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Teaching With Twitter: Not for the Faint of Heart - Technology - The Chronicle of Highe... - 2 views

    Un article intéréssant sur l'utilisation de Twitter en Classe. (Auteur : Jeffrey R. Young)

Quels produits à succès nous apprennent à propos de la conception web ? - 0 views

    Le design est un art, faisant souvent parti de notre instinct. Les designers à succès puisent leurs inspirations partout (en marchant, en observant, etc.). Chaque design à succès à une histoire fortement attachée à sa conception. (Yiannis Konstantakopoulos, 2012)
Adrien Cherrier

What The 'Anchorman 2' Campaign Can Teach Us About Social Media Marketing - Forbes - 0 views

  • It’s interesting because Anchorman is about a newsman, and increasingly the news is getting their stories from what’s “trending” on social media. I think social is just going to continue to become more prominent in our society. You see it happening in very subtle ways but it’s common for newscasts these days to say what’s trending today. If someone has not fully bought into the power of social it’s just a matter of time because it’s really changing our culture. It’s changing the way news is reported and the way information is disseminated and the way that marketing is done.
    Marketing avec le web social et l'influence de la sphère sociale du web sur les médias traditionnels.
Éric Gagnon

Taxonomies make the law. Will folksonomies change it? » VoxPopuLII - 0 views

    Un article sur l'impact de la folksonomy sur le droit. Une des conclusion de l'auteur : "I have a gut feeling that folksonomies are going to change the way we search, teach, and apply the law."

100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom | Online Universities - 0 views

    Interesting article
    Contient des idées vraiment originales sur comment utiliser le web social pour enseigner et rendre certaines activités vraiment intéressantes.
Noémie Rochette

50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom | Smart Teaching - 0 views

    Le wiki peut être un bel outil en pédagogie
Simon Rousseau

Watch The Full Program | Digital Nation | FRONTLINE | PBS - 0 views

    Le chapitre un de ce vidéo d'un peu plus de 90 minutes expose un regard critique sur les changements qu'a eu les nouvelles technologies sur les habitudes des étudiants d'un groupe sélectionné d'étudiant du MIT se démarquant par leur capacité à effectuer des tâches multiples simultanés. Entre autres, plusieurs croyances ont été remises en question et des résultats de recherche y sont exposés.
Caro Mailloux

Activité-A, partage de lien 10: How to Make Your Company More Social - 0 views

    • Caro Mailloux
      Les médias sociaux ne doivent plus être bannis des milieux de travail, ils doivent être reconnus pour l'apport qu'ils peuvent fournir aux employés et ainsi à la qualité de leur travail.
  • Social networks are flooded with potential customers.
  • A social business engages the entire company, from CEO to executive assistant. Take advantage of the opportunity to foster your company’s internal community and teach valuable social media skills as the space rapidly grows and evolves.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Once you start finding way to feature and utilize the social media prowess of employees, more of the team will chime in and participate.
  • Focus on Fun Ways
  • Once they learn the basic tools and creative uses of social media, they will naturally see how they can gather more information applicable to their jobs as well.
  • Chances are you already have several employees that love social media,
  • Have everyone bring laptops and phones to the session to keep it interactive. Try setting tasks at the beginning of the session, such as creating a special tutorial hashtag, and then ask everyone to tweet photos of the tutorial.
  • It’s important that your internal experts feel their social skills and expertise is appreciated by the company. These people will naturally start helping and encouraging other employees to do the same.
  • it’s time to get everyone involved in some straight-up fun. Try launching a contest:
  • Be sure to follow up with incentives and recognition, crucial aspects of any competition.
  • Social media allows for a great deal of creativity
  • People want to learn information from social networks, but they also want to communicate with one another. Social media channels provide a way to do this outside the normal confines of cubicle culture, and can boost overall company moral by augmenting the experience of working together.
  • he opportunities to infuse social behavior into your company only increase with engagement. You’ll be able to create more advanced tutorials, educate about emerging platforms, launch new initiatives that bring everyone closer together, and much more.
    • Caro Mailloux
      On y aborde l'intégration des médias sociaux pour améliorer la cohésion au sein de l'entreprise, l'image publique de l'entreprise ainsi que l'image faite au consommateurs et partenaires. Très actuel comme sujet et, surtout, bien détaillé.   L'auteure est Mae Karwowski et le texte a été publié le1er février à 1:00.
Caroline Fleury

cooltoolsforschools - Resources for Teachers - 0 views

    Une foule d'outils diversifiés pour les enseignants afin de les aider à travailler sur le Web 2.0.
Serge Corbeil

80 Online Tools, References, and Resources | Edutopia - 0 views

    "80 Online Tools, References, and Resources" Liste exhaustive d'outils technologiques pour l'éducation Hubert V. Yee

Preparing students for the tech jobs of tomorrow: PwC - 0 views

  • There will be one million more computing jobs than applicants who can fill them.
  • Only 10% of K–12 teachers surveyed nationally feel confident incorporating higher-level technology into student learning.
  • "Students who are given dedicated time to learn technology-based subjects will be more prepared for possible jobs and view technology more like a tool and less like a toy."
    • carinecroteau
      Je partage ce point de vue.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Of the K–12 teachers surveyed, 64% say they feel more emphasis should be placed on teaching technology.
  • More than half, 60%, of classroom technology use is passive
  • While only 32% of classroom technology use is active
  • Students in underserved schools are even more likely to lack access to technology at home
    • carinecroteau
      Important de ne pas augmenter la fracture des classes sociales.

It's not kids' screen time you should worry about - it's yours - The European Sting - C... - 0 views

  • It’s not kids’ screen time you should worry about – it’s yours
  • Emerging research is starting to look at the role that parents’ screen usage has on a child’s development, and the news isn’t good.
    • carinecroteau
      Point de vue intéressant.
  • children’s development is being harmed because their parents are constantly distracted by technology.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • unwittingly likely to increase the bad behaviour and tantrums that youngsters often rely on to get attention
  • Children learned the word when the teaching was not interrupted, but when the interaction was interrupted, they didn’t learn the word.
  • The vocal patterns parents everywhere tend to adopt during exchanges with infants and toddlers are marked by a higher-pitched tone, simplified grammar, and engaged, exaggerated enthusiasm. Though this talk is cloying to adult observers, babies can’t get enough of it. Not only that: One study showed that infants exposed to this interactive, emotionally responsive speech style at 11 months and 14 months knew twice as many words at age 2 as ones who weren’t exposed to it,” she writes.
  • Perhaps more alarmingly, Christakis also points out that distracted parents put their children in danger.
    • carinecroteau
      Mettons nous inconsciemment nos enfants en danger?
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