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Louisette Leduc

INF 6107 - Le Web social -9.4.1 Signes de changements - 0 views

    • Louisette Leduc
      Devrait être 8.4.1 au lieu de 9.4.1 . De même pour 9.4.2, 9.4.3 et 9.4.4.
    • Louisette Leduc
      question mal tournée: Quels enjeux de l'évaluation de l'information les professionnels de l'information ? Quels enjeux pour les usagers de l'information ?
    devrait être 8.4.1 au lieu de 9.4.1 . De même pour 9.4.2, 9.4.3 et 9.4.4.
Caroline Fleury

Pew: Facebook Aged 10 Is Seeing Adult Usage "Intensifying"; 57% Of Adults Are Users, 64... - 1 views

    Les 10 ans de Facebook. Impossible de les passer sous silence.
Aurélie Bélanger

Médias traditionnels - OUT? « mes.premiers.pas. - 1 views

    C'est inévitable, il y aura toujours des prophètes de malheur. Lorsque les ordis sont apparus on a prédit la fin du papier et des publications utilisant ce support. Il me semble qu'au moment d'écrire ces lignes, le papier est encore utilisé en très grande quantité. Se pourrait-il que les prédictions des grands devins ne se réalisent pas et que c'est presque toujours le contraire qui se produit ? Tout comme une très grande quantité de 'gadgets' et de produits aujourd'hui, les prédictions sont elles jetables avant usage…

Folksonomies: Why do we need controlled vocabulary? - 0 views

    Un article qui fait contrepoint à celui de Shirky et qui plaide pour l'usage de vocabulaires contrôlés pour améliorer la qualité des étiquettes créées par les usagers du web. Par Alireza Noruzi.
marc collin

Former les élèves à un usage responsable d'internet - 0 views

    Diverses information afin d'éduqer les gens en matière de responsabilité sur internet. Tel que la vie en société, certaines règles sont à respecter. Cet univer virtuel peut avoir un impact non négligeable sur le monde réel. De Dominique Droniou

Comme FACEBOOK affecte les emotions - 0 views

    Une étude récente attribue à la communauté Facebook, la perte de l'empathie dans ses utilisateurs. Apparemment, dus à la vitesse du système les usagers n'auraient pas de temps pour traiter les sentiments.
Altiplanoq .

Apprendre à s'exposer sur les réseaux ou lorsque le carnaval de Venise sert d... - 0 views

    Michèle Battisti (blogue Paralipomènes) résume l'ouvrage «Informatique, libertés, identité» de Daniel Kaplan sur les stratégies identitaires à utiliser sur internet.
Altiplanoq .

Médias sociaux : la boîte à outils pour concevoir une charte | Choblab - 0 views

    Le blogue Cholab présente le guide pratique de permettant de définir une charte d'usage des médias sociaux pour une organisation.

Social Media Site Usage 2014 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project - 0 views

    Statistiques sur l'usage des médias sociaux

INF 6107 - Le Web social - Folksonomie et filtrage collaboratif - 2.3 Usages du tagging - 0 views

    • anonymous
      [Edit : le lien fonctionne par intermittence] Le lien ne fonctionne pas. J'ai trouvé le pdf "cached" :
    • Eric Kandja
      C'est quoi encore ce lien qui ne marche pas ?
    • Marie-Noëlle Therrien
      Ce lien ne fonctionne pas.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • ysabou
      En étant membre de delicious, on peut faire une recherche avec l'url d'une page et ainsi obtenir les détails du lien : qui a marqué ce lien, les tags associés, etc.

Microsoft Word - HT06 Cameron 060611.doc - Hypertext2006.pdf - 0 views

  • Despite these individual contributions (which we will revisit in more detail in Section 2), to fully understand tagging systems we believe a holistic approach is necessary. Walker [24] describes tagging as “feral hypertext”, a structure out of control, where the same tag is assigned to different resources with different semantic senses, and thus associates otherwise unrelated resources. However, by considering the entire model, computer systems could make inferences that “domesticate” (to use Walker’s terms) these “feral” tags. For example, tag semantics and synonyms could potentially be inferred by analyzing the structure of the social network, and identifying certain portions of the network that use certain tags for the same resource, or related resources, interchangeably. These tags may be synonymous
  • Different designs and user incentives can have a major influence on the usefulness of information for various purposes and applications, and in a reciprocal fashion, on how users appropriate and utilize these systems. The design of the system may solicit tagging useful for discovery, retrieval, remembrance, social interaction, or possibly, all of the above
  • Other likely explanations for the observed correlation between social connection and common tag usage may be found in the descriptive categories of sociolinguistics which studies how different geographic and social formations structure the coherence and diffusion of semantic and syntactic structures in various ”lects” within a larger sociolinguistic system. Some of these example lects include: dialect (a lect used by a geographicallydefined community); sociolect (a lect used by a socially defined community); ethnolect (a lect spoken by a particular ethnic group); ecolect (a lect spoken within a household or family); and idiolect (a lect particular to a certain person). If we conceptualize social tagging systems within the theoretical frame of sociolinguistics, these and other “lects” seem especially applicable to understanding and classifying the apparent isomorphism between social and linguistic structures we observed in Flickr. The structures, changes, and diffusion within and amongst various “lects” in social tagging systems will likely have similar patterns to those found in social network analyses and in sociolinguistic language maps.

INF 6107 - Le Web social - 2. Folksonomie et filtrage collaboratif - 2.3 Usages du tagging - 0 views

    • anonymous
      J'ai essayé plusieurs fois de m'adhérer à ce site, j'ai pas pu

It's not kids' screen time you should worry about - it's yours - The European Sting - C... - 0 views

  • It’s not kids’ screen time you should worry about – it’s yours
  • Emerging research is starting to look at the role that parents’ screen usage has on a child’s development, and the news isn’t good.
    • carinecroteau
      Point de vue intéressant.
  • children’s development is being harmed because their parents are constantly distracted by technology.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • unwittingly likely to increase the bad behaviour and tantrums that youngsters often rely on to get attention
  • Children learned the word when the teaching was not interrupted, but when the interaction was interrupted, they didn’t learn the word.
  • The vocal patterns parents everywhere tend to adopt during exchanges with infants and toddlers are marked by a higher-pitched tone, simplified grammar, and engaged, exaggerated enthusiasm. Though this talk is cloying to adult observers, babies can’t get enough of it. Not only that: One study showed that infants exposed to this interactive, emotionally responsive speech style at 11 months and 14 months knew twice as many words at age 2 as ones who weren’t exposed to it,” she writes.
  • Perhaps more alarmingly, Christakis also points out that distracted parents put their children in danger.
    • carinecroteau
      Mettons nous inconsciemment nos enfants en danger?

BBC - Future - Is social media bad for you? The evidence and the unknowns - 0 views

  • of two hours every day sharing, liking, tweeting and updating on these platforms,
  • conclusive findings are limited
  • our feeds often resemble an endless stream of stress.
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • women reported being more stressed than men
    • travelmaniac
      worth going further into detail ...
  • modestly lower levels” of stress.
    • travelmaniac
      inconclusive then ...
  • lower moods after using Facebook for 20 minutes compared to those who just browsed the internet
  • hey saw it as a waste of time.
  • people who report using seven or more social media platforms were more than three times as likely as people using 0-2 platforms to have high levels of general anxiety symptoms. 
  • unclear if and how social
    • travelmaniac
  • higher levels of depressive symptoms among those who reported having more negative interactions.
  • threefold risk of depression and anxiety among people who used the most social media platforms
  • how social media can be used to diagnose depression
    • travelmaniac
      extremely interesting !!!
  • inhibit the body’s production of the hormone melatonin, which facilitates sleep
  • tweeting may be harder to resist than cigarettes and alcohol,
  • that excessive usage was linked to relationship problems, worse academic achievement and less participation in offline communities
  • iewing other people’s selfies lowered self-esteem
  • When Facebook users compare their own lives with others’ seemingly more successful careers and happy relationships, they may feel that their own lives are less successful in comparison.”
  • The more time people spent on the site, the worse they felt later on, and the more their life satisfaction declined over time.
  • an help boost their well-being.
  • well-being are ambiguous
  • Women spent much more time on Facebook then men,
  • xperienced significantly more jealousy when doing so.
  • a third said social media made them feel negative emotions – mainly frustration – and envy was the main cause
  • social media affects people differently, depending on pre-existing conditions
    • travelmaniac
      ne fait qu'accélérer un trait de caractère déjà présent
  • excessive use
  • because clearly it brings myriad benefits to our lives.

Shirky: Ontology is Overrated -- Categories, Links, and Tags - 1 views

  • I want to convince you that many of the ways we're attempting to apply categorization to the electronic world are actually a bad fit, because we've adopted habits of mind that are left over from earlier strategies.
    • Caro Mailloux
      need of novelty
  • because it is both widely used and badly overrated in terms of its value in the digital world.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • Yahoo is saying "We understand better than you how the world is organized, because we are trained professionals. So if you mistakenly think that Books and Literature are entertainment, we'll put a little flag up so we can set you right, but to see those links, you have to 'go' to where they 'are'."
  • You don't have to have just a few links, you could have a whole lot of links.
  • A URL can only appear in three places. That's the Yahoo rule.
  • They missed the end of this progression, which is that, if you've got enough links, you don't need the hierarchy anymore. There is no shelf. There is no file system. The links alone are enough.
  • One reason Google was adopted so quickly when it came along is that Google understood there is no shelf, and that there is no file system. Google can decide what goes with what after hearing from the user, rather than trying to predict in advance what it is you need to know.
    • Caro Mailloux
      Laisser les usagers se faire leur langage et le tagger à leur façon puis, en tant que Google, prendre cette info et l'utiliser pour créer une ''taxonomie''.
  • "Well, that's going to be a useful category, we should encode that in advance."
  • They point to the signal loss from the fact that users, although they use these three different labels, are talking about the same thing.
  • You can also turn that list around. You can say "Here are some characteristics where ontological classification doesn't work well": Domain Large corpus No formal categories Unstable entities Unrestricted entities No clear edges Participants Uncoordinated users Amateur users Naive catalogers No Authority
  • The other big problem is that predicting the future turns out to be hard, and yet any classification system meant to be stable over time puts the categorizer in the position of fortune teller.
    • Caro Mailloux
      ne pas prévoir d'avance
  • Here is, Joshua Shachter's social bookmarking service. It's for people who are keeping track of their URLs for themselves, but who are willing to share globally a view of what they're doing, creating an aggregate view of all users' bookmarks, as well as a personal view for each user.
    • Caro Mailloux
      chouette description concrète de l'utilisation de!
  • " If you find a way to make it valuable to individuals to tag their stuff, you'll generate a lot more data about any given object than if you pay a professional to tag it once and only once.
    • Caro Mailloux
      utilité du tagging
  • Tags are simply labels for URLs, selected to help the user in later retrieval of those URLs. Tags have the additional effect of grouping related URLs together. There is no fixed set of categories or officially approved choices. You can use words, acronyms, numbers, whatever makes sense to you, without regard for anyone else's needs, interests, or requirements.
    • Caro Mailloux
      Chouette description de ''Tags''.
  • The chart shows a great variability in tagging strategies among the various users.
  • But this is what organization looks like when you turn it over to the users -- many different strategies, each of which works in its own context, but which can also be merged.
  • We are moving away from binary categorization -- books either are or are not entertainment
  • But they either had no way of reflecting that debate or they decided not to expose it to the users. What instead happened was it became an all-or-nothing categorization, "This is entertainment, this is not entertainment." We're moving away from that sort of absolute declaration, and towards being able to roll up this kind of value by observing how people handle it in practice.
  • What you do instead is you try to find ways that the individual sense-making can roll up to something which is of value in aggregate, but you do it without an ontological goal.
  • you believe that we make sense of the world, if we are, from a bunch of different points of view, applying some kind of sense to the world
    • Caro Mailloux
      ''we make sens of the world together thru what's worth aggregating'' = not ontology 
  • we're going to be able to build alternate organizational systems, systems that, like the Web itself, do a better job of letting individuals create value for one another, often without realizing it.
  • If you think the movies and cinema people were going to have a fight, wait til you get the queer politics and homosexual agenda people in the same room.
    • Marie-Noëlle Therrien
      ¸Bel exemple pour démontrer la problématique.
    Un article de Clay Shirky qui nous donne son analyse de l'Ontologie, un point de vue intéressant sur les différentes façons de classer l'information sur le Web.

Facebook Launches 'Community Help' Where Users Can Register to Help Neighbors or Reques... - 0 views

  • up to 14 images and relevant tags to help sort your post for searchers.
    • rosemaliza5
      Great tag usage would have expected result
    Great use of social media to help each other.. really hope users know the importance of using of accurate tags for their posts or reachs I do think covid-19 would be enough to fing plenty offers to help and recive help during the pandemic in the neighborhoog. GREAT IDEA FACEBOOK!
André Arsenault

Protéger les Enfants du Web - 3 views

    Mon initiative va un peu dans le sens de mon expérience passée mais sur une plus petite échèle soit de regrouper de l'information déjà disponible sur le Net et de la partager avec mes connaissances ainsi que les usagers de la toile. La sécurité c'est avant tout de la prévention, et mieux seront informé les parents et leurs entourages et plus nous serons nombreux à mettre en place des barrières pour contrer les indésirables.

Cinq leçons tirées de l'usage du web social par les candidats à la présidenti... - 0 views

Le Web2.0 et la politique. De nos jours, les réseaux sociaux jouent un rôle important, surtout lors des périodes électorales. Jetez un coup d'œil sur cet article.

Activité-A 3-étoiles

started by excelsior01 on 31 May 17 no follow-up yet

Unification de l'identité en ligne; choisir entre OAuth, SAML et OpenID Connect. - 2 views

    L'unification de l'identité en ligne est le processus par lequel, nous pouvons utiliser notre profile déjà existant sur un site (par exemple Facebook ou Google) pour nous authentifier sur un autre site. Par exemple Netvibes offre la possibilité aux usagers de se connecter via un de leurs comptes; Facebook, Twitter ou Google+.
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