codes of practices against the unauthorised use of personal information, he added. For example. the Telecom Competition Code requires licensees to take 'reasonable measures' to prevent the unauthorised use of consumers' information. In addition, there is a voluntary privacy code, which has been adopted by many companies in the private sector, said Dr

Apple faces SEC review over Jobs health disclosure: report| U.S.| Reuters - 0 views

    Regulators are examining Apple Inc's disclosures about Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs' health problems to ensure investors were not misled, Bloomberg said, citing a person familiar with the matter. The Securities and Exchange Commission's review does not mean investigators have seen evidence of wrongdoing, the person told Bloomberg. The person declined to be identified because the inquiry is not public, the news service reported. Both the SEC and Apple declined to comment on the matter. Jobs, who earlier had said he had an easily treatable "hormonal imbalance," said last week his problems were "more complex" than originally thought, and he would take a medical leave of absence for six months. In 2004, Jobs was treated for a rare type of pancreatic cancer called an islet-cell, or neuroendocrine, tumor. Such tumors can be benign or malignant, but they usually grow slowly and are far less deadly than most pancreatic tumors.

Groups push for health IT privacy safeguards - 0 views

    U.S. lawmakers need to make sure privacy safeguards are in place before pushing electronic health records (EHR) on the public, senators and witnesses said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today. Health IT improvements are needed to improve the quality and efficiency of health care in the U.S., but patients might be wary of electronic health records without strong privacy safeguards built in, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) said. "If you don't have adequate safeguards to protect privacy, many Americans aren't going to seek medical treatment," Leahy said. "Health care providers who think there's a privacy risk ... are going to see that as inconsistent with their professional obligations, and they won't want to participate."

Two Women - 300 Identity Theft cases! - 0 views

    On Monday two women from Fort Pierce were arrested for committing 300 different cases of Identity theft on the Treasure Coast and South Florida. The two women go by the names of Tychell Letrein Robinson, 33 and Patrice V. Johnson, 26. According to the Federal Trade Commission, in 2007 Florida took fifth place in nation with regards to the number of ID theft victims per 100,000 residents. The FTC also estimated that about 9 million Americans have their identities stolen every year. The Fort Pierce Police Department, the Port St. Lucie Police Department, the Sheriff's Office as well as the U.S. Postal Service worked together in a two year investigation in order to track down these two criminals. Law enforcement agencies discovered that the arrested had somehow managed to steal the personal information of several victims and open new accounts in their names. Authorities believe that the women bought a lot of their identifying information from accomplices. In a news conference on Monday afternoon, Sheriff Ken Mascara mentioned that criminal circles were well aware that the arrested would pay accomplices $50 in exchange for peoples sensitive information. Authorities discovered that the two women met while they were both under the employment of Liberty Medical. Apparently Robinson headed the criminal operation and taught Johnson all she needed to know with regards to making thousands of dollars every week through identity theft. The arrested managed to target victims in Florida from Orlando to Clearwater and even Palm Beach. The majority of victims were from St. Lucie County and the Treasure Coast. Unfortunately it is still not clear to law enforcements exactly how the women obtained all the stolen information. police.jpg It was in the early hours of Monday morning that the police arrived at the homes of the arrested with search warrants. Two vehicles, six computers and ledgers filled with victims sensitive information were confiscated by authorities, and the women w

Groups push for health IT privacy safeguards - 0 views

    U.S. lawmakers need to make sure privacy safeguards are in place before pushing electronic health records (EHR) on the public, senators and witnesses said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today. Health IT improvements are needed to improve the quality and efficiency of health care in the U.S., but patients might be wary of electronic health records without strong privacy safeguards built in, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) said. "If you don't have adequate safeguards to protect privacy, many Americans aren't going to seek medical treatment," Leahy said. "Health care providers who think there's a privacy risk ... are going to see that as inconsistent with their professional obligations, and they won't want to participate." An $825 billion economic stimulus package, called the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, includes $20 billion targeted toward health IT efforts. The bill, which could come before the full House for a vote this week, establishes an Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, which will be responsible for driving health IT standards.

With Breaches Rising, Insurer Offers Card-Compromise Coverage - 0 views

    Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. this week unveiled what it says is the first coverage available to small and medium-sized businesses for losses from payment card data breaches. News of the policy came on the same day that a non-profit research organization reported that data breaches increased 47% last year. The idea behind the coverage, according to Brian Gerritsen, product director at Novato, Calif.-based Fireman's, is to give peace of mind to business owners who are diligent about complying with the Payment Card Industry data-security standard, or PCI, the card networks' uniform protection rules that all card acceptors are supposed to meet. "That's what we're really trying to insure against-business owners trying to do everything in their power to protect their customers' cardholder data, but still find themselves in a data-breach situation and out of compliance with the PCI standards or other security standards that may apply to them," he tells Digital Transactions News. To get the coverage, however, a merchant must clear a number of hurdles. An applicant must already have property or liability coverage from Fireman's as well as the company's general data-breach policy first offered in 2006. The new payment card coverage is an add-on to that earlier product. Coverage is available to retailers and most other card-accepting merchants, but not schools and hospitals, says Gerritsen. The insurer excluded the former because of their high rate of data breaches and the latter because they hold extremely sensitive medical and personal data. If breached, a covered merchant could recoup about $160,000 in resulting expenses. That includes up to $50,000 for a PCI-specific forensic investigation, system scans and software, and hardware upgrades to get card security up to snuff. The policy also provides up to $100,000, with a 5% deductible, for PCI fines-"contractual penalties" in industry lingo-and related costs such as chargebacks and issuersâ€

DNA scan 'could cut cost of insurance - even if results kept secret - Times Online - 0 views

    Taking genetic tests to assess potential health risks could mean cheaper medical insurance even if the results are not disclosed, a senior industry executive has told The Times. Customers who take personal DNA scans will pay lower premiums because insurers believe that they encourage a healthier lifestyle, according to Gil Baldwin, the managing director of Norwich Union Healthcare. The advent of tests for DNA variants that affect common disorders such as diabetes and heart disease has prompted fears of discrimination and the creation of a "genetic underclass" who cannot buy cover. Mr Baldwin insisted that his company did not see genetics as a tool for cherry picking low-risk customers but as a way of helping them to manage and reduce their risk of disease with the aim of lowering costs for both parties. In an interview with The Times, he said that people who take genetic screening are likely to act on the results and therefore present a much better risk profile. Insurers will reflect this in premiums, regardless of whether results are disclosed.

Google Health expands deal with CVS | Business Tech - CNET News - 0 views

    Customers of CVS' pharmacy will be able to import their prescription records into a Google Health account as a result of an expanded deal between the two companies. The deal was announced Monday. An earlier deal already allowed workers whose company uses CVS Caremark to handle drug benefits to use Google Health to store their drug records. The new deal expands this to customers of CVS' network of retail pharmacies. "We now offer all of our consumers the ability to download their prescription and medication history into their Google Health Personal Health Record, whether they are CVS/pharmacy customers, CVS Caremark plan participants or visitors to our MinuteClinic locations," said CVS Caremark Executive Vice President Helena Foulkes in a statement. "By enabling patients to download their prescription information directly into their personal health record, we are helping to close the gap in today's fragmented health care system and provide a full view of a patient's health." To use the tool, the companies said, consumers need to sign up for the prescription management feature on as well as be authenticated. With the latest deal, Google said it now believes more than 100 million Americans will have the option of viewing their drug history within Google Health. Microsoft, which is also trying to sign consumers up for its HealthVault service, announced a deal with New York-Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday which will allow patients of that hospital system to export their records to a HealthVault account.

Prying Eyes explains privacy issues to teens - 0 views

    It's been repeatedly said that one of the biggest issues our culture is facing right now, and will continue to face in the years to come, is defining and coming to terms with the legality behind privacy issues. As our lives become increasingly wired, connected and monitored privacy becomes an increasingly pressing concern, especially since technology changes much faster than laws can keep up with. While privacy issues are important for adults to be aware of right now, from access to medical records to who can see into our houses, it's probably even more important for the next generation to know what the issues are and how it does and will affect them in the future. Prying Eyes: Privacy in the Twenty-First Century by Betsy Kuhn is a book written for teens and older kids about privacy issues today in America. It looks at new and developing technologies from cameras to RFID chips, the significant laws and court cases throughout our history that have dealt with privacy issues, and how it affects each of us. Kuhn does an excellent job of keeping her subject relevant, but not too focused. Kuhn manages to show how all of these issues matter and affect us without being scary. She never turns technology, corporations or even the government into something frightening. When this is a topic that could easily have been made scary, it's nice that Kuhn managed to walk that line and make this serious without being something to obsess over.

Local government--spawning grounds for identity theft (part 3) - 0 views

    Consumers, who become victims of identity theft through access to public records, do not have a clue as to how they became a victim. They cannot know unless the fraudster who "legally accessed" the public information is caught and confesses that they used or sold the information for identity theft. Most often end users of stolen identities are caught, not the kingpins. Illegal immigrants who purchase identities on the street sometimes for hundreds of dollars do not know the source. * What can an identity thief do with a name and SSN? Here is a short list. * Make a fake Social Security Card (see image below) * Make a fake Medicare Card and get medical treatment and Medicare benefits * Use the fake Social Security Card to get a driver's license or passport * Get a job and government benefits. * Get credit and open new financial accounts * Get housing, utilities and phone service * Get insurance * Thieves use fake ID to elude law enforcement by pretending they are you.

FTC Issues Final Order In CVS Caremark Data Security Case - data privacy/Privacy - Dark... - 0 views

    The Federal Trade Commission today approved a final consent order settling claims that CVS Caremark violated customers' privacy and the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) when it failed to dispose of records properly last year. Earlier this year, CVS Caremark agreed to settle FTC charges that it failed to take reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect the sensitive financial and medical information of its customers and employees, in violation of federal law. In a separate but related agreement, the company's pharmacy chain also has agreed to pay $2.25 million to resolve Department of Health and Human Services allegations that it violated HIPAA regulations. "This is a case that will restore appropriate privacy protections to tens of millions of people across the country," said FTC chairman William Kovacic following the settlement. "It also sends a strong message to other organizations that possess consumers' protected personal information. They are required to secure consumers' private information." Under the final consent order, CVS Caremark is required to rebuild its security and confidentiality program, which will be audited every two years for the next 20 years. The HHS settlement requires the company to develop a new training program to instruct employees on how to handle patient data.

Data Breach Exposes RAF Staff to Blackmail | Threat Level | - 0 views

    Yet another breach of sensitive, unencrypted data is making news in the United Kingdom. This time the breach puts Royal Air Force staff at serious risk of being targeted for blackmail by foreign intelligence services or others. The breach involves audio recordings with high-ranking air force officers who were being interviewed in-depth for a security clearance. In the interviews, the officers disclosed information about extra-marital affairs, drug abuse, visits to prostitutes, medical conditions, criminal convictions and debt histories - information the military needed to determine their security risk. The recordings were stored on three unencrypted hard drives that disappeared last year. The interviews were conducted to ensure that the officers "can be trusted with sensitive government information and property," the Ministry of Defense said. But the interviews have now become a huge security risk for the officers and the Ministry of Defence, which has proven itself to be untrustworthy when it comes to guarding sensitive information and property.

Court Stiffs Veterans Caught in Privacy Breach | Threat Level | - 0 views

    Veterans suffering anxiety and paranoia following the theft of a government hard drive containing the medical histories and Social Security numbers of 198,000 of their brethren cannot recover financial damages, a federal appeals court says. The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in largely dismissing a class-action, ruled Wednesday that the veterans could recoup at least $1,000 under the Privacy Act if they could show financial damages, not mental anguish. What's more, the Atlanta-based court noted that the veterans - some already suffering post-traumatic stress syndrome from their Vietnam War days - likely could recover damages for mental anguish associated with the data breach if the lawsuit was before a different court. That's because the courts of appeal across the nation have issued conflicting interpretations of the Privacy Act of 1974, which allows people to sue the government for privacy breaches and recover "actual damages." Precedent in the 11th Circuit, which includes Alabama, Florida and Georgia, interprets "actual damages" as money losses only. So 198,000 veterans - whose life history was on a hard drive that vanished from a Birmingham, Alabama Veterans Administration hospital - are out of luck, even if their war-time paranoia was exacerbated by the breach. The 11th Circuit noted (.pdf) that the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals "do not restrict 'actual damages' under the Privacy Act to pecuniary losses." And the Supreme Court has refused to resolve the circuit splits.

Bipartisan Coalition Sends Letter to Congress - 0 views

    Urging Privacy Protections with Health IT Privacy safeguards are needed if funds are to be provided for implementation of health IT systems in economic stimulus package. At today's news conference, the Coalition for Patient Privacy is releasing a letter sent to Congress advocating for the inclusion of privacy safeguards with any funding given to implement health IT systems in the proposed economic stimulus package. In the letter, the bipartisan coalition, representing over 30 organizations, individual experts and the Microsoft Corporation, welcomes the renewed commitment in Congress to protecting consumers over special interests, but makes clear that trust is essential to health IT adoption and participation, and only attainable with privacy protections. The coalition is calling on Congress to "A.C.T.", by providing: accountability for access to health records, control of personal information, and transparency to protect medical consumers from abuse. Consumer trust is essential to health IT adoption and participation, and only attainable with privacy safeguards. Through these three tenets, implementation of health IT is not only attainable, but would protect the right to privacy for consumers, employees, and providers.

S'pore's privacy laws to be reviewed - 0 views

    DURING the Parliament session on Monday, MP of Ang Mo Kio GRC Ms Lee Bee Wah, asked the Minister of Information, Communications and Arts, Dr Lee Boon Yang, whether a comprehensive privacy law will be introduced to protect the privacy of individuals and their personal data. She also queried about the existing laws which are in place to protect people from spam mails and unauthorised sale of personal information, as well as protecting people whose photographs are posted on blogs and other new media platforms. Dr Lee's reply was: "The Government recognises the importance of data protection and the need to protect personal data. At the same time, we also appreciate the impact of data protection on businesses and the general public. I had previously informed the House that an Inter-Ministry Committee is reviewing Singapore's data protection regime. This review is on-going. We are currently looking into developing a data protection model that can best address Singapore's privacy concerns, commercial requirements and national interest. As data protection is a complex issue with extensive impact on all stakeholders, this review will take some time." With regards to unauthorised Use of personal data, he replied: "While there is currently no generic data protection law, it does not mean that there is no protection of personal data. In fact we have in place strict provisions in sectoral laws, such as the Banking Act and codes for medical professionals to protect sensitive financial and health information. There are also other industry codes of practices against the unauthorised use of personal information. For example, in the telecommunications sector, under the Telecom Competition Code, IDA requires licensees to take reasonable measures to prevent the unauthorised use of End User Service Information. A telecom licensee would be in breach of the Code if it shares with third parties its customers' information that was obtained from the use of its service, without the cust

Facebook privacy revisions 'sign post' for healthcare - Modern Healthcare - 0 views

    "Part one of a two-part series: Facebook, the global phenomenon in Web-based social media, rolled out a massive overhaul of its privacy protection policies and technology this week-and in so doing may have drawn up a playbook for healthcare as well, industry experts say. The privacy upgrade gives its 350 million worldwide users increased control over who has access to some of, but not all, the information on their personal pages. These new, so-called "granular" controls-specifically those embedded in the site's "publisher" function, which enables a user to post new material to his or her Facebook pages-reach down to the level of discrete data elements. The new controls, for example, allow a user to restrict who gets to see each newly posted photo or typed comment"

Former UCLA Health Worker Pleads Guilty To Accessing Celebrities' Medical Records - Los... - 0 views

    "Fomer UCLA Healthcare System researcher Huping Zhou has pleaded guilty to violating parts of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and could be one of the first people in the country convicted under the law, federal authorities announced Friday. After learning he was to be let go, the 48-year-old is alleged to have accessed the UCLA patient records system 323 times during the three-week period, mostly to check out the files of celebrities, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. The names of the targeted stars have not been revealed. Federal authorities say Zhou admitted to accessing the records -- cruising files that were not necessary to view as part of his job -- under a plea agreement. He'll face a judge for sentencing March 22. It's not clear what kind of punishment the U.S. Attorney's Office will recommend in exchange for his cooperation."
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